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标题: [中国新闻] 上海环保音乐会 [打印本页]

作者: 日月光    时间: 2007-7-7 19:29     标题: 上海环保音乐会

2007年7月7日,气候危机演唱会上海分场将在东方明珠电视塔下隆重举行。作为一场以绿色为基调的音乐会,环保的主题贯穿始终。Live Earth主办者和执行制作人凯文·沃尔表示:主办方最大的挑战是,如何确保演出过程能实现最大限度的环保。而实际上,这场音乐会也确实绞尽脑汁在各种细节上下足了功夫节能。
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! e* X$ W2 B* o% k2 s首先就是可持续工程师将参与到音乐会的舞台设计中来,带来了许多令人耳目一新的方案。“当舞台监督提出我们需要多少电力时,可持续工程师将找到现场发电的方法,或者采取太阳能和风能等绿色电力来源;或者舞美设计说,我想要一些漂亮的紫色灯光,可持续工程师就会提供一个更省电的灯泡。” Live Earth的官方发言人约瑟夫•罗伯这样描述这个新兴的职业。而上海观众将有幸亲临现场,近距离欣赏到这场“绿色”的视听盛宴。2 v1 Y2 I* b; G9 `5 s: ], `

0 R2 w7 `4 W8 \% {1 o除此以外,在美国绿建筑协会的支持下,Live Earth演唱将启用由该协会制定的“绿色公众活动指引系统”。“指引”对大型公众活动提出了全面的“绿色目标”,“消耗引起的对环境的不利因素将被减少到最低限度。” 比如确保活动中使用的塑料制品为可降解材料,活动现场须配备专门而周密的循环再使用系统,所有废弃物都将经此得到利用。
1 b3 q1 k6 W! T
* B/ V* O8 {1 }/ uLive Earth的制作团队也从自身开始实现新“绿色项目”方针,从大部分的日常生活,包括循环利用、餐饮、包装、交通、能源、用水等方面入手做好系列演唱会的环保工作。从演唱会的电力问题到观看演出者所产生的垃圾,Live Earth将设计出一套解决方案,并使之成为今后现场大型活动组办的模式。比如在能容纳近3千人的场地内,通过设置分类垃圾箱、使用环保灯泡、取消厕纸等方式,向所有前来观看演出的观众发出“身体力行进行环保”的呼吁。" V; ^9 u7 t; s: T

: w& R- P' Y! {, J0 q对观众来说,主办方则是希望所有购票者自行前往指定售票点打印可回收的环保门票;演出部分门票可能与公交票结合并且以短信的方式进行售卖,以减少纸张消耗;所有购票观众乘坐公共交通工具前往现场;所有现场观众自行回收遗漏垃圾。在上海,主办方还配合上海轨道交通的关闭时间将演唱会从原先的7点到11点调整到6点半到10点,以便更多的观众能够选择公共交通到达,而不是驾驶产生废气的私家车而使结果与演唱会的初衷背离。同时所有工作人员及艺人乘坐飞机,都必须使用“碳抵消指标”,而地面交通则应尽可能使用混合能源型交通工具。戴姆勒克莱斯勒旗下的环保车SMART以每公里88克的二氧化碳排放量被用作整个活动的交通工具。+ _% X) a8 L# K
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从环保的角度讲,这些细致入微的绿色活动标准无疑是提供了一种行业操作的范本。在上海这样一个“演唱会”、“音乐会”你方唱罢我登场的城市,再加上即将在2010年迎来世博会,这种绿色活动标准如果可以成为借鉴的蓝本,那么首先在实际的节能数据上就会体现出效果来。同时,这场活动也为我们提供了一种思路,就是需要在活动的初期就把节能的问题考虑进去,并在活动的过程中尽可能实现节能和环保的要求。所谓“绿色”的内涵,绝对不应该是空洞的口号,而应该是一种切实的措施和随处可以体验到的细节。: T5 `3 Z7 m# Y' ?+ Z# n

/ q8 `! J) d) {# D8 u2 N  p4 o然而,这次活动的举办也有一些被人诟病之处。在中国,参与演出的人员号召力似乎有些不足。主办方在海报中兴奋地宣称: 国际巨星莎拉·布莱曼,香港及台湾地区的知名艺人陈奕迅、容祖儿、许慧欣、辛晓琪、黄耀明、Soler,以及内地当红艺人女子十二乐坊、黄晓明等都将云集此场演唱会,同时,在上海地区极具人气的两档选秀节目《加油,好男儿!》和《我型我SHOW》中脱颖而出的新晋艺人也将参与其中。其实细致比较一下,就能看出来,中国内地的一线明星其实参与的很少,远远不如海外参与者的阵容那样豪华。这个直接导致了本次活动的人气不足,这一点从发布会的冷清现场就能看出来。因为缺少内地的超级大牌,之后的媒体关注度也显得有些乏力。这其中,主办方宣扬的完全义务出演可能是个障碍,其次来说,在目前的中国国内,民众的环保意识还比较薄弱也是个不争的事实,这直接体现为这种公益类活动中国内地的超级明星们集体缺席。8 s; n+ k3 i# R% p# i7 V

