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标题: 一顿晚饭引发的谷歌风云zt [打印本页]

作者: whisper    时间: 2010-1-14 16:57     标题: 一顿晚饭引发的谷歌风云zt

本帖最后由 whisper 于 2010-1-14 19:07 编辑
希拉里摆了一桌高科技英雄宴 与大款们都谈了什么? 文学城博客精选
时事述评:二十一世纪的洗心运动 2010-01-13 17:54:39  

二十一世纪的国家权术—洗心运动(Heartwashing Movement),俺创造出来的一个新词。
今年1月6号,美国参议院Luger在美国著名的《外交政策》杂志上,发表了一篇名为“微博对抗恐怖(Twitter vs. Terror)”的文章,鼓吹美国国务院应该利用新网络技术,来为美国全球的“自由”推广运动而战。这个运动大概就是和美国在中东和中亚,或者会再加上北非的军事行动,而作为补充的所谓的赢心运动(Win hearts and minds)。其实就是利用高科技的洗心运动(Heartwashing Movement,俺自创词汇,与brainwashing洗脑相对应。
同样的行为在非洲的刚果发生,就是有美国政府控制的手机网络和无线电广播,对分散的士兵进行缴械的劝慰攻势。在巴基斯坦,美国政府刚刚花了一大笔钱,建立了一个可以发送2400万个短讯的公司。这个公司叫Humari Awaz,就是“我们的声音”的意思。其目的,就是要发出巴基斯坦人民热爱美国的声音,让其他不热爱美国的巴基斯坦人听到。
这些就是所谓的二十一世纪的国家权术(21  Century Statecraft),就是俺创出的词汇洗心运动。其目的就是延续以前通过美国之音和自由X洲电台(X可以是亚,欧,非等等)等传统的上一个技术时代的产品,对全球人民进行美国利益洗脑和洗心,但是通过很新、很酷、很让年轻人们心情High的新技术。通过美国政府对这些新技术的掌控,在思想上和技术上,打破世界非美国国家对舆论和新闻的控制,然后最终到达美国政府的宣传目的。
美国国务卿希拉里是这个计划的总瓢把子。在2009年11月的摩洛哥,她提出了“公民社会 第二版”计划,就是要在世界各地培训非政府组织(大概是反政府组织很确切一点)在如何用网络等新技术上面,大大提高这些反政府组织在组织和通讯上的技术水平,使他们的抗议活动可以更加有效。
为此,希拉里任命了一个特别顾问,叫做Alec Ross。这位小弟的任务,就是如何发现方法,可以让这些新通讯技术,能够为美国的外交政策服务。
大概就是这两天吧,总舵主希拉里在美国国务院摆了一个英雄宴,请来了不少各路英豪。里面有些什么大款呢?Google总裁Schmidt,Twitter创办人Dorsey,Mobile Accord总裁Eberhard,微软的CSO Mundie,思科的CMO Bostron等等牛人,全部出席。
1.       如何可以刺激全球被洗心的目标们自创出各种软件来到达这些目标。
2.       如何可以保证这些人对网络的介入不被非美国政府控制。
3.       建立更好的公私合营模式,可以令到新创立的小公司,可以把他们的创意更好地向美国政府介绍。
4.       在语言翻译工具上,更好地和政府交流。
5.       如何更好地训练目标们运用这些工具的能力。
6.       运用移动技术进行匿名举报。
由井底望天张贴 @ 2010-01-13 17:54:39 (12014)
作者: whisper    时间: 2010-1-14 17:08

本帖最后由 whisper 于 2010-1-14 19:08 编辑
一顿晚饭引发的谷歌风云 2010-01-13 11:58:06  

事情是这样的,2010年1月7号,国务卿希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton)在国务院请吃饭。这是一场小规模的晚宴,规模虽小,来客却都是通讯科技界的重量级人物。客人名单上有谷歌首席执行官埃里克·施密特(Eric Schmidt)、Twitter联合创始人杰克·多尔西(Jack Dorsey)、微软首席研究与战略官克瑞格·蒙迪(Craig Mundie),以及Mobile Accord CEO James Eberhard, Cisco CMO Susan Bostron, NYU Professor Clay Shirky, Personal Democracy founder Andrew Rasiej等。


1. Finding ways to incent global citizens to build applications that can advance these goals

2. Finding creative ways to ensure that Internet access is always freely available

3. Building better public-private partnerships and making it easier for start-ups that have great ideas to be able to present them more effectively to the U.S. government

4. Ensuring we can better communicate leveraging language translation tools

5. Discovering ways to train people -- especially those who are new to the online world -- how to use all these tools effectively

6. Leveraging the mobile channel for anonymous crime reporting for greater transparency




由酸豆汁张贴 @ 2010-01-13 11:58:06 (27003)
作者: whisper    时间: 2010-1-14 17:11

二楼的英文出处: ... al-di_b_416876.html
Jason Liebman.CEO and co-founder Howcast, co-founder of Alliance of Youth Movements
Posted: January 8, 2010 05:38 PM
Facebook, Twitter and YouTube Are Tools For Diplomacy

Last night I was honored to attend a small dinner with Secretary Hillary Clinton hosted at the U.S. State Department, which included a great list of notable guests, including Google CEO Eric Schmidt, Twitter Founder Jack Dorsey, Mobile Accord CEO James Eberhard, Microsoft CSO Craig Mundie, Cisco CMO Susan Bostron, NYU Professor Clay Shirky, and Personal Democracy founder Andrew Rasiej, to name a few.

Secretary Clinton has a great deal of interest in technology and how it can drive engagement around the world. Kicking off 2010 with a two-hour discussion with technology leaders about 21st-century statecraft shows that she is serious about this.

She realizes that if U.S. diplomatic policy is going to encourage civil society development, and fight violence and oppression, 21st-century tools like Twitter, Google, and YouTube are going to be key. It's all part of her 21st-century statecraft strategy: harnessing the power of technology tools to promote diplomacy around the globe. Yesterday, Senator Lugar wrote a great piece on these efforts.

At dinner, we discussed how to harness technology for diplomatic and development goals. She went around the room asking everyone for concrete ideas. This brainstorming session with active participation from the group resulted in some great ideas, which included:

1. Finding ways to incent global citizens to build applications that can advance these goals

2. Finding creative ways to ensure that Internet access is always freely available

3. Building better public-private partnerships and making it easier for start-ups that have great ideas to be able to present them more effectively to the U.S. government

4. Ensuring we can better communicate leveraging language translation tools

5. Discovering ways to train people -- especially those who are new to the online world -- how to use all these tools effectively

6. Leveraging the mobile channel for anonymous crime reporting for greater transparency

Jack Dorsey, James Eberhard, and I told her first hand about our experience on our recent tech delegation trips to Iraq and Mexico, which she was very excited about. We also spoke about the success and momentum of the Alliance of Youth Movements, a nonprofit organization I helped start which is looking to advance grassroots movements seeking positive social change using the tools of 21st-century technology.

As a result of the dinner, Secretary Clinton declared in an e-mail to her staff: "We are using all tools at our disposal to practice 21st-Century Statecraft...harnessing the power of technology."

I was impressed with Secretary Clinton's engagement in the discussion and her genuine excitement to not only learn, but also make sure we act. From organizing a technology delegation to Iraq last April to sending Google CEO Eric Schmidt to Baghdad last month and hosting this dinner discussion, it's clear that the U.S. State Department is strongly supporting and encouraging digital diplomacy. By working with government and private-sector leaders, we're all banding together to figure out the most effective means to leverage digital technology tools to promote diplomacy around the world.

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