
人之初:At the beginning of life.(英翻中:生命的起初)
性本善:Sex is good.(白话文:性是美好的)
性相近:Basically, all the sex are same.(英翻中:基本上,所有的性行为是差不多滴)
习相远:But it depends on how the way you do it.(英翻中:但还是得依照个人的喜好而为之)
苟不教:If you do not practice all the time.(英翻中:若你不随时勤练精进)
性乃迁:Sex will leave you.(英翻中:性将远离你的生活)
教之道:The way of learning it..(英翻中:学习性的指导原则)
贵以专:is very important to make love with only one person..(英翻中:最最重要的法则是做性这档事只能对一个人)