" {& e* }$ ~, r& V& X8 I除此之外,这似乎是一个无可挑剔的音乐会,尽管著名的Live 8演唱会的组织者Bob Geldof对相关的媒体抱怨整个活动缺乏一个明确而细致的目标,但是我觉得活动本身就是一个很好的诠释,对于政策的影响,需要越来越多的觉醒的民众去推动政府,这是一个漫长的过程,但是就我们本身来说,细节上的关注却是我们现在唯一能够去做的事情。
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6 o+ A. H6 w! \, }+ D" Z) P这恰恰是Live Earth的初衷,那就是希望通过活动极大的增进人们节能和与环境友好相处的意识,而且越快行动起来越好。正如约瑟夫•罗伯在接受记者采访时所言,Live Earth的目的正在于让人们迈出自发节能的第一步。所以,无论演唱会最终能取得什么样的结果,能唤醒多少人,我们需要去做的,套用一句在中国家喻户晓的话,那就是“从小事做起,从现在做起。”

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On July 7, the Live Earth Shanghai concert will take place in the shadow of the Oriental Pearl Tower. The climate-change awareness concert hopes to put environmental protection at the heart of everything it does. Making sure the show is as environmentally friendly as possible was its biggest challenge, says organiser Kevin Wall, and they seem to be doing everything they can.
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$ B$ Q# i% o; h“Sustainability engineers” were intimately involved in its production, and they came up with a number of surprising solutions. Talking to chinadialogue, Live Earth spokesperson Yusef Robb described how engineers made sure the power they need is generated by the wind and the sun, and how the lighting rigs are fitted with energy-saving bulbs. And the people of Shanghai will be able to judge for themselves, if they come to see the green event.1 g# O- {7 y9 w

) j* v" T, I* O9 j7 k8 WThe US Green Building Council also helped Live Earth implement its “Green Event Guidelines”, which sets the standard for large public events to help reduce their environmental impact as far as possible. This means a number of sustainability measures will be put into place, from using biodegradable plastics to installing recycling facilities.
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. ]& N$ u9 D% e! A) n6 I" c% HThe Live Earth team seem to have been determined to keep things green from the start, in the choices they have made for catering, packaging, transportation, energy and water usage. This can provide a model for future events: the 3,000 capacity venue will have separate litter bins for different types of waste, use environmentally friendly light bulbs – and even do away with toilet paper. Live Earth seems to be practising what it preaches.
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But what about the audience? The organisers are hoping they will use recyclable tickets, tickets which double up as bus tickets, or paperless SMS tickets. Attendees are also being encouraged to take public transport to the venue. The Shanghai concert will be taking place an hour earlier than planned – from 6 to 10 in the evening – to allow everyone to take the subway home, rather than making a polluting car journey. Concert employees and performers are offsetting the carbon emissions incurred by any air travel, and are using hybrid transport such as the Daimler Chrysler smart car – the official transportation partner for Live Earth.0 `9 R- _+ B( s2 ~; G7 a9 X0 k" `
8 `: c7 u* i6 y! O8 J+ Z1 D+ K* I
All of this will hopefully serve as a model for future green event planning. Shanghai is a popular venue for major concerts, and will host the World Expo in 2010. If these green measures can be consistently implemented it will do some real good. “Green” will not be a mere slogan – it will be an ideal that is visibly implemented. 8 |: _5 q1 ?0 j, z# A2 z- T

6 \5 Q) J+ V% u7 D8 z5 p7 B  qBut all is not rosy for Live Earth Shanghai: the event has not attracted the attention it hoped for in China. The line-up features British-born singer Sarah Brightman; Cantopop stars Eason Chen, Joey Yung and Anthony Wong; Hong Kong rock band Soler; Taiwan singers Evonne Hsu and Winnie Hsin. The only celebrities from the Chinese mainland are actor Huang Xiaoming and contestants from reality TV shows popular in the Shanghai area. Performers from the Chinese mainland are seriously underrepresented at Shanghai Live Earth, leading to a lacklustre press launch and lukewarm public response. This has also has meant little press coverage. One reason for this imbalance may be that the performers are reportedly turning up for free. There is also not a great degree of environmental awareness among the  Chinese mainland public.
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But there is little else to complain of. Despite the criticisms of Bob Geldof, the force behind Live Aid and Live 8, who said that Live Earth lacks a clear set of goals, the green event is a good enough goal in itself. Policy change will require ongoing pressure from an aware public, and that will take time. As individuals we must start to pay attention to the small things – these green details. - c, X5 O, {( [) o* Q
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And this is exactly what Live Earth is intended to do, raise urgently needed awareness of energy-saving and the environment. As Yusef Robb told chinadialogue, it’s about getting people to take the first step. Regardless of how successful it is, it needs to be done. As a Chinese saying has it: “Start small. Start now.”" r/ S! |" O; [3 }  O" L# A4 z" N

3 X* w* q: |) ^[ 本帖最后由 日月光 于 2007-7-7 20:31 编辑 ]

图片附件: [“Live Earth气候危机”慈善演唱会海报] shanghai.jpg (2007-7-7 19:31, 114.21 KB) / 下载次数 52

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