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标题: 【物流】世界10大物流公司介绍 [打印本页]

作者: wamway    时间: 2006-6-27 22:43     标题: 【物流】世界10大物流公司介绍




[ 本帖最后由 qquchn 于 2006-6-28 09:38 编辑 ]
作者: wamway    时间: 2006-6-27 22:44     标题: 2.FedEX

业务概况:FedEX公司的前身为FDX公司,是一家环球运输、物流、电子商务和供应链管理服务供应商。该公司通过各子公司的独立网络,向客户提供一体化的业务解决方案。其子公司包括FedEX Express(经营速递业务)、FedEX Ground(经营包装与地面送货服务)、FedEX Custom Critical(经营高速运输投递服务)、FedEX Global(经营综合性的物流、技术和运输服务)以及Viking Freight(美国西部的小型运输公司)。


    2001年1月11日,根据一项能够产生63亿美元收益的合约,FedEX将在各机场间为美国邮政服务系统运送特急件和快递信件。在未来的18个月内,FedEX将支付1.26亿至1.32亿美元给予邮局,作为在10000家邮局内设立收件箱的费用并保留在其余38000家邮局设立收件箱的权利。上述举措将使该公司获得约9亿美元的新增收入。2000年12月29日,FedEX宣布计划按照每股28.13美元的价格收购American Freightways公司1638万股,以实现其最初提出的收购该公司50.1%股权的承诺。

[ 本帖最后由 qquchn 于 2006-6-28 09:39 编辑 ]
作者: wamway    时间: 2006-6-27 22:45     标题: 3.德国邮政世界网(Deutsche Post World Net)

业务概况:德国邮政是德国的国家邮政局,是欧洲地区领先的物流公司,并着眼于成为世界第一。近期更换了品牌(改名为Dertsche Post World Net,简称DPWN)。一方面为挂牌买卖做准备,另一方面也是意识到了其业务的全球化特点以及电子商务日益重要的影响。DPWN划分为四个自主运营的部门,即邮政、物流、速递和金融服务。

    邮政部门由邮政、市场直销和出版物发放业务组成,建有最高水准的作业网络,由遍及德国的83家标准化分检中心组成,并越来越重视高成长的市场直销业务。速递部门通过Euro Express Germany 和Euro Express Europe的全球邮政和国际邮政业务部门提供覆盖欧洲的快递业务;通过与DHL(德国邮政世界网拥有其25%的股权)的合作提供全球业务。




    2001年1月,德国政府为邮政部门制定新的立法,新法律将允许国家出售其在德国邮政持有的多数股权。2000年11月,德国经济部长称政府将不会按照原计划在2002年年底结束Deutsche Post的完全垄断。同时德国邮政有意将其在DHL International 的持股比例从50%提高到75%。

[ 本帖最后由 qquchn 于 2006-6-28 09:41 编辑 ]
作者: wamway    时间: 2006-6-27 22:46     标题: 4.Maersk/A.P. Moeller

Maersk Sealand是世界上最大的航运公司,拥有250艘船舶,其中包括集装箱船舶、散货船舶、供给和特殊用途船舶、油轮等,该集团还拥有大量的装卸码头,并提供物流服务。Moeller的附属公司同时还在挪威、委内瑞拉和其他国家进行石油和天然气的钻探。另外,该集团还从事船舶和联运集装箱的制造,药品生产,并经营一家国内航空公司Maersk Air和提供信息服务。另外,该公司还拥有丹麦第二大连锁超级市场。

[ 本帖最后由 qquchn 于 2006-6-28 09:41 编辑 ]
作者: wamway    时间: 2006-6-27 22:46     标题: 5.Nippon Express(日通)


[ 本帖最后由 qquchn 于 2006-6-28 09:42 编辑 ]
作者: wamway    时间: 2006-6-27 22:47     标题: 6.Ryder



    2000年11月20日,Ryder系统公司与丰田(美洲)公司及其日本母公司丰田集团共同组建了一家名为TTR物流公司的合资企业。新的实体由Ryder公司和丰田公司持有相同的股份,将主要集中留意与丰田以及其他在北美地区的日本汽车公司相关的运输与物流业务机会。2000年11月14日,Ryder公司和From2 Global Solutions公司(全球各大公司国际物流技术和贸易智能的主要供应商之一)宣布达成策略性联盟关系。Ryder系统公司将利用From2公司的解决方案,通过互联网向其顾客提供具体的国际贸易服务。

[ 本帖最后由 qquchn 于 2006-6-28 09:43 编辑 ]
作者: wamway    时间: 2006-6-27 22:48     标题: 7.TNT Post Group



