一定得选最好的黄金地段雇法国设计师建就得建最高档次的公寓电梯直接入户户型最小也得四百平米什么宽带呀,光缆呀,卫星呀能给他接的全给他接上楼上边有花园(儿),楼里边有游泳池楼子里站一个英国管家戴假发,特绅士的那种业主一进门(儿),甭管有事(儿)没事(儿)都得跟人家说may i help you sir (我能为您作点什么吗?) 一口地道的英国伦敦腔(儿) 倍(儿)有面子社区里再建一所贵族学校教材用哈佛的一年光学费就得几万美金再建一所美国诊所(儿) 二十四小时候诊就是一个字(儿)贵看感冒就得花个万八千的周围的邻居不是开宝马就是开奔驰你要是开一日本车呀你都不好意思跟人家打招呼你说这样的公寓,一平米你得卖多少钱我觉得怎么着也得两千美金吧两千美金那是成本四千美金起你别嫌贵还不打折你得研究业主的购物心理愿意掏两千美金买房的业主根本不在乎再多掏两千什么叫成功人士你知道吗?成功人士就是买什么东西都买最贵的不买最好的所以,我们做房地产的口号(儿)就是不求最好但求最贵
Tagline: What if someone you never met, someone you never saw, someone you never knew was the only someone for you?
Memorable Quotes from the Movie:精彩对白
Plot Outline: It's Christmas Eve in Baltimore.Annie, who has just been engaged to Walter, is driving on a dark street.She turns on the radio and is so touched by the deep affection that the man talking on the radio holds for his deceased spouse.All of a sudden, she knows what love means- magic.
H: Hello, Sam, this is Dr. Marsha Fieldstone on Network America. If there was one question I was allowed to ask...
S: Oh go ahead.
H: People who truly loved once are far more likely to love again.Sam, do you think there is someone out there you could love as much as your wife?
S: Well, Dr. Marsha Fieldstone, it's hard to imagine.
H: Hmm... What are you going to do?
S: Well, I'm going to get out of bed every morning. Breath in and out all day long, and then after a while I won’t have to remind myself to get out of bed in the morning and breath in and out. And then after a while, I won’t have to think about how I had it great and perfect for a while.
H: Sam. Tell me what was so special about our wife?
S: Well, how long is your program? Oh, well, it was a million tiny little things. When you added them all up it just meant that we were supposed to be together. And I knew it. I knew it the very first time I touched her. It's like coming home. Only to no home I'd ever known. I was just taking her hand to help her out of a car. And I knew it. It was like...
(He pauses. Simultaneously, Sam and Annie utter the same word.)
S&A: Magic.
H: Well folks, it's time to wrap it up. I'm Dr. Marsha Field- stone in Chicago. And to all my listeners a magical and merry Christmas. And to you, Sleepless in Seattle, we hope you'll call again soon and let us know how it's going.
S: Oh you can count on it.作者: 教父 时间: 2004-5-1 13:27