[国际新闻] 英国教授绘智商地图 中日朝三民族得分最高

南海网1月24日消息:在收集、研究了130个国家的智商测试数据后,英国阿尔斯特大学名誉教授理查德·林恩得出了一个大胆结论:中国人、日本人、朝鲜人拥有全世界最高的智商,平均值为105。作为东亚人当然愿意相信林恩教授的研究结果,但是他的结论却引发了包括种族歧视等话题的争议。& _9 |0 W, G# h& h$ n. E  \

* }, b; N2 [3 J  不同地区智商有差异
8 Z( O( e' @, N/ H) ?人在德国 社区/ W9 m9 O* H+ k
  理查德·林恩教授是智商领域的资深研究者,1977年开始从事人种智商研究。2005年,林恩教授公布了一项“大胆”的研究成果,称“男性比女性的智商高5点”,招致了众多批评。随后,林恩还对世界各国大学生的平均智商进行了比较,结果发现,美国大学生智商为110,居全球之首,而英国大学生紧随其后,平均智商109。rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de. w2 |  ~1 s% {! D$ n  E
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  林恩教授表示,上世纪70年代,他注意到日本的飞速发展,作为智商研究专家,他萌生了“日本经济迅速发展是否与拥有较高的智商有关”的想法,于是便开始对日本人的智商进行调查,结果发现日本人均智商达到了105。之后他又猜想,中国人是否也拥有高智商?调查结果证实了他的想法,中国人的平均智商也达到了105。# `+ `4 j) P' m- W# L; P1 g
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: u2 J5 N  U/ }( e  智商与人种到底什么关系
# F: L+ ?5 Q" g  l人在德国 社区
& p$ i+ M% J' O# V! X8 q% a人在德国 社区  西方学界认为,所有人种的智商都是一样的,研究人种智商的差异被认为是种族歧视,因此林恩的研究在西方饱受争议,引起争议之处并不在于林恩所说的“东亚人比欧裔白人更聪明”,而在于他宣称的“白人比黑人智商更高”,林恩教授的研究却踩上了“种族主义”这颗地雷。2 t- M6 _# L, W% _% D4 b

) [1 Q5 z3 e0 z: ~$ J$ C  在林恩IQ地图的东亚板块,人们对这一结果也提出了疑问。对于世界最聪明人的美誉,韩国的《朝鲜日报》22日在其网站上刊登了一篇题为《韩国人智商全球最高水准?IQ世界地图引发争议》的文章,对林恩教授的观点表示怀疑,指出“林恩教授的研究成果包含有人种偏见。据悉,向林恩教授提供财政支援的基金会和出版其著作的出版社都有强烈的反犹太主义倾向”。此外,《朝鲜日报》的这篇报道还指出,“不发达的国家没有可信的智商测试结果。”* b; d8 C: V, ?# Y6 o+ O* v

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7 Y7 `1 O5 t/ z$ i. t) B1 |+ BIQ Map Sparks Controversy
. Y. l. l: T% h9 i, ?: M* s. w8 t  人在德国 社区7 F" {* e, O& b5 `. t. j2 ~2 ^
A British professor has released a map which plots out his dubious claims that some races are naturally smarter than others. The so-called "IQ Map of the World" created by professor Richard Lynn of Ulster University shows the varying intelligence levels of races around the world according to his controversial research. ' p4 x! N7 E8 G  l+ T3 C6 O" S
In his 2006 book "Race Differences in Intelligence: An Evolutionary Analysis", Lynn divided the world into 10 zones and analyzed their average IQs. His results found that East Asians (Chinese, Japanese and Koreans) have the highest mean IQ at 105. These are followed by the Europeans (99). Below these are the Inuit (91), South East Asians and native American Indians (87), Pacific Islanders (85), South Asians and North Africans (84). Well below these come the sub-Saharan Africans (67) followed by the Australian Aborigines (62). The least intelligent races, Lynn claims, are the Bushmen of the Kalahari desert together with the Pygmies of the Congo rain forests (54). 5 w! M( J3 O( E3 L5 e) t$ a: I
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人在德国 社区& a9 h8 @' ]. B3 Q: L
The scholar has published several books on race differences and sex differences in intelligence. He says his latest work is based on extensive data including 620 kinds of test results published all over the world. That data, Lynn claims, shows that race and average winter temperature are related to IQ, meaning races which must deal with cold winters have developed higher intelligence for survival.
; G3 |6 j7 \$ p& l) ]5 e& GHowever the relations between average winter temperature and intelligence are not linear. The average winter temperature in East Asia is minus 7 degrees Celsius, an optimal condition for high IQ. But in the Arctic where the mean temperature is minus 15 degrees, conditions are too cold -- thus the lower average IQ of the Inuit.
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* `  V: T9 T& P6 i, lLike much research regarding race and intelligence, Lynn's work has been controversial. When taken as national averages, the data available, particularly regarding the developing world, is speculative because samples and tests are limited and sometimes poorly regarded. Lynn has also been accused of racial prejudice. His financial supporter Pioneer Fund and his publisher Washington Summit have been called anti-Semitic. Lynn also came under fire in 2005 when he claimed that men have a mean IQ five points higher than that of women.

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