it drives me crazy!"""""""

i realize that english is really very important i decided to pick  it up!!!

since i learnt german ,i forgot all of the english ....insteading of accepting

a new language...... really  it is hard to learn so many languages...

but i have to ..........

i study in germany ,living in holland...though man  can

speak english in holland , my boyfriend said ,

now you will be my wife, you must speak dutch too ,then you can go well with

my  friends,,,,,,,,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i should say,learning dutch is the cost of my love!

so ...................................................

Every morning i read english novel...and collecting words ,that i didn.t know...

and read text very loud...

and then in the afternoon i read german news, enjoying the time when i was

with german ...

when my boyfirend comes back , he teachs me dutch in the evening......

the only way i can write  in chinese ,is here bbs


Originally posted by foxtail_lb at 2005-9-15 07:47 PM:
due to ur bf's theory, he should learn chinses as well.......

he can speak very well chinese。。。he was born in hangzhou!

he can speak hangzhou hua!


also, ich habe viele chancen in niederland , englisch zu sprechen .... aber scheisse

mische ich immer englisch und schon viel besser weil ich ein

deutsch-englisch woerterbuch gekauft habe ......

es bringt mir viele hilfe.....