    2001年1月,TNT Loop从Yamaha Motor Europe手上取得一份efulfilment合约。TNT将为日本汽车商提供网上商店,以提供“Back-End”服务,包括处理、仓储及发送。2000年12月,Ctil Logistix 与北美的TNT Logitics进行合并,成为北美第七大物流公司。2000年11月,TPG选择了Vivaldi软件作为全球客户关系管理系统,以图监控及改善销售活动并管理客户服务运营。2000年10月,TPG与上海汽车实业共同建立第三方物流合资公司。这个价值3000万美元的合资企业为TPG打开了中国汽车物流市场的大门。

[ 本帖最后由 qquchn 于 2006-6-28 09:43 编辑 ]
作者: wamway    时间: 2006-6-27 22:48     标题: 8.Expeditors


Expeditors History

Expeditors is a global logistics company. Expeditors satisfies the increasingly sophisticated needs of international trade through a worldwide network of responsive, highly-trained professionals and integrated information systems. Services include vendor consolidation, air and ocean freight forwarding, insurance, ocean consolidation, distribution and value-added services.
2005 -- 226 locations

In a year of more mergers among other logistics providers and carriers, Expeditors stays true to its vision of organic growth, with five new locations in Asia, six in Europe, two in Latin America, and one each in North America and the Middle East.

The number of employees worldwide now exceeds 10,000 and total revenues approach four billion ($3.9 billion). Expeditors is noted by Forbes as the Best Managed Transportation Company and receives two Quest for Quality awards by the Logistics Management publication. The Wall Street Journal lists Expeditors as #1 in their shareholder scorecard for Delivery Services, above both UPS and FedEx.
Awards 2005

    * Forbes
          o Named Best Managed Transportation Company
    * Institutional Investor
          o Names Peter Rose as one of the top CEOs for the Airfreight & Surface Transportation Industry
    * Logistics Management
          o Expeditors receives a Quest for Quality award in both the Freight Forwarders and Third-Party Logistics categories.
    * The Wall Street Journal
          o Expeditors ranked #1 in the air freight category for the shareholder scorecard for second straight year.
    * Samsung
          o Expeditors China receives the Samsung Best Partner awards for the second year in a row.

2004 -- 211 locations

A number of milestones mark our 25th year: it's the first year with more than $3 billion in gross revenues ($3,317,499,000); the number of employees tops 9,000 (9,445); and net earnings of $156,126,000.

$1,000 invested in Expeditors at the IPO price of $9.00 a unit (share and a warrant) is worth $233,600 on December 31, 2004, (assuming warrant exercise) for a compound annual rate of return of 28%.
Awards 2004

    * Global Logistics & Supply Chain Strategies Magazine
          o Includes Expeditors in its global top 25 third party logistics providers ranking.
    * Fortune
          o Ranked #2 Most Admired company in Transportation and Logistics.
    * Wall Street Journal
          o Expeditors ranked #1 in the air freight category for the shareholder scorecard.
    * Puget Sound Business Journal
          o Peter J. Rose, CEO, is named Executive of the Year.
    * British Airways
          o Awards Expeditors for outstanding service.
    * Philips
          o Carrier Recognition Award for Global Airfreight for the third year in a row.
    * Samsung
          o Logistics Supplier of the Year Award.
    * International Rectifier
          o Service Provider of the Year Award.

2003 -- 206 locations

Expeditors continues to thrive in a competitive and challenging industry and world economy. While other logistics companies fail to control costs and stay afloat, Expeditors continues to grow the number of offices, employees and total revenue, all while staying profitable. Air Cargo World ranks the company as the second overall freight forwarder and second in the trans-Atlantic region. In 2003, Expeditors adds full service offices to San Jose (Costa Rica), Orlando (Florida), Austin (Texas) and Tampa (Florida). Our first year with more than $1 billion in assets ($1,044,078,000).
Awards 2003

    * Logistics Management & Distribution Report
          o Chosen as recipient for the Quest for Quality award
    * Air Cargo World
          o Named the second overall freight forwarder and second in the trans-atlantic region
    * Transportes & Negócios
          o Portuguese newspaper names Expeditors best in class for both Air and Ocean Freight Forwarding
    * Forbes Platinum List
          o Fifth straight year on the best big companies list

2002 -- 195 locations

First year with more than $2 billion in gross revenues ($2,296,903,000). First year with more than $100 million in net earnings ($112,529,000). Number of employees tops 8,000. Named to the NASDAQ 100.

