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标题: [国际新闻] 英国一男子醒来联系梦中电话号码找到爱情 [打印本页]

作者: 日月光    时间: 2007-4-9 08:23     标题: 英国一男子醒来联系梦中电话号码找到爱情

现年24岁的戴夫·布朗是英国米德尔塞克斯郡海尔菲尔德市人,5年前的一天晚上,戴夫和朋友们外出消夜,当他喝醉酒回家后,立即倒头就睡,并在入睡后做了一个梦。当第二天早晨戴夫醒来后,他已经忘掉了整个梦的内容,但他仍然清楚地记得梦中的一个手机号码。戴夫对记者说:“那是个手机号码———07903 142365,这个陌生的手机号码在脑海中越来越清晰。我当时想,这会不会是我昨天晚上新认识的某个朋友的电话号码?所以我向这个手机发出了一条短信:‘嗨,我们昨天晚上见过吗?’”/ v) ~& X6 q5 v$ h4 G% V) ?. Y

3 p- Q8 W4 `, K# s  事实上,这个手机号码的主人米歇尔·基特森,她是一名现年22岁的英国女孩,和父母一起生活在距戴夫家有一小时车程的英国剑桥市,她此前和戴夫压根从未见过面。当她接到戴夫发来的手机短信后,立即向他回了一个电话。米歇尔回忆说:“没想到我们在电话中竟一下聊了很长时间。” 5 u# A0 n) F. I5 |( K' r; l

. s% C" n1 {$ ~' _7 y5 l  戴夫说:“当米歇尔回电话后,我立即意识到我们此前从来没有任何联系,我们也没有任何共同的朋友———所以说没有任何理由可以解释她的手机号码为什么会突然出现在我的脑海中。但从那以后,我们就经常发短信联系,成了一对好朋友。几个礼拜后,我决定和她去见上一面。”
6 z* s2 @& v5 W- t. U- d- D8 f$ ?; l! u$ h5 n/ g4 `( V7 C) X/ f
  令戴夫和米歇尔两人都没想到的是,他们见面后竟然一见钟情,迅速坠入爱河。2005年圣诞节那天,戴夫和米歇尔正式举行了订婚仪式。 9 \: x, v4 g3 a+ E  T

7 }) s' f: G6 J2 q* g  3周前,在戴夫和米歇尔相识5年后,他们终于举行了隆重的婚礼,共有150名宾客参加了婚礼,向这对通过“最离奇的方式”相识相恋的新婚夫妇进行了庆祝。

* k) @! l. c) X- Y  T. o'I dreamt up a phone number and found my bride to be'
+ w9 B# {% h6 z7 g8 E+ H5 f
6 m" T7 P' m! ~8 |7 q" vWaking up one morning five years ago, David Brown found a mystery mobile phone number running through his mind., y; x& {" q# z2 O% v

* T: s2 v# t) i3 e( P: d8 q
% e) \4 z" y7 ?% m4 }! n, jWhen it refused to go away, he decided to call it. & j7 }0 R& ?9 M( X( u
2 I, U4 m3 i9 U, ]6 H. r
It turned out to belong to Michelle Kitson, at the time a 17-year-old student living with her parents more than 60 miles away. # ~# f% O# {; z  \
7 I( x) R0 ?/ q. [6 _! J
Even the most die-hard romantic would have forgiven her for ignoring a message from a strange man she had never met or heard of before. 0 n! n/ O1 h5 w6 s# r7 A* n/ y
- J% K8 G& q, D
But she decided to respond and after a string of text messages, a phone call and a letter the couple met and fell in love. . x; f# u7 I" C% Q! T! L- ]

8 p. _6 T* B  WNow they have just returned from their honeymoon in Goa, southern India - and still can't believe their luck. 9 R- Y  L( n" L  v

5 f5 N. G/ Q9 ]  {! a; x  R5 X% S"She really is the girl of my dreams," said Mr Brown, now 24, from Harefield, North-West London. & c  C4 c# V3 I, |- v

