Max-planck institute for research on collective goods in Bonn 将于10月4日(星期六)10月5日(星期日)在研究所组织实验经济学相关实验,该实验为计算机联机实验。不需要任何经济学相关知识。
有兴趣的同学请写email至 (德语)或者 (中文) 列出在上述哪个或者哪些时间段有空,我们会尽快回复具体的实验时间.如对实验有任何的疑问,也欢迎写email咨询。
You are totally right: we should see to it that this is settled as soon
as possible. There is one person in the institute who can take care of
this: Ms. Morgenstern. I just have sent her an note to the effect, and
suggest you contact her early next week to see whether the
administration can just handle the issue, or whether some input from
either Stefan Tontrup or yourself would be advisable.
(And thank you for pointing me to the issue; I am sure this has been a
very unpleasant experience).