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标题: slang/idiom today (Dec.25-Dec.31 05) [打印本页]

作者: Moses    时间: 2005-12-26 01:08     标题: slang/idiom today (Dec.25-Dec.31 05)

There are many interesting english slangs/idioms connecting with animals. We've come across some of them, like "don't be a chicken", "don't count on your chickens", and "every dog has his day", and so on. In the following 7 days we will have more fun on it.

Dec. 25 05

"birds of a feather"


1) No wonder that they two are such good friends. They are birds a feather.

2) Birds of a feather flock together.这句本身也是谚语. 可以翻译成"物以类聚,人以群分."(需要注意的就是我们中文的"物以类聚,人以群分"应该说是中性的.而这里通常是贬义的,所以使用的时候,一定要注意语境.)

German Version: Gleich und gleich gesellt sich gern.


Dec.26 05

"black sheep"

Black sheep refers to someone who is thought to be a failure of a group, or who has done sth. wrong and brought shame on the group.


值得注意的一点是:这个词组是个固定词组,重音应该是在第二个单词,也就是sheep上.如果读成  'black sheep的话,也就是重音在第一个单词black上,那意思就变成了"黑色的羊"了..完全不同的意思.:)

1) He's leading a luxurious life and spending all the money on the nonsense; he's really the black sheep of the family (败家子).

2) A: Tom betrayed his company and let out all the top secrets to their competitive company.
    B: I've told you once, he is a black sheep of your company.

German Version: ein schwarzes Schaf, ein raeudiges Schaf


Dec. 27 05

"spring chicken"

nice to see again an expression dealing with "chicken". This phrase is usually used in American English. Originally, it means "a young chicken suitable for cooking". To extend the meaning of it, we get "a young person". btw, this phrase is used in negative form.


1) Well, she's certainly no spring chicken. (中文也很有趣,把这叫做"黄毛丫头":D)

2) Don't treat me like that. I'm no spring chicken any more.

German Version: 原义为 Brathuehnchen.  
                      She is no spring chicken. = Sie ist nicht von gerstern. od. Sie ist nicht mehr die Juengste.


Dec. 28 05

"Even a worm will turn (being trodden on)."

字面意思就是:就算一条蠕虫在你踩上它,它也会缩缩身体. 引申出来呢,这个习惯用法可以适用于诸如: 如果太过分了,就算再温顺的人也会反抗. "狗急也会跳墙","人急了也会咬人"..之类的语境中.这个习惯用法真的很有用..:):)

1) Don't beat your kids like that. It's no good for them. You should know, even a worm will turn. If you wanna them respect you, you should have patience, talk with them and get to know them.

2) I've had enough from Manager Wang. He only asks us to work, but never respects us. I'll let him know, even a worm will turn.

German Version: Auch der Wurm kruemmt sich, wenn er getreten wird.


Dec. 29 05

"to fish in troubled waters"
这个谚语出自《伊索寓言·渔夫》. 这篇寓言讲的是:有个渔夫在河里张网捕鱼,他把鱼网横栏在河道里,然后拿了一条缚着石块的绳子,不停的拍击河水,使泥沙泛起,河水浑浊,鱼儿在慌乱中纷纷自投罗网,渔夫用这个方法捕得了好多鱼.但住在附近的人指责渔夫说:"我们饮水全靠这条河,你把水搞得这么浑,叫我们到哪里去找清水饮用呢?" 渔夫回答说:"可是,我若不把水搞浑,那就非饿死不可了."


to fish in trouble waters means to try to win advantages for oneself from a disturbed state of affairs; to make use of sb's misfortune to serve one's own ends.
it's good fishing in troubled waters. (混水好摸鱼)

1) I refused to let them come here because i knew they only wanted to fish in troubled waters.

2) Those who made large profits out of illegally selling rationed goods during World War II were fishing in troubled waters.

3) The man who interferes in Iraqi politics is fishing in troubled waters.

German Version: im Trueben fischen


Dec. 30 05


In term of American slang, the word "dog" can mean a failure or a disppointment.

1) This party on last Friday was a real dog.

2) How dare you cheat in the final exam? It was a real dog! It's too bad!

German Version:Misserfolg


Dec. 31 05

"can't/couldn't say boo to a goose

"boo" is a shout of disapproval or strong disagreement. When you are not satisfied with something you will produce the sound of "boo"/"boos". If you can't say boo to a goose, you are too easily to get frightened, instead you speaking out against it. So we use this express to show that someone lacks courage and confidence. This expression has reminded me of the other one we've come across last week: the word "chicken"..:)

1) I don't think he can take the responsibility of this important project. We al know, he can't say boo to a goose.

2) If you want to get to know more German friends in Bochum, you need to talk with them. You know, communication is always that important. Don't like those who can't say boo to a goose.

German Version:
He can't say boo to a goose.= Er ist ein Hasenfuss.

Happy New Year, everybody!14.gif14.gif14.gif

[ Last edited by Moses on 2006-1-4 at 14:14 ]
作者: Moses    时间: 2005-12-29 14:14

Originally posted by 阿金 at 2005-12-29 00:12:
hey,moses,where's our 27th and 28th????
I read your post everyday,can't wait to see your new post.

sorry for that. i had a break these days. :)
will complete it right away..
作者: 环球特价票务网    时间: 2008-7-22 14:06     标题: 北京飞克利夫兰留学生机票,北京到克利夫兰留学生特价飞机票

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