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标题: 天天考查圣经 1022 [打印本页]

作者: qquchn    时间: 2008-10-27 23:19     标题: 天天考查圣经 1022


我就必带他们上我的圣山, 让他们在我的祷告殿中喜乐。——赛56:7

耶和华已把手下子民聚集起来, 带到他的“圣山”上崇拜他。 上帝的子民就是受膏基督徒和他们的同伴。 今天上帝正让这两群人在他的“祷告殿”中喜乐, 这属灵的圣殿也是“万国祷告的殿”。(可11:17) 耶和华聚集万民, 让他们从事正确的崇拜, 这显示出正确的崇拜是神圣的、 纯洁的、 崇高的。 基督徒聚集起来崇拜耶和华, 学习他的教诲, 我们尊重这些集会, 表明我们对神圣事物的看法跟耶和华一致。 有一点是不能忽视的: 我们聚集起来崇拜耶和华, 这样的集会就是神圣的。 所有聚会都以祷告开始和结束, 而且大多数聚会都有唱诗赞美耶和华的安排。(诗26:12) 没错, 基督徒会众的聚会是正确崇拜的一部分, 我们都应该怀着敬虔、 尊重的态度出席, 并在聚会期间留心聆听。 《守》06/11/1刊2篇1,4段
作者: qquchn    时间: 2008-10-27 23:19

Wednesday, October 22

I will also bring them to my holy mountain and make them rejoice inside my house of prayer.—Isa. 56:7.

Jehovah has gathered his people, anointed Christians and their companions, to worship him at his “holy mountain.” He is making them rejoice inside his “house of prayer,” his spiritual temple, which is “a house of prayer for all the nations.” (Mark 11:17) These developments indicate that Jehovah’s worship is holy, pure, and elevated. By showing proper respect for our meetings for study and worship, we prove that we share Jehovah’s view of sacred things. We should not lose sight of the fact that meetings for the worship of Jehovah are sacred gatherings. All our meetings begin and end with prayer, and at most of them, we sing songs of praise to Jehovah. (Ps. 26:12) The congregation meetings are truly a part of our worship and call for a prayerful attitude and respectful attention on our part. w06 11/1 2:1, 4

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