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' l" c0 Q8 G k) E* {rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de
' C0 X$ v, i' a" i 这八个美国学生参加古巴政府医疗援助计划,以全额奖学金读完医学院,现在打算回美国考照,他们立志要服务穷人。古巴政府的医疗援助计划除了派送数以万计古巴医生到落后地区服务,还帮助发展中国家培育医疗人才。和美国多数医科毕业学生举债求学,一毕业就得开始还债相比,这八个人真可以说是非常幸运。
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今年从古巴医学院毕业的学生总共有850个,来自25个国家,往年古巴领导人卡斯特罗都会到场观礼,发表长篇大论的致辞,今年他因为身体不好,没有出席。 4 A O, v. c' y. R2 ] O; |
- }0 ^8 f" S) I9 n 第一个在古巴接受医学教育的美国医生两年前毕业,目前在纽约布朗克斯的一家医院服务。他对古巴医疗体系赞誉有加,他说,古巴人就医是完全免费的,它们把重点放在疾病预防,提早治疗,和美国人把医疗当一桩生意经营,完全不同。
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对于医科学生来说,古巴和美国的医学教育最大的差别就在于在古巴就读医学院学费全免,而美国医学系的学生,毕业的时候,平均都得背负25万美元到50万美元的债务,他们执业前十年差不多都在还债,为了赚钱还债,他们得尽量多看一点病人,根本没有时间仔细问诊。 rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de( _% P& x5 `0 d5 S8 \7 S, m! ]
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) }& g5 Z# J- [3 }5 w7 J) Y6 g* PU.S. medical students Wing Wu (L) and Carmen Landau talk to Reuters in Havana July 23, 2007. The students are amongst eight Americans graduating on July 24, 2007, from a Cuban medical school after six years of studies fully funded by Fidel Castro's government. They plan to return home, sit board exams for licenses to practice and provide cheap health care in poor neighborhoods.4 X) p7 ~9 ?, E s+ E4 {
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U.S. medical students (L-R) Carmen Landau, Wing Wu, Jose Eduardo Deleon and Kenya Bingham talk to Reuters in Havana July 23, 2007. The students are amongst eight Americans graduating on July 24, 2007, from a Cuban medical school after six years of studies fully funded by Fidel Castro's government. They plan to return home, sit board exams for licenses to practice and provide cheap health care in poor neighborhoods. 人在德国 社区+ S5 {7 Y9 I( l! c( J
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Medical students (L-R) Wing Wu, Carmen Landau, and Jose Eduardo Deleon of the U.S. attend a news conference of U.S. Reverend Lucius Walker of the Pastors for Peace humanitarian organization during part of their graduation ceremony in Havana July 24, 2007. Eight Americans graduated on Tuesday from a Cuban medical school after six years of studies fully funded by Fidel Castro's government.
' e- H# X z3 R
; V+ g& P8 @7 E$ Q3 S; ~" I[ 本帖最后由 日月光 于 2007-7-25 09:19 编辑 ] |