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标题: [国际新闻] 亲美弃中 澳大利亚新策略 [打印本页]

作者: 日月光    时间: 2007-7-7 15:48     标题: 亲美弃中 澳大利亚新策略

澳大利亚总理豪尔(John Howard)7月5日在一份新国防策略书中表示,中国快速扩张的军力,动摇了本地区的稳定性。
2 i9 Z3 P* w. n; B( o4 }4 }' W) U  G1 W  i- J- F! W) _
“它的军事现代化速度与规模,特别是发展新型与毁灭性武器的能力,如反卫星飞弹,将可能在本地区造成误解与不稳定。”澳大利亚政府在7月5日发表的国防报告书中如是说。$ p% b! b6 f# Z, g! R5 T; `, _
9 h) m3 l+ c9 `- S& J, J
- o' f# h. s. C" J% x
8 Z0 Y6 f1 D5 r* M& v但随着华府以忧虑的眼光看待堪培拉与北京之间逐渐加温的关系时,豪尔政府决定采行新策略,将步伐移向日本与美国的身旁,此两国军与澳大利亚有着国防安全上的协议。
9 L" ~5 |6 R% @# o$ t! p2 h5 P  s: W
$ U+ q1 t5 t: Z/ P澳大利亚国防报告书中写道:“澳国在此地区中,没有其他伙伴能比得上与日本的亲密、有价值的关系。”报告书很巧地,在美国海军战队带领航空母舰小鹰号(kitty Hawk)进入悉尼的同一天发表。, v, z, |1 j% L; @

5 D5 Q8 T( ?4 b' \“日本在美国盟下更积极的国防安全态度,是为了保持它的经济与外交份量。”澳国报告中说。
% i% r6 s) @5 i/ A
+ g& l6 c; ]9 Q$ ^: C+ {针对澳大利亚的报告,中国方面很快地做出回应。8 f" \! l5 K; C1 c6 k0 t- ^6 P. i
$ Z  |& ~8 s* K. m. z- {
中国外交部发言人秦刚在例行记者会上表示,中国政府反复重申中国走的是和平发展的道路,奉行防御性的国防政策,中国是维护、促进地区和世界和平的积极的力量。) @: k$ W- h$ C! B! C
+ Q) @- v+ y" }6 o; ~2 C0 o
/ H6 A8 A+ \) s1 l. s) \& w/ x# ?8 c' Z9 _# q
* t" F! {( f8 w6 g7 j0 i, q5 g! J, [4 \( s: L! {7 j" Q/ W8 E' H: O$ M  a
当记者就此份报告书问及秦刚时,他也指出,澳大利亚外交部长唐纳(Alexander Downer)过去曾表示,不认为中国的军力扩张需要担心,同时乐见中国的发展。  n9 r7 ]# m2 W. l6 Q0 [/ a
& n) a/ I3 o5 k' F/ V
% S! K- t, u4 k- N0 \6 ]/ W5 d5 C
' i+ N2 b; f3 z4 z& y5 x英国金融时报称,澳大利亚总理豪尔的声明,强调了澳洲正加强与日本之间的联系,并警告为了亚太地区的利益,中国与美国的策略竞争需小心拿捏。
; _0 M) {% i, k4 @7 N, r; K9 |$ a0 l+ Y, G" i1 f
此份报告书也反映了部分指挥官认为澳大利亚的国防策略,应转向强调同美国与日本之间的联系,此种关系也是在北京受质疑的声浪下,所做的态度转变。8 k7 G3 j: e! u0 e" {$ K

. q0 w$ H6 p5 F5 ]& U2 s当澳大利亚在第二次世界大战后,成为美国在亚太地区最强大的军事与政治盟友之际,堪培拉在近几年也开始积极建立与北京的边境关系。, |8 F: e8 Z, ^/ Z
$ g- U  Q" X% X: \+ I
澳大利亚国家大学(Australian National University)的怀特(Hugh White)表示,“它显示了(豪尔政府)在华府与东京的施压下,正改变策略,转变为不欢迎中国力量的增强。我认为中国将会对此感到非常不舒服。”1 y4 `# ?2 E" m2 Y1 a% m( q4 L2 F  a
9 m$ w* k7 K  g+ N# b- N& e
2 U% v9 O9 N& i' h3 a2 b* i1 V1 j) i* k" ~- {
实际上,在日本逐渐增加自己在全球以及地区安全上的影响力时,澳大利亚也逐渐将友好的目标转向日本。) Y) v6 [+ C2 r  O
9 q# e0 J3 ~4 X$ H
今年3月时,预计将今年的国防开支提升10.6%的豪尔,与日本首相安倍晋三签署了历史性的安全协议,自从那一刻起,澳大利亚便与美国、日本共同拥有三角安全协防关系,此外,对由日本支持、美国领头的导弹防御系统来说,也是一项利多。, e/ q) x2 B' O9 R5 j- Y+ E$ o* y* \
8 i1 j- u$ f; D& U
; }3 i2 ~0 n" Z- J0 Z+ }2 m! G
0 X' t, p; i1 B# j( w. [5 Z$ h声明也提到了3月签署的日澳安保协议,强调两国在全球安全问题上的合作,包括伊拉克、阿富汗、朝鲜核威胁的议题。此外,日澳两国还将深化在地区维和和灾难救援中的合作。" N! D, r1 k* X' @* d

