[国际新闻] 纽约餐厅超名贵薄饼 售价一千美元

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  它是餐厅老板塞利马杰花了逾一年时间研制,至今已售出一个。由于预备材料需时,鱼子酱要在提早落订,因此顾客想吃的话,必须在一日前预订。这款薄饼究竟是否物有所值,实在见仁见智,但塞利马杰就对这款薄饼充满信心,认为吃得起的顾客一定会回头再光顾。但顾客如果还有余钱,可以光顾邻近一间餐厅,它推出了一款金箔雪糕新地,上铺23卡金叶,一客要1000美元。rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de  z9 t. F4 S6 n8 }8 O. t: G

" J( {' Y  T" Z* O. K7 @rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de  塞利马杰29年前由阿尔巴尼亚移居纽约市,在当地开了6家意大利薄饼餐厅。其中只有位于曼哈顿的Nino's Bellissima餐厅,才推出这款名贵意大利薄饼。他相信,这种豪华薄饼大有市场,因为它非常美味,顾客一定会再次光顾。人在德国 社区2 [8 `" `5 t6 y- ?$ q
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Delivery isn't included in price of $1,000 pizza人在德国 社区) }% v! q, B: ]$ w8 i

5 N0 j  v% t+ _rs238848.rs.hosteurope.deNEW YORK - The city that brought you the $55 macaroni and cheese and an omelet that cost a grand now has a pizza to match." J$ y3 [" P# v& K& _2 _- s
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An East Side eatery has given a makeover to the city's fast-food favorite - and added a gulp-inducing $1,000 price tag.
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Nino's Bellissima Luxury Pizza is piled high with 8 ounces of caviar, slices of fresh lobster, wasabi and chives on a creme fraîche sauce.% [$ [; d2 ]4 y! M9 J

5 v( M1 X' T! s( G: [- Z+ U"It's not for everyone," says Nino Selimaj, owner of the restaurant, who recommends washing down the creation with Dom Perignon rather than Coca-Cola.
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9 h" C# m3 o) V9 m5 A0 P, Z: I"It's something special. It's a pizza for people who like luxury. It's the most expensive pizza on Earth."
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8 o* q* V  B! v$ K5 [3 zAs of Wednesday, the pricey pie had been bought by only one customer - private investigator and restaurant regular Bo Dietl.rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de7 z7 ?( b2 M$ j
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"When (Selimaj) told me about it, I thought he was on crack," Dietl said. "But eating it was like Disney World. The balls of caviar just pop in your mouth. It was an exciting taste."8 b9 k4 T2 H/ o
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Selimaj's pizza price matches the $1,000 omelet that graced Le Parker Meridien hotel's menu in 2004 and makes the truffle-topped mac and cheese at the Waverly Inn look like a relative bargain.: g# @4 P) s. S/ o8 L' v

8 }, s* i' Z- y& O% Srs238848.rs.hosteurope.deHe said he experimented with truffles before settling on lobster and caviar./ T) J6 I1 z+ e7 p6 M- p
& r" S3 A" g* h% R, D& ?1 E
And, yes, there's a markup, but a pie costs $720 to make, he said. Orders have to be placed 24 hours in advance.人在德国 社区1 S+ r% R& F3 P. S
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A New York Daily News reporter who had a bite thought it "was tasty."2 H, R: W: T  i! M

9 A) i$ w) m- C* @"I felt like I was eating a high-end appetizer," he said. "The blend of the dough and the creme fraîche sauce and the fish - it all seemed to work well together."rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de% r5 ^- Q2 ?6 v# B9 r
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Customer Lori Irushalmi, 33, a Manhattan mom, tried a free slice Wednesday, folding it in two like a true New Yorker.0 W" J6 R# @; F8 ]& ?# @

$ a0 b$ N0 Q# A! ?1 X"It's not bad," she said. "It's salty, it's fishy, but it's not overpowering."
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"It's tasty," she concluded, "but I would never pay for it."
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One grand pizza.jpg (63.81 KB)

One grand pizza

One grand pizza.jpg