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标题: [国际新闻] 澳电脑专家发明审美软件 可帮外貌评分 [打印本页]

作者: 日月光    时间: 2007-3-18 10:53     标题: 澳电脑专家发明审美软件 可帮外貌评分

8 ?7 b: A3 K4 D5 W5 o0 |: t6 \
关于女性脸蛋谁比较漂亮,以后不用争的面红耳赤了,因为两位澳洲科学家发明一套电脑软件 可帮外貌评分,可以测量出每个女子脸蛋的漂亮程度,谁比较美,立见高下。他们的这项发明是统整模特儿、演艺人员以及全球各地二百多位脸型的外观和比例作为准绳,测量一个人的脸蛋是否符合漂亮的标准。8 Z1 e( t! {8 b& @  N

1 g% F5 W* l  W7 M8 S5 Z! A$ U' F0 Q+ V根据这套软件,测试美丽与否相当简单,只要将女子的照片输入,软件自然就会依一至十标准评出分数来。雪梨科技大学电脑工程师居内什和皮卡第相信这套软件在整形业中大有作为。他们表示:「这套软件的发明也以运用在娱乐圈、整形业、化妆品业和虚拟网络,」表示。他们期望这项发明能够对医学界提供协助和建议,避免一般人可能因为不满意自己长相而做出不理智的决定并伤害到外貌。皮卡第表示,他和居内什的发明强化电脑辨识人类脸孔以及心情能力,希望让电脑科技更贴近生活。* O: j! f. S: b: _! ?" X

' C9 x/ `% {% U. B8 D$ o. n居内什和皮卡第两人建立这套系统的测量方式,是将脸蛋做分部测量,像是从额头到下巴的长度以及两眼之间的距离。他们综合二百一十五位不同年龄、吸引力以及种族背景的女性照片,其中包括名模克劳蒂亚雪佛、凯特摩斯以及好莱坞女星凯萨琳丽塔琼斯等。
7 m0 t5 g9 ~& J- ~8 R) l1 W, N

5 Z: @! s1 _. @* Y; {Beautiful? Computer says yes
  h! B9 P& S; g$ C4 m# n1 j, @5 u5 l4 l7 E$ a; L
Two Australians have invented software that rates looks, writes Daniel Dasey.0 c) m/ z. U6 ^5 F8 B6 \

! A2 b8 L" F$ }/ F6 PTWO Australian scientists have invented computer software that distinguishes a beautiful face from a less attractive one.
9 N6 }6 P, n, R4 s( z
+ R; r2 L+ A6 n* ]- U0 i5 NTheir invention uses facial measurements, related to ratios and images of models, actors and some 200 women from around the world.- ]; @* c% j# E" g- g! |
5 y8 `" k& m* f1 r8 _
After a photograph of a woman's face is put into the program, it returns a beauty rating of between one and 10.
. U4 A0 w  {: e3 m2 Q. I
  E# B% `6 R7 c8 k0 i( q8 }University of Technology Sydney computer scientists Hatice Gunes and Massimo Piccardi believe the software could be used in fields such as cosmetic surgery./ p; k" ~3 k8 f
& s) Q0 n" x) j* j2 w; J
"Potential applications exist in the entertainment industry, cosmetic industry, virtual media and plastic surgery," they explain in the International Journal of Human-Computer Studies.5 ]  _3 P& d2 e- M3 @& t
9 \5 q7 f, ]! b" f
Their preference is for the medical profession to use it under supervised conditions to avoid situations where vulnerable people could harm their self-image.
' m3 y$ O1 A, F/ W3 @
: c. V# R8 I: z) o4 }1 j% g7 \Dr Piccardi said his and Ms Gunes' work grew out of efforts to make computers more people-friendly by enhancing their ability to recognise faces and moods.
6 R  o7 l& ]* Q4 N* Q6 m8 q0 i; \
. ]" ]2 V3 h2 K( A  K" `To develop their system, they divided the face into measurements such as the distance between the top of the face and the chin and between the eyes.1 Y! V5 d- ~0 I: t# }; F8 d# `

5 y9 {* D4 P& X$ r8 W3 B3 a% sThey assembled 215 images of women of different ages, levels of attractiveness and ethnic backgrounds, including photographs of Claudia Schiffer (pictured), Kate Moss and Catherine Zeta-Jones.
. }% g7 I2 v, M6 _" Y' r
4 Z/ [; q4 E9 G( c+ J# b, nThe images were shown to a mixed gender, multi-racial panel of 50 volunteers who gave each face a rating of between one and 10.
* \- Z1 r+ n/ Y! A& ]
! R( N6 Q; J' e) J9 LThey found while participants sometimes varied greatly in the ratings they gave, overall there was significant agreement over what was an attractive face.7 ~* B: `% H! [
5 U- G' [* Q9 w; A& X% D
Next they analysed the facial measurements of the women in the test images as well as the ratios between the measurements.
$ w; ~( Z$ l( {% t/ M
$ q2 [" J2 s6 C5 QBy looking for correlations, they were able to determine the features common in beautiful women, and develop software that combined this with facial-analysis technology.
% o, a. a) ^2 q  O& ^* F
  a( }0 T/ @. D+ OThe software has been fine-tuned over several years. When shown an image, the software is capable of predicting what a panel of humans would give the face plus or minus 1.5 marks. Further development should reduce the margin of error.# b2 b7 P/ F& ]9 E8 g. y8 i

( F5 `7 _% ]' {1 y$ H( m' cDr Piccardi said one use might be for plastic surgery patients who were unsure whether modifications suggested by their doctor would improve their attractiveness. While the software has been developed only to assess women, it could be adapted to rate men.
( H1 b  j9 V" D* J- f
: k+ h  i& u1 wDr Piccardi said one danger of the software was that it could fall into the hands of adolescents or others sensitive about their looks and harm their self- image.

图片附件: [德国名模克劳蒂亚雪佛] Claudia Schiffer.jpg (2007-3-18 10:53, 33.45 KB) / 下载次数 77

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