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标题: [活动区] 莱茵论坛第152期活动-(英语)讲座|杜塞–中德电动汽车市场的发展现状机遇与挑战 [打印本页]

作者: 莱茵论坛    时间: 2019-2-6 05:29     标题: 莱茵论坛第152期活动-(英语)讲座|杜塞–中德电动汽车市场的发展现状机遇与挑战

本帖最后由 莱茵论坛 于 2019-2-6 05:32 编辑



随着新兴电子技术的发展与新旧能源替代讨论与研究的兴起, 近年来,工业制造业在新能源应用开发与适用有了非常大的转变。尤其在气候变暖以及空气环境等严峻的现实挑战下, 从传统能源适用过渡到清洁能源,如光能,电能等现有认知中可持续性的能源选择,成为各国工业转型提升路径的考量之一。 这在汽车行业领域电动汽车的发展与推动上尤为突出。中德两国政府就新能源汽车(特别是电动汽车)的研发,市场推广以及规范等方面都有强烈的管理意识与政策支持。 在中国,电动汽车的发展(E-Mobility industry) 已被纳入政府及大型企业优先考虑的“战略发展意义”工业发展项目。…同样在德国, 自2009年起电动汽车行业已被列为本国优先市场发展的对象。联邦政府能源经济部(BMWi) 更明确将电动汽车市场的开拓列为联邦政府政策中的优先管理和推动项之一, 预计至 2020 年,德国新能源汽车的总产量将达到一百万辆。

在这样的背景下, 莱茵论坛基于其长期关注中德城市间科技文化交流的主旨与研究兴趣,有幸请到杜塞的瑞典德国公司 JP contagi 合伙人 Martin Tjan 先生,于 2019 年 2 月 9 日给在北威州的中德企业(尤其是新能源汽车市场发展相关专业或对此主题感兴趣的个人或团体人士提供一场有关中德两国电动汽车 (NEV)行业市场发展现状(机遇与挑战)的讲座(第 152 期)。 其内
容将包括 中德两国现阶段 NEV 发展的基本现状,在电站建设方面最新的相关技术研发介绍,在可持续及对环境影响两方面对NEV 发展的要求,德国公司和中国公司对自身相关商业布局的了解,以及其他大公司如Google和Apple在改变人们看待和养成新汽车购买倾向上的影响等。通过以上内容的介绍,希望能为行业相关人士带去最新业内市场信息,便于后续研讨互动等了解。

本次活动时间:2019 年 2 月 9 日(周六)下午 2-4 点 (入场从 1:30 开始)
地点: 杜塞 Ode 公司 2 楼会议厅
Martin Tjan 先生
瑞典德国公司 JP contagi 管理事务合伙人
主要负责公司 China Desk 方面的项目
常年为中文英语德语国家客户提供自动汽车, 汽车机械零配件工艺与工业发展方面的专业咨

曾在上海工作过 8 年, 对中德企业在特定行业里的文化异同与行为模式有非常丰富的实际经

基于场地的考虑, 目前活动还有9名席位剩余,请以邮件提前报名为准。报名信息请发至       莱茵论坛诚挚欢迎您的参与!


The year of 2018 continues lightening the new energy vehicles (NEVs) industry (also known as E-Mobility industry). Studies show that since 2010, the Chinese government has introduced a number of policies to accelerate the growth of the given industry (Zhang and Qin, 2018); in October 2018, the state-owned car company, China’s FAW Group, received the largest loan … Similarly, in Germany, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) makes the E-automobile market one policy priority for the federal government. As its National Electromobility Development Plan of 2009 states, Germany also wants to be the lead market and provider for E-Mobility in a near future; and to have one million electric vehicles on the road by 2020.

In the light of such industrial changes and the fast-growing trend to new technology adaption in both China and Germany, the Rhine Academic Forum e.V. cordially invites Mr. Martin Tjan, the Managing Partner of Swiss-German Executive Search Company, JP contagi, to give us a fresh outlook of the current NEVs industrial development, and provides some latest findings from daily cross-border businesses, for companies and international investors who are keen to this new blooming industry with uncertainties.

Time: Feb 9, 2019 at 2-4pm

Event Address:Ode GmbH (1st floor), Düsseldorf.

The content shall include an overview of NEV landscape in China and Germany, the significant development on the latest relevant technologies R&D and coverage of charging stations, sustainability and ecological footprint, how German companies and their Chinese counterparts set a strategic plan for their businesses, and how non-Automotive companies like Google and Apple change the vision and peoples’ habit on auto purchase, etc.

The event is registration based. Currently, only maximum 10 seats left.  If you would like to participate, please send an email to to secure your reservation.

Speaker’s information:

Mr. Martin Tjan

Managing Partner of JP contagi. He leads the China Desk for the company and works for Western and Chinese clients with a focus on the automotive, machinery&plant engineering and automation industry. Martin has a Master’s degree in East Asian Studies from Duisburg-Essen University and Shanghai East China Normal University. He has spent more than eight years of his professional career in Shanghai and gained a profound understanding of Chinese business culture and the insights of different industry thriving.

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