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标题: 恭喜千源同学成为未来美国公民 [打印本页]

作者: 乌乌爱装嫩    时间: 2008-4-14 23:14     标题: 恭喜千源同学成为未来美国公民

标 题: 杜克女生称受威胁 支持者呼吁解散中国学生会
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Apr 14 10:03:03 2008)

Student gets threats after China protest
Personal info for student, parents posted online
By: Zachary Tracer
Posted: 4/14/08
For one Chinese Duke student, Wednesday's pro-tib and pro-China protests
did not end when the participants went home.

Since her appearance in front of the Chapel, the student, who requested
anonymity because she fears retaliation, has found herself the target of a
wave of threatening messages from individuals who believe she advocated for
tiban independence.

After the protests, the student's personal information, including her name,
phone number and Chinese identity number were posted to the Duke Chinese
Scholars and Students Association Web site, according to documents obtained
by The Chronicle. Photographs and a video of the student from the rally have
also been posted on several popular Chinese-language forums.

"I received all kinds of weird e-mails and phone calls," she said. "I think
it is all thanks to the DCSSA, who released all kinds of information."

DCSSA President Zhizhong Li, a third-year graduate student in molecular
cancer biology, denied DCSSA involvement in publicizing the student's
information but acknowledged that messages containing the information had
been sent over the group's open e-mail listserv. The messages have since
been deleted to protect the student, he said.

"I do not think they are from our organization," Li said. "We definitely don
't support [the threats]."

The student said she has received some messages calling for her to be burned
alive with oil.

She said she filed a report with the Duke University Police Department

"I think this is not the time to die for my country," the student said. "I
love my life."

DUPD has increased patrols around the student's dormitory and has offered
her personal protection, which she declined, said DUPD Maj. Gloria Graham.

"She did report to us that there were some general threats made to her, or
things she perceived to be threats," Graham said. "We take harassing phone
call and e-mail cases all the time. I think we are all a little bit more
alarmed about this case."

Though the student said she realized the dangers of participating in the
rally, she said she felt strongly about being involved.

"I think this is one of the turning points of Chinese history, and I want to
be part of it," she said, emphasizing that she does not support tiban

The student said there have also been consequences for her actions in China.

"I know that I am on the Chinese government blacklist because of this," she
said, explaining that she had been informed of this by sources she declined
to name. "It just means I can never go back to China if I care about my
security. If I go back I might end up in jail forever."

But Li dismissed the student's concerns about not being allowed back into

"People talk about that all the time and no matter," he said.

The student's parents have also been targeted. Their contact information was
posted on several popular Chinese-language Internet forums. Some Internet
sources said their home was attacked, though the student said she has been
unable to confirm this with her parents, who declined to discuss the issue
when she contacted them via e-mail.

At Duke, the leaders of several student organizations-including College
Republicans, the Duke Conservative Union, Duke Democrats, Students for
Academic Freedom, Duke Human Rights Coalition, Duke Students for an Ethical
Duke and the Duke-Israel Public Affairs Committee-have come together to
condemn the threats against the Chinese student, according to a statement.
They have blamed the threats on DCSSA and called for an investigation of the
group and a revocation of its student group status.

"[DCSSA] on their official Web site put up her... information for no other
reason than to make sure that there would be retributive action in China,"
said junior Daniel Cordero, vice president of College Republicans and
organizer of the coalition to condemn intimidation tactics.

Li said he would like to discuss the issue with the organizations calling to
disband DCSSA and said he hoped the threats toward the student would stop.

? Copyright 2008 The Chronicle

赶快入美国籍吧(这里注意断句- -+) 和你拿一样的护照我真觉得耻辱

[ 本帖最后由 乌乌爱装嫩 于 2008-4-15 00:15 编辑 ]
作者: fussfun    时间: 2008-4-14 23:46


作者: daten1228    时间: 2008-4-14 23:57


但是,做为一个只有20岁的大一政治系小女生,难道大家就没有一点点让她发表一次个人见解,即使有那么一点错误也能够原谅一次的大度胸怀吗 ?:pipi:
作者: daten1228    时间: 2008-4-15 00:15


谚语曰:金无足赤,人无完人。世界上有含金百分之百的黄金吗?没有。大家见过非常完美一点缺点也没有的完人吗?也没有。黄金无论多赤,也不可能没有杂质。 一个人无论如何优秀也不可能没有缺点,因为世界上没有一个完美无缺的人存在,所以我们在与人交往之时,必须允许别人的缺点存在。



如此世界上完美的事情是不存在的,有容乃大,在一没打西藏自由旗帜,二没拿雪山狮子旗的情况下,为始末就不能容忍只有20岁的大一政治系小女生王千源,发表一点她个对ZD的观点和看法呢 ?
作者: 999皮炎平    时间: 2008-4-15 07:20

作者: hetty    时间: 2008-4-15 07:28     标题: 回复 3# 的帖子

作者: hetty    时间: 2008-4-15 07:29     标题: 回复 5# 的帖子

作者: 我本善良    时间: 2008-4-15 10:00

原帖由 daten1228 于 2008-4-15 00:57 发表
但是,做为一个只有20岁的大一政治系小女生,难道大家就没有一点点让她发表一次个人见解,即使有那么一点错误也能够原谅一次的大度胸怀吗 ?

作者: 穿马甲的拉灯    时间: 2008-4-15 11:40

原帖由 daten1228 于 2008-4-15 00:57 发表
我估计这里面是出现了一个误会。不过她已经是跳进黄河也洗不清了。在她前封信里流露出来的意思是,她提倡对zd采用怀柔招安的政策,想站在那些zd人群和中国留学生之间起一个缓冲的作用。但她太天真了。在奥运火炬在法 ...

作者: 999皮炎平    时间: 2008-4-15 14:14

原帖由 hetty 于 2008-4-15 08:29 发表

我只是举例子而已 ,具体怎么回事只有她自己清楚。
作者: 小5娘子    时间: 2008-4-15 18:22

作者: bebo    时间: 2008-4-16 12:47

作者: 柳漫8    时间: 2008-4-16 14:32

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: 柳漫8    时间: 2008-4-16 17:09

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: 柳漫8    时间: 2008-4-16 17:10

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: africole    时间: 2008-4-17 11:13

原帖由 daten1228 于 2008-4-15 00:57 发表 我估计这里面是出现了一个误会。不过她已经是跳进黄河也洗不清了。在她前封信里流露出来的意思是,她提倡对zd采用怀柔招安的政策,想站在那些zd人群和中国留学生之间起一个缓冲的作用。但她太天真了。在奥运火炬在法 ...

OMG, 拜托先上苹果 对这个女生所干的事好好做做功课再来回帖吧, 还怀柔招安呢, 别逗了你
作者: africole    时间: 2008-4-17 11:18

原帖由 柳漫8 于 2008-4-16 18:09 发表 在大陆的网络上,法西斯丧心病狂的叫嚣是一路绿灯,文革历史一幕幕重新上演:请看:把她开除人籍 04-15 09:35mflm (51楼)  中国人可以操她呀!!! 04-14 23:53mflm (50楼)  它强奸中中国,中国人就可以操人 ...

偏激的人哪里都有, 你敢说其他国家的网络上没有说这种话的人, 别动不动就上纲上线. 这就叫文革历史重新上演啦, 那这些西方媒体成天报假新闻攻击中国 这叫什么啊??? 别再这儿丢人现眼了您, 哪儿凉快儿哪儿歇着吧

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