Expeditors views its role in the future of international trade as the preferred global logistics solutions company. The company will continue to satisfy its customers' needs through a responsive, highly-trained work force, integrated information systems and a global network.
Awards 2002

    * Trofeu Fenix of Efficiency Award
          o In Brazil awarded third place as best Cargo Agent of the year
    * The NASDAQ-100 Index
          o Expeditors is added to the NASDAQ 100
    * Selling Power
          o Expeditors awarded #1 Best Service Company to Sell For

2001 -- 191 locations

This year Expeditors was ranked third by Fortune for America's Most Admired companies in the Freight Delivery industry, and the Journal of Commerce awarded Expeditors with the Best Intermediary award. Forbes named the company to the list of America's top 400 companies. Our employees made all of this possible by servicing our customers, one shipment at a time.
Awards 2001

    * Forbes
          o One of Americas top 400 companies
    * Fortune
          o Ranked #3 in the transport industry

2000 -- 177 locations

This year the number of employees tops 7,000 (7,611), and offices are opened in Phnom Penh and Saigon. Expeditors places emphasis on reducing employee turnover and increasing productivity. Improvements are made on a globally consistent Management Trainee Program and Document Imaging (edoc).

Holding strongly to the belief that you can't buy excellence but have to create and nurture it has resulted in continued success for our company. It was confirmed when Expeditors attained the goal of excellence and was given the "Best Companies to Work For" award by Washington CEO Magazine. But the greatest vote of confidence Expeditors can receive is to have good customers willing to trust Expeditors with their important business.
Awards 2000

    * Kent, Washington Chamber of Commerce
          o Ranked #1 for the In Pursuit of Excellence award program
    * Hong Kong Labour Department
          o Recipient of the Good People Management Award for outstanding performance in people manangement
    * Industry Assoication of Sao Paulo
          o Ranked #3 for best international cargo agent based on customer satisfaction
    * International Freighting Weekly
          o Best International Logistics Company of the Year
    * U.S. Customs Broker National Permit
          o Affords greater flexibility in structuring import operations to allow the conduct of certain customs business that is otherwise restricted.
    * Washington CEO Magazine
          o One of the best places to work in Washington
    * Logistics Management & Distribution Report
          o Chosen as recipient for the Quest for Quality award
    * Shipping Digest
          o One of the most e-capable carriers
    * Journal of Commerce
          o Leader in International Trade and awarded best intermediary of the year

1999 -- 163 locations

We celebrate our 20th year, continuing our reputation as a full service global logistics provider. The number of employees grows to 6,480. Expeditors services include Air and Ocean Freight Forwarding, Vendor Consolidation, NVOCC, Customs Clearance, Marine Insurance, Distribution, and other value added global logistics services. Recognition from our customers (Cisco Systems and British Airways Catering name us as Supplier of the Year) helps reinforce the mission at Expeditors.
Awards 1999

    * Dutch Association of General Cargo Sales Agents
          o Received award for reservation integrity, communication, know-how and handling
    * South Africa Logistics Council
          o Recipient of the annual Logistics achiever award for providing the best integrated logistics service

1998 -- 149 locations

ISO 9002 certification is achieved in 38 offices throughout the United States, Canada and Mexico, bringing the total number of Expeditors offices certified in this standard to 65 in 17 countries. Gross revenues top $1 billion for the first time ($1,189,044,000) and the number of employees tops 5,000 (5,300).
1997 -- 138 locations

We add more than 1,000 employees in one year, for a total of 4,500. We continue networking offices on the northern and southern borders of the United States. The arrangement of offices on both sides of the U.S. - Mexico border is unique among customs brokers, and this offers unprecedented efficiency and speed in processing customs entries. The four new offices in France will soon be joined by other new locations in Europe, as Expeditors continues to selectively expand its global network.
1996 -- 114 locations

Expeditors names a Director of Quality and formalizes its global pursuit of ISO 9002 certification. A total of 27 offices are ISO 9002-certified as five more offices achieve the accreditation in Asia and Europe. The number of employees tops 3,000 (3,250). We open our first offices in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. The class "A" license we hold in Beijing is extended to four more major Chinese trading points, bringing our total offices in China to eight. While its employees are recognized as the best trained in the industry, Expeditors raises its minimum annual training requirement for employees from 30 hours to 52 hours, in recognition of the increasingly sophisticated needs of its customers.
1995 -- 96 locations

This is the first year with more than $500 million in gross revenues ($584,691,000). We enter Central and South America with six offices and 10 agents, and expand in the Middle East. Expeditors launches a Cargo Insurance division. We also gain a new address, on the internet:
1994 -- 80 locations

The number of our employees doubles in two years to 2,000. We open distribution centers in Seattle, Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, Newark, London, Rotterdam, Brussels, Hong Kong, Taipei, and Singapore.
1993 -- 56 locations

We establish a new division called Expeditors' Cargo Management Systems (e.cms), an ocean consolidation program with an automated electronic data interface. We open our first office in China and Beijing grants Expeditors a rare class "A" license.
Awards 1993

    * Licensed Class "A" Freight Forwarder
          o Beijing approved a rare Class "A" license for Expeditors.