$ T1 k( {( V! b9 c; {4 ^( f& ]( B0 A另一方面,澳、美、日也在印度召开了国防对话。

2 H& _0 `) x$ `5 I5 B! l8 {  s; k$ u  ]: c3 _: v+ K

3 L* ~* d$ k& e. D- ?6 ]& r+ ZAustralia, US concerned over China's military buildup, back greater role for Japan
8 M% n4 w/ }8 g' i6 h) a2 h( R0 a7 X8 w" ^- I. W5 R# }

* f. y2 P) M& @* u7 YCANBERRA, Australia: Australia and a top U.S. military official expressed concern Thursday that China's rapid military buildup and use of a missile in space could add to instability in the Asia-Pacific, and backed a greater role for Japan in regional security.
+ y- a# f6 [: x" \! H7 U$ u2 z. Y+ p' x. W8 S5 r8 C; l, l* H
Releasing his government's first defense policy update since 2005, Prime Minister John Howard said China's economic rise was good for the world, but added a caution that it was also a pivotal player in several tense issues in the region.
  z  k! u, E8 Y' R- _
  E1 b' y7 `1 V; J"The pace and scope of its military modernization, particularly the development of new and disruptive capabilities such as the anti-satellite missile, could create misunderstandings and instability in the region," the policy report said.
. p- r; c6 I6 c, f8 _7 V9 j% F0 y% a% f
The policy brings Canberra closely into line with Washington, which has expressed similar concerns about China's military expansion. The two are already close allies, with a defense pact and Australian contributions to U.S.-led operations in Iraq and Afghanistan./ S' r  J5 S5 Y# |$ X% T1 x

$ o3 T# G4 Q) R5 kResponding to the report, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang said Thursday at a regular press briefing that China's defense policy is "defensive in nature and we will stick to the road of peaceful development. China is a staunch force for the safeguarding of world and regional peace and stability."0 ^+ k9 J0 H/ b/ Z
6 q; @/ b$ P! V, `3 u
Separately Thursday, the commander of the United States' Japan-based naval battle group voiced Washington's concern about China rapid military expansion.
! t; `$ ~2 ~  m' \) R: b6 Y: p9 I0 Y! a& R2 h$ Y  e) S
"Certainly we are a bit wary of China," Rear Adm. Rick Wren, the commander of the aircraft carrier USS Kitty Hawk's battle group, told The Associated Press. "They seem to be fairly opaque in communicating what they intend to do with this large military buildup."
! H" O0 A+ U. J: G% V% ^" }# V  j# O/ P9 V
Wren, speaking aboard the carrier as it came into Sydney Harbor for a port visit, said the United States wants China to become a stabilizing force in Asia.6 P; _, I* ^4 m" Z  T

. r; F% |1 |& Z7 S8 @8 U( i"Certainly we need them to be a stabilizing force in this region," he said. "But until we can actually define that, we will continue to practice our skills and be ready for whatever the president calls on us to do."
" p3 T  |4 l* g0 ?3 \
* x7 I7 f$ L- NMore than 5,000 U.S. sailors were due to take shore leave in Sydney after completing the Talisman Saber exercises, a biennial event that this year pitted 20,000 U.S. troops and 7,500 Australian forces and dozens of ships and planes against fictional enemies in a variety of land and sea-based scenarios off Australia's northeastern coast.
( d6 \7 _  E6 U4 K" j2 @3 q* W
5 Y5 }3 J( a9 b! p" P1 F+ cJapan took part in the Talisman Saber exercises as an observer, and Wren said Japan would take a "much bigger" role in future exercises. He did not elaborate.. I. |& {  g3 Q  W5 H+ B- w, K

+ S# o4 K& }  ?& t( V, h"The importance of multilateral alliance in this theater is very important," Wren said. "What we both want to do is expand that in the interest of creating a stronger and long-lasting regional stability, and so we are bringing in many other nations."  v6 D0 d0 w' ^+ T5 \% q

( v5 v+ ?9 V4 ^( S0 sCooperation could include non-combat roles such as disaster relief and other humanitarian operations, he said.
6 z8 m, N8 y; l, h* s. c  L8 V$ v3 z5 ^+ _2 B% ]
The Australian policy document said cooperation between Australia, Japan and the United States would become increasingly important in maintaining stability in Asia, and noted "Australia has no closer nor more valuable partner in the region than Japan.". X+ q. a* Y' U  e" G
6 y: p; X5 y# v7 N9 m0 h
"Japan's more active security posture within the U.S. alliance and multinational coalitions is in keeping with its economic and diplomatic weight," it said.
+ ]! ?) `4 g- A% h3 I# I. O: ?) s6 @4 R
Howard said China's economic rise was good for the world, but that "U.S.-China relations, China-Japan tensions and long-standing flash points in Taiwan and the Korean peninsula will require continuing careful management."
8 g& ~* A+ {: m' G* M
5 f. ]: B& t& \0 [The report said mishandling tensions between Taiwan and China could have "disastrous consequences for the region."
0 C& \) t. ?" f. I5 D+ e4 Q" t
% \6 z, D$ A# n+ I$ z1 n: ~The United States and Japan are stepping up efforts to build a joint missile defense system in Asia, partly as a bulwark against regional threats such as a nuclear-armed North Korea. Australia, a steadfast U.S. ally that has about 2,000 troops in Afghanistan and Iraq, is studying whether to participate in the defense shield.
- \% u4 ]+ m' _! {! l8 h" ?
0 \! l; g- \6 L! n! kAustralia and Japan signed a security agreement in March that will enable Japanese forces to train alongside Australians for disaster relief and peacekeeping missions, and boost cooperation between the two countries in counterterrorism measures and intelligence sharing.

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