R老公: morning dear
F我: dear
F: can I ask your question?
F: will you get for me whatever I want?
F: dear?(我在等他回答)
F: give me answer,just one minute
R: what do you need?
F: will you?
R: I got conference calls this morning...I'll take care of it this afternoon
R: what do u need right now?
F: will you get for me whatever I want?
R: what do u want?
R: that depends on what you want
F: I want star
F: give me answer?
R: yes dear
F: how?
R: i'll buy one
F: where to buy?
R: online(旁注:he is lazy one,only shop online and never go shopping with me!)
F: hahahah
F: I love you dear,you are so cute.I will post your answer on line
R: i'm serious
F: ???
R: http://www.starregistry.com/
R: for $54 you can have a star(I cannot believe he is so quick to find this website!!)
F: :-you are not that cute
R: =)
晚上看了这个贴,乐的要死,晚上打算试试我的美国老公,看看这天下的男人是不是都一般的黑. 我们躺在床上,正准备睡觉.我开始发问了:
Me: Honey, can I ask you something? (老公中文只会说你好,谢谢,各位凑合看鸟语吧)
Hubby: yeah, what is it?
Me: Hum, will you get me everything I want?
Hubby (警觉地): what? what do you want? water? (我有睡觉前放杯水在床边的习惯)
Me: No...
Hubby(皱了皱眉): sex? viabrator?
Me(我已经气死了): No!!!
Hubby: so, what do you want?
Me(终于等到这句话了,美国人就爱自作聪明,瞎猜什么呀): I want stars!
Hubby: really? (沉默了半晌) I can punch on your eye?
我大叫一声,表示愤怒.心死, 天下男人确实是一般的黑, 不管皮肤的颜色!