2 A+ }& H$ Z7 m5 q1 W2 J% e/ qRecalling how they met, he said: "I went out for a quiet night with some mates and ended up having a few to drink. When I woke up this number just kept running through my head."
2 t8 t- F6 a) i" ]
( B, K' y: _, A. E* E' [$ NThinking that perhaps someone had given him the number in the pub, Mr Brown decided to send a text message asking: "Did I meet you last night?" 1 l+ _- ^& \2 L5 b

! g$ h7 Q* G8 q6 h) P: F& UBy coincidence Michelle was only a few miles away, in a car with her parents travelling through Watford, when she noticed the message.
. l9 N* u$ a: Q5 e6 V% y/ `, J0 u. d- E! p
After she responded: "Who are you and where are you from?" it became obvious that there was no connection between the two. / a6 K, U9 J0 P
6 Z$ @5 r4 f0 I
They continued to chat by text message, however, and days later she plucked up the nerve to make a phone call. Mr Brown sent her a letter containing his photograph and she agreed to meet so he travelled to her home city of Cambridge. 4 ?- @$ ^4 }! u9 I( Z

# D% D1 ]; K' [6 K8 _4 p; y# aArriving early he telephoned the number again, to see a young woman answering the phone on the other side of the road. "It was love at first sight for me - I loved everything about her," said Mr Brown, who moved to Cambridge to be with Miss Kitson.   B8 z% S) {9 K. Q- p
: j9 h$ B$ n6 M& p
"I've no idea how I ended up with her number in my head - it's only a few digits different from mine."
  l9 ~6 \) ^/ _  q7 j) V" Q4 S4 Q. c  h4 [' A0 x
His bride said she had found the initial encounter "spooky" but she was captivated from the start. ; _- r4 E' u1 [9 F/ R4 ^0 s
: o+ w& B" y% |, ?# w
"It was really weird but I was absolutely hooked. My mum and dad kept saying, 'But he could be an axe murderer', but I knew there was something special about it. I hadn't had a boyfriend before. Those first text messages were a real adrenaline rush. + b$ m) S+ }/ l# ^) a" i" O

; L5 \# {8 Q& l4 o& v; @  }' _3 n5 Z"I believe that things happen for a reason. There is no way someone could have said my number in the pub, but he had that number in his head. 7 {4 j3 b9 t8 F8 w! R$ ?. T4 B

8 ^: k6 G! i8 L! h8 K% V5 P"I know some people will find it hard to believe, but we know the truth." 0 @% P. R& W5 ]4 u# x& u3 x. B
$ z1 h2 e8 f; i* s
As for the wedding day, the bride - who stands 5ft 4in to her husband's 6ft 7in - said: "It was fantastic, we couldn't have wished for a better day. , h0 ]/ d/ A+ ?: H9 C/ F2 [8 h
- y0 @! ]- ]* P
"The weather had been awful, but when we went to the church it was beautiful sunshine." * u8 O; Y) g2 W+ p, B/ C

; u1 h% U  k. ^Professor Heinz Wolff, emeritus professor of Brunel University, said: "Whatever else it is a charming story but I would be against a supernatural explanation. It is likely the number of this girl was mentioned in the pub and somehow this young man overheard it, even without realising, and his subconscious remembered it." 2 {7 u5 Q+ Q8 d. V
, Y$ Y. h2 r+ Z/ X/ ]4 |
He said the probability of a "random" phone number leading to a suitable woman of the right age was actually quite high.
* _2 x2 I$ p2 t+ W8 h3 k3 L  z5 {) ?- f8 f3 c1 V; K+ \' P$ H
"Say for argument's sake that every 100 phone numbers lead to five girls, the probability of the event they describe is not so remote as you might think. A few thousand to one would be my guess.
/ F" b' M/ c+ Z2 s4 ~; d, g7 l9 p' L6 H  n. a- L- K
"The sheer romantic background would have increased the chance of some relationship being formed, which would have increased the probability somewhat."

图片附件: [David and Michelle Brown on their wedding day] David and Michelle Brown.jpg (2007-4-9 08:23, 94.12 KB) / 下载次数 91

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