
有大虾 指导一下吗?








1. Student account with GWDG
In order to access the WLAN and the computer pools of the university you need to open a student account. The account costs 10 € per semester, and allows internet access for the purpose of academic studies; commercial usage of the account is not allowed. Also, every student may only have one account and must not allow others to use her/his. The fee covers 40 MB of disk space, a mail account, free support and various other services
( http://www.stud.uni-goettingen.de/support ).
Internet access is possible in many ways: There are many WLAN access point spread all over the city ( http://www.goemobile.de/apadmin/aplist.php ) and currently about 350 accessible computers on campus ( http://raeume.stud.uni-goettingen.de ). You can also log into the university network from home via ISDN or modem, this information is quite extensive, please consult the respective GERMAN site
( http://www.stud.uni-goettingen.d ... ang_allgemein.shtml ).
Also many dormitories are connected to the university (see the actual list on http://www.goe.net/wohnheime/ ).
2. Registering the student account
In order to register, you need your "Matrikelnummer" (ID number) which you receive after your enrollment. You also need your student ID card. Accounts can be opened at the SUB or at the library of the Forstwissenschaftliche Fakultät (forest science faculty) in Büskenweg 5. After registration you must activate the account within the next 14 days. AFTER the activation of the account you have another 14 days to pay the 10 € via bank transfer. Violation of this rule will lead to deactivation of the account; if you transfer the money before the activation of your account it cannot be attributed to any activated account and will not go through.
The activation procedure is the first login to the network. These steps differ somewhat depending on your location (SUB, home, dorm).
SUB: open a terminal on a linux machine and enter "ssh s1". Answer the following authenticity request with yes. Enter your password. Enter your Matrikelnummer. Answer all following questions (do NOT use the german umlauts ä,ö,ü, or ß). After completion, check your summary and affirm with "y". Now wait for the system to complete your registration and your are done with this part.
HOME/DORM: While being online, visit telnet://login.stud.uni-goettingen.de OR execute the command "telnet s1.stud.uni-goettingen.de". A window will open, enter your userID (login) and confirm with return. Enter your password. Now, the window will ask for Matrikelnummer, name and surname in that order. Further information is voluntary and only important for return calls from the hotline. Confirm the summary of your information with "y" and your login is completed, close the console with "exit". This step does not work in the MPI-em and might also not work in other protected network facilities!
In case that you receive the answer "Matrikelnummer schon vorhanden", you already have an account with the university (which should not happen with us). In that case, see the hotline team (Blauer Turm, ground floor, left). The hotline is only responsible for the accounts; if you need help with connecting your PC to the dorm-network, contact your dorm's internet tutor!
After you have activated your account you need to pay the fee of 10 € within 14 days. Make a payment to the following account:
Empfänger (Receiver): GWDG
Kto.Nr. (Account-#): 483 010 63
BLZ (bank ID-#): 260 500 01
Bank name: Sparkasse Goettingen
As "Verwendungszweck" (purpose) enter the following information:
Account: <Your GWDG-userID including the s, e.g. s123456>
WS2004 <e.g., abbreviation of the semester, SS (summer) or WS (winter) followed by the year)>
Matr-Nr.: <your Matrikelnummer>
--> Please do not use any dots or spaces within the userID! There is an example at http://www.stud.uni-goettingen.de/support/account/#wie .
Accounts are only valid for the current semester, running until the end of March or September, depending on when you transferred the money. Refunds in case of absence or similar reasons are not possible! In case you do not want the account anymore, simply do not transfer the money to the GWDG and your account is "resting" until you transfer 10 € to the account. An account can be reactivated even after several semesters of absence.
Forgot your password? See the hotline team (Blauer Turm, ground floor, left), dont forget to bring your student card!
When registering, you agree to several licences, see at
http://www.stud.uni-goettingen.de/benutzerordnung/ .
Violations to these terms will lead to deactivation of your account.