1992 -- 51 locations

The number of worldwide employees tops 1,000 (1,100). We open five offices in Germany and our first Middle East office in Saudi Arabia, bringing our number of offices worldwide to 48.
1991 -- 37 locations

Our net earnings top $10 million ($10,196,000). We formalize an internal quality program called EXCEL (Expeditors Commitment to Excellence and Leadership), built on a goal of 100% customer satisfaction 100% of the time.
1990 -- 32 locations

Our Brussels office becomes our first in continental Europe. We also open offices in Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta and Cleveland (U.S.).
1989 -- 27 locations

We complete the development of a computerized air export program.
1988 -- 24 locations

We substantially expand export volume through a series of planned expansion in the Far East, Europe, Australia, and the U.S. Peter J. Rose, one of the founders, assumes the title of President and CEO.
1987 -- 17 locations

We open our first office in Malaysia.
1986 -- 16 locations

We top $100 million in gross revenues ($108,774,000). We enter the European market by acquiring a small export company and opening our London office.
1985 -- 13 locations

Our first move into the ocean business with the acquisition of Pac Bridge, a major non-vessel ocean common carrier (NVOCC) and expansion of less than container load (LCL) and full container ocean services. We also open a new office in Boston this year.
1984 -- 12 locations

Expeditors becomes a public corporation with stock traded over the counter on NASDAQ (symbol: EXPD). During our first year as a public company, we report more than $50 million in gross revenues and $2.1 million in net earnings. We open our Toronto office this year, and we now have 161 employees.
1983 -- 11 locations

We expand our U.S. export market by hiring senior export executives to lead branch offices in the U.S. and key foreign markets. We add export capabilities to Chicago, Seattle, New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles Offices, and we open our Atlanta office.
1981 -- 9 locations

Expeditors becomes a global logistics company in July, when Peter J. Rose, James L.K. Wang and Glenn M. Alger join the company and open seven offices around the world. The initial focus is on U.S. inbound freight from the Far East, primarily Taiwan, Singapore, and Hong Kong. Our combination of transportation services and customhouse brokerage quickly makes us one of the largest U.S.-based air freight forwarder of goods from the Far East.
1979 -- 1 location

We register as a single office ocean forwarder in Seattle, Washington as Expeditors International of Washington, Inc.

[ 本帖最后由 qquchn 于 2006-6-28 09:50 编辑 ]
作者: wamway    时间: 2006-6-27 22:49     标题: 9.Panalpina


    Air Sea Broker是Panalpina集团的全球性货运“批发商”,同时它也协调Panalpina集团的海运系统与世界各地的定期联系,同时还为联合运输提供新型服务。Air Sea Broker下分三个业务部门:海运处、西非处、租船和重型起重处。




[ 本帖最后由 qquchn 于 2006-6-28 09:51 编辑 ]
作者: wamway    时间: 2006-6-27 22:49     标题: 10.Exel

业务概况:2000年7月26日,Ocean Group与NFC公司合并后更名为“Exel”。Exel分为5大业务部门:(消费品/零售/医疗)欧洲部、(消费品/零售/医疗)美洲部、开发和自动化部、技术和全球管理部以及亚太部。该公司全球网点达到1300个,50000多名员工。目前该公司三家主要运营子公司为Exel(旧的NFC)、Msas全球物流公司和Cory Environmental 。Msas是世界上规模最大的货代之一,在全球范围内提供多式联运、地区配送、库存控制、增值物流、信息技术和供应链解决方案等各项服务。Cory Environmental是英国规模最大的废品处理公司之一。Exel在地面运输供应链服务方面占有很强的市场地位,所提供的服务包括仓储和配送、运输管理服务、以客户为中心的服务、JIT服务和全球售后市场物流服务。


    2001年1月,Exel被选中来管理摩托罗拉公司在美国、欧洲和亚洲地区半导体产品的配送。该项合约价值约为1.34亿英镑。同时与Mercedes Benz Espana签署了10年期合约,提供供应链服务。Exel汽车部赢得了一项为期7年的合约,向法国Sandouvilielear公司提供供应链管理服务。2000年12月,Exel收购了Total物流公司(一家总部设在澳大利亚和新西兰的地区性供应链管理公司,专门向30多家大型制药和医疗公司提供供应链管理服务)。同年10月,Exel和UPS共同为福特公司创建供应网络,并对福特公司在欧洲的供应链需求进行大规模改造。

[ 本帖最后由 qquchn 于 2006-6-28 09:51 编辑 ]
作者: wamway    时间: 2006-6-27 22:57     标题: 我扯两句

引文来源: ... #newsdetail-content

作者: qquchn    时间: 2006-6-28 00:08

但是广告做的最好的还是人家飞达快递 不光有电视、户外、广播、报纸、杂志广告还有 Tom Hanks专门演的电影 那才是名声在外啊。

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