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标题: 天天考查圣经 1016 [打印本页]

作者: qquchn    时间: 2008-10-27 23:24     标题: 天天考查圣经 1016


父亲啊, 我公开赞美你, 因为你把这些事向有智慧有知识的人小心隐藏起来, 向婴孩却启示明白。——路10:21

耶稣一想到即使不完美的人, 也可以有名字记录在天上, 就“被圣灵激动, 大大喜乐”, 说出今天经文的话。 耶稣衷心地赞美上帝之后, 就转过身来对门徒说: “人看见你们现在所见到的事, 就有福了。 我告诉你们, 许多先知和君王想看你们现在看到的事, 却没有看见; 想听你们现在听到的事, 却没有听见。” 耶稣劝勉忠心的门徒, 不要把上帝向他们所启示的王国真理视作等闲。 这些真理, 上帝一直没有向他以往的仆人启示得明明白白, 也没有向耶稣当日那些“有智慧有知识的人”显明出来。(路10:23,24) 《守》07/2/1刊2篇4,5段
作者: qquchn    时间: 2008-10-27 23:24

Thursday, October 16

I publicly praise you, Father, . . . because you have carefully hidden these things from wise and intellectual ones, and have revealed them to babes.—Luke 10:21.

When Jesus reflected on the fact that some imperfect humans were having their names inscribed in heaven, “he became overjoyed in the holy spirit” and spoke the words above. After uttering that heartfelt prayer, Jesus turned to his disciples and said: “Happy are the eyes that behold the things you are beholding. For I say to you, Many prophets and kings desired to see the things you are beholding but did not see them, and to hear the things you are hearing but did not hear them.” Yes, Jesus encouraged his faithful followers not to take for granted the precious Kingdom truths being revealed to them. These truths had not been revealed to earlier generations of God’s servants, and they were certainly not disclosed to the “wise and intellectual ones” of Jesus’ day!—Luke 10:23, 24. w07 2/1 2:4, 5

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