诗经中英文对照, 每日一则



Sacrificial odes of Zhou, decade of Qing Miao

Ah ! solemn is the ancestral temple in its pure stillness.
Reverent and harmonious were the distinguished assistants ;
Great was the number of the officers : –
[All] assiduous followers of the virtue of [king] Wen.
In response to him in heaven,
Grandly they hurried about in the temple.
Distinguished is he and honoured,
And will never be wearied of among men.

[ Last edited by 班超 on 2005-10-16 at 09:00 ]

诗经还是太难懂了 印象里就硕鼠和窈窕淑女还有点印象
原来下载过电子版没有解释 打死也看不明白说什么


你就看风的部分就行了. 山东人看看鲁风, 了解一下自己的祖先.
"郑风多淫", 语言简洁优美, 更是对感情丰富者适合.
雅和颂看不懂就算了, 不能提太高要求给你.