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标题: 天天考查圣经 1011 [打印本页]

作者: qquchn    时间: 2008-10-27 23:29     标题: 天天考查圣经 1011


也许在耶和华发怒的日子, 你们可以隐藏起来。——番2:3

天使除了负责传达上帝的信息和强化敬拜耶和华的人之外, 还有另一个职务。 在古代, 天使曾替上帝执行判决。 今天, 天使也快要执行上帝对恶人的判决了。 不久, 耶稣会“同他那些大能的天使, 在烈焰腾腾的火中”来到。 他们的任务是“施行报应, 惩罚那些不认识上帝和不服从我们主耶稣的好消息的人”。(帖后1:7,8) 他们的行动会对人类有深远的影响! 上帝王国的好消息正在环球各地宣扬, 不肯接受的人会遭受毁灭。 只有那些寻求耶和华, 追求正义, 力求谦和的人才可以安然无恙。 我们应该感激耶和华任用大能的天使, 去帮助和强化那些敬拜他的人。 《守》07/3/15刊1篇17-19段
作者: qquchn    时间: 2008-10-27 23:29

Saturday, October 11

You may be concealed in the day of Jehovah’s anger.—Zeph. 2:3.

In addition to serving as messengers and strengthening aids to Jehovah’s worshippers, angels serve another purpose. In times past, they carried out divine judgments. Angels will also serve as God’s executional forces in the near future. Very soon now, Jesus will come “with his powerful angels in a flaming fire.” Their mission will be to bring “vengeance upon those who do not know God and those who do not obey the good news about our Lord Jesus.” (2 Thess. 1:7, 8) What an effect this action will have on mankind! Those who refuse to respond to the good news of God’s Kingdom now being declared earth wide will suffer destruction. Only those who seek Jehovah, righteousness, and meekness will be saved and be unharmed. We can be grateful that Jehovah uses his powerful angels to support and strengthen his worshippers on earth. w07 3/15 1:17-19

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