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标题: 学术问题求助 [打印本页]

作者: yedyong73    时间: 2006-8-9 10:04     标题: 学术问题求助


本人现于微系统研究所读博,遇一棘手难题: 所设计微泵向人体书输送药物,为调节其浓度,需要测试从人体中扩散到微泵内的nacl浓度,或者其他任何扩散到微泵里的人体体液中某物质的浓度,现有方法只能测试纯溶液,对混合溶液某一成分测试本人目前确实不太了解,望各位同胞不吝赐教,不胜感激!



作者: violin111    时间: 2006-8-9 10:17

作者: 老虾    时间: 2006-8-9 10:22

Hi Ye
As to the measurement of solution concentration problem, why not try asking for help from those in department of chemistry? u may send a group email from contacting list. if u haven't yet, i sent u at once.
作者: yedyong73    时间: 2006-8-9 10:39     标题: 谢谢


i don't have that email list, if you can send me that, that is great! thank you very much!

moreover, how can i call you?

作者: 大王八蛋    时间: 2006-8-9 10:40

原帖由 yedyong73 于 2006-8-9 11:39 发表

i don't have that email list, if you can send me that, that is great! thank you very much!

moreover, how can i call you?


big brother
作者: 老虾    时间: 2006-8-9 11:42

原帖由 yedyong73 于 2006-8-9 11:39 发表

i don't have that email list, if you can send me that, that is great! thank you very much!

moreover, how can i call you?


back from lunch just now. The contacting list as well as a mail list has been sent out. Pls find it in your business email box. I apologize for my fault that you were missed to receive it.

[ 本帖最后由 老虾 于 2006-8-9 12:43 编辑 ]

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