I think it is a wise thing for the coutries in the west to split the politics and religion apart, which indeed reduces the harm of religion because they accept the lessons from the history.
Also there are some "free christians" who think that something in the bible is not the truth or absolutely correct. As we know, there are some conflicts between the bible and the discovery in science. What do you think? Do you consider everything in the bible as "absolute truth" or "absolutely right" ?
wz你所说的“there are some conflicts between the bible and the discovery in science“指的是进化论吧,因为我尚不晓得有其他的什么conflicts,或者不觉得是conflicts。首先进化论本身是个猜想的理论,其中寒武纪的生命大爆炸,为何在几百万年以内就能衍生出如此丰富的生命物种?这个问题始终让我困惑,而国内的进化论课程里也没有提到这项事实。而且目前仍有许多进化环节缺少化石依据。所以在我看来进化论目前还是个理论,在各个环节的化石还未完全被发现之前,在从有机物到简单生命的演化过程还未证实之前。。。我不会以信仰的态度来对待进化论,即我不会“相信”进化论,毕竟它是科学,不能跟信仰混杂。当然也有很多人愿意相信这样的理论,且当作绝对真理,我只能说这样的看法不科学。(见附1,中科院网站上的相关文章)
而圣经里的神造论与所发现的各种化石并不存在conflicts,难道神就不能创造这些中间类型,而且也让他们各从其类吗?其实存在conflicts的是神造论与进化论,这是两种目前都还不能用科学完全证实的理论,而非wz你所说的“conflicts between the bible and the discovery in science”,毕竟所出土的化石,并不能直接否定神造论。