[国际新闻] 协助病人康复 法国大学拟设小丑学位课程

小丑一向给人的形象,是为众人带来欢乐,但如何成为一名专业的小丑,世界各地则鲜有大学提供相关课程。如今法国文化部打算开创先河,让国内的大学设立小丑学位课程,供有兴趣人士攻读,以获取专业资格;以为在医院治病的病人提供“欢笑疗法”,也有协助病人加快康复的作用。& f) @* h" Y0 C
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  这个小丑学位课程为期一年,由位于法国中部的里昂第二大学(Lyons II University)提供,计划在今秋起开办。* l$ {8 x  I/ w; g: x/ t$ t/ |
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  法国里昂第二大学副校长莫勒指出,法国愈来愈多人有志成为专业的小丑,由于需求庞大,校方认为是开办相关学位课程的适当时候。有关课程可以为攻读人士提供技术训练,毕业生均可获发相关文凭。- L1 h; ~' l) I8 Q3 q) D
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  小丑课程包括理论学科,例如人类学、社会学及经济学,旨在为学生提供世界娱乐事业的专业知识,因为他们随时有机会管理一个马戏团。rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de- h! U" U7 d# R5 m5 P/ y8 o' j) |
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  在里昂第二大学完成学科课程后,学生需要进入圣昂代奥勒堡的马戏及小丑艺术院实习,透过实践学习一些身体语言、表演技术、声音技巧及韵律感。' }: b/ U  x- K1 }4 j1 }! {, m5 q
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  多项研究亦显示,如能为病人提供“欢笑疗法”,可以协助他们早日康复。而医院病人及安老院舍的长者,更是特别需要外界为他们带来娱乐的一群。1 L  i) K3 a' _' L) Z( n$ a
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A bucket of whitewash, a pie in the face . . . and a degree
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Students have been clowning around for generations but rarely have they been given a university qualification for doing so. / W; w! k# K9 n6 A

5 Y2 U+ O: c, X7 f& ?rs238848.rs.hosteurope.deNow the French Education Ministry is to award it official recognition by authorising the launch of a degree in how to be a clown.
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The pioneering one-year, postgraduate course is being laid on by Lyons II University in central France and is expected to begin this autumn. ( p# V5 S2 b; \+ B: `/ b& ?7 `+ ~+ @
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“There is a huge demand from people wanting to become clowns in France and we thought it was time to offer technical training and a diploma in this area,” said Marie-Thérãse Maurer, the vice-chancellor of the university.
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Students will follow a syllabus that included anthropology, sociology and economics. “It is important for them to have a good knowledge of the world of entertainment in case they go on to manage a troupe,” said Mrs Maurer. , S0 U0 `& u% K& B# X

8 g, W5 D2 M7 |After the lecture theatres of Lyons II University, students will move to the House of Circus and Clown Arts, at Bourg-Saint-Andéol, also in central France, for practical education. / H6 \( ~3 ?( f, ]

4 x5 X0 D* v4 C7 m4 qrs238848.rs.hosteurope.deAmong the subjects on offer are corporal presence, voice games and body and rhythm.
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, J( E  M6 b" ?% v) A5 ]The vocational degree will end with an apprenticeship, mainly in hospitals, children’s centres and old people’s homes. rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de# Y' }' h* ?7 u! P
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“These are the places where the demand for clowns is greatest now,” said Mrs Maurer. “The phenomenon is growing following the arrival of theories about laughter therapy, and the idea that old people in homes and hospital patients need to be entertained. With people living longer, we are going to need more and more clowns.”
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+ I- O5 Y6 P6 o* u; H人在德国 社区To avoid saturating the market, officials have restricted the number places on the Art of the Clown course to about 15. Candidates with an undergraduate degree in theatre studies or a related subject are more likely to be chosen but all will undergo a one-month test to demonstrate their aptitude.
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Claire Paysson, coordinator of the House of Circus and Clown Arts, said: “There is a clown in all of us and we have to find it. Perhaps you’re a clown and you don’t know it.” 7 L5 ~5 U' K# n9 T
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We’re born, not made " E3 I- i) `$ r/ r9 e! }
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The world is made up of two sorts of people: those who are clowns and those who are their audience. Great clowns cannot be taught. The idea that you can get a degree in clowning is frightening. I've been a clown for 40 years, I run a circus school and we train everyone but clowns. 4 W( y0 k" _1 ~7 O+ H5 Y8 ^) D
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Of all the circus disciplines clowning is the hardest to learn. A great clown must stand mentally and physically naked before an audience. You need to be willing to lose all your dignity.
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1 `# p6 {$ w3 y6 m, _3 wI learnt through many years of training in mime, clowning and acrobatics. We train clowns in the harsh environment of the circus ring. The X Factor was not invented for TV, it was invented by clowns 200 years ago. If people laugh at what you're doing, you're good. If not, you're out.

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