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标题: Philips Ereader Phone 可以折叠的屏幕 [打印本页]

作者: 我本善良    时间: 2008-1-22 15:38     标题: Philips Ereader Phone 可以折叠的屏幕

The Philips READIUS prototypethat we showed you over a year ago, is finally materializing as anactual consumer product, not just as an e-reader but as a mobile phone.The READIUS has a slightly different design than the prototype, with a5-inch flexible display that actually rolls up around the phone,allowing it to be stored when not in use. The phone is manufacturedunder Polymer Vision, which is partly owned by Philips. The Dutchcompany has yet to release complete specs for the phone, but theREADIUS is advertised as having a large display and great battery life.With a mid-2008 release, we won't have to wait too long to test thise-reader, mobile phone mash-up. [Reuters]



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