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标题: 网上日本人的对话.看看日本人的思维. [打印本页]

作者: xushu    时间: 2006-9-5 11:58     标题: 网上日本人的对话.看看日本人的思维.

kawaminator :
I am Japanese.
And I really proud of my country.
I'm a patriot,nothing special.
I can never accept the one sided point of view that Japan was evil.
American fought for their justice.
British fought for their justice.
And Japanese fought for our justice.
I never accept the false charge to our ancestors.
Chinese and Korean fabricated some topics about history.
Their claim is groundless.
I never accept their lies.
Free Taiwan! Free Tibet!
Shame on Chinese government!

Ikemen85 | August 01, 2006
Don't listen to the Chinese fagots, it's a waste of time we know that Japan is the best in Asia. No matter what they say they can't change it. I laugh at all of them, the more they talk, the more we know they envy Japan.

tokusil | July 31, 2006
Hai. Nicely said kawaminator san. Shame on the PROChina government. I strongly agree with you.

tokusil | July 31, 2006
Each visit to Yasukuni Shrine by Japan's Prime Minister always angers the Koreans and Chinese. They dislike this bec. for them, Yasukuni Shrine is a symbol of Japan's "evil'" during WWII. Well, for me of course, I see Yasukuni as a symbol of Japan's glorious past. Yasukuni symbolizes the strength and bravery of the Japanese during WWII. So for me, there's nothing wrong at all paying a visit to the Shrine. It is a sign of great respect for Japan's heroes. Nippon Banzai! Tenno heika banzai!

tokusil | July 31, 2006
Kawaminator san, I really feel so glad to meet such a good Nihonjin like you. I really love Nippon. I like everything that's related to Nippon. I like to have Nihonjin friends. I like to marry a Nihon josei in the near future. I am allso very interested in Nippon's history. .And I don't see Nippon as 'evil '
in the past.

sailor20 | July 26, 2006
Amazing.All he says is that he is a patriot, that he loves his country. What the hell is worng with that? WW2 was fucked up, so what, every war was. The Japanese did what they thought was the right thing to do for thier country, as did everyone. Why are you still fighting a war that ended Over 60 years ago? Thats really fucking dumb. To all these people leaving stupid ass comments on this guys site, the Chinese need to worry abouthow they are opressing thier own people , and the people of Tibet, and harassing Taiwan, before they start pointing fingers at the Japanese for a long dead war.Japan is a thriving beautiful country, proud of thier heritage and freedom , while China is still a poor disgruntled nation of the oppresed
作者: 重头再来    时间: 2006-9-5 15:09



作者: 豆沙包    时间: 2006-9-5 15:30

原帖由 重头再来 于 2006-9-5 16:09 发表



光总把你的翻译机拿出来用一下, 有人看不懂。 快一点, 他要继续走了。:(
作者: wsxedc    时间: 2006-9-5 16:00

Kawaminator:   我是日本人.   我想做我国.   我是爱国者,什么特别.   我不会接受一个方面来看,日本是罪恶.   美国打的正义.   争取英国的司法.   日争取公道.   没假接受付费祖先.   中韩两国对历史问题有捏造.   他们的说法没有根据.   没接受所在.   免费! 自由西藏!   中国政府的耻辱!     ikemen85会2006年8月1日   中国fagots不听,那是浪费时间,我们知道日本是亚洲最好的. 不管他们说他们无法更改. 我都笑,越讲越知道他们羡慕日本.     Tokusil会2006年7月31日   海. 圣Kawaminator好好说. Prochina政府的耻辱. 我很赞成.     Tokusil会2006年7月31日   每次参拜靖国神社的日本首相中总是激怒韩国. 他们不喜欢这个选委会. 对他们来说,靖国神社象征日本的"恶"在第二次世界大战时期. 好,我当然看到了安国象征日本光荣历史. 安国象征力量和勇气的日本人在二次大战. 对我而言,这没错所有访问靖国神社. 这表示非常尊重日本的英雄. 日本万岁! 正殿Heika万岁!     Tokusil会2006年7月31日   Kawaminator山,我感到非常高兴nihonjin像你这么好的配合. 我非常喜欢日本. 我喜欢一切的与日本. 我喜欢有nihonjin朋友. 我喜欢嫁给日本伊藤近期. 我很想allso日本的历史. . 我不认为日本是「邪恶」   过去.     sailor20会2006年7月26日   amazing.all说,他是爱国者,他爱他的国家. worng地狱是什么呢? WW2被fucked起来,那么每战争. 日本人做了他们的思想之中的事,象所有人. 为什么你还战结束60年来? thats真fucking吧. 所有这些人离开笨驴子评论男人工地,中国要担心abouthow是opressing这儿的人,西藏人民,扰乱台湾,才开始指责日本长期以来死War.japan是欣欣向荣的美丽国家骄傲之中传统自由 中国还是一个贫穷国家的不满oppresed

作者: jiejiedog    时间: 2006-9-6 11:19

作者: xiege    时间: 2006-9-6 11:36

光总你的翻译机太差了,怎么连词意都翻译的不连贯.NIHONJIN就是日本人啊,怎么也翻不出. 你应该把这些话的语法再润色一下,这样一来人们看后这些话就会义愤填膺,怒火中烧了.
作者: wsxedc    时间: 2006-9-6 20:29


哦,我的机器,是牛津派的。tongue.gif。不过,我知道AIR JAPAN叫
作者: jiejiedog    时间: 2006-9-6 23:04


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