! \. z, b- ~3 g/ R据美国《外交政策》杂志9月9日在其网页上报道,中国在联合国的最高外交官沙祖康因对秘书长潘基文出言不恭而引发一场外交风波。3 n( l# `/ L2 G! t9 g
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报道援引一名目击者称,上周,在奥地利阿尔卑巴赫(Alpbach)的一次晚宴上,或许是因为多喝了几盅的缘故,身为联合国经济与社会事务副秘书长的沙祖康对潘基文和美国发出不敬之词。报道称,现年62岁的沙祖康对其上司这么说道:“秘书长先生,我知道,您从未喜欢过我。不过,我也从未喜欢过您。”报道说,沙祖康称,潘基文想把他“弄走”。在一名美国外交官对此提出批评后,沙祖康对之侧目,并说,他“无法忍受美国人”。报道称,沙祖康最后以较为缓和的口吻说道,他现在已经学会,如何钦佩联合国和潘基文的某些事情。 0 ~* R( ]$ h$ U; x, m2 h8 m @6 a8 ?8 B( `- y5 a# ~' v& [$ l" ]
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Sha Zukang, the U.N. undersecretary general for Economic and Social Affairs and the organization's most senior Chinese official, offered U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon a toast last week at a retreat in the Alpine resort town Alpbach that degenerated into an intoxicated rant against the United Nations, the United States, and his boss, Turtle Bay has learned.% W) f, [6 l/ s( h, R4 J
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