

原帖由 吃花生的大灰狼 于 2007-3-31 23:52 发表

why are you so excited? by the forthcoming Easter or the bargain tomorrow?

Have you made an appointment with your friends to go shopping tog ...

Sure, we will go crazy for shopping and then drop you by to bring you a huge barrel of peanuts

Sweetie, wait for us tomorrow at home


原帖由 吃花生的大灰狼 于 2007-4-1 00:23 发表

Really? How sweet you arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre!

a huge barrel of peanuts? Should it be 5Kg or 50kg?It must be enough for the Easterhttp://www.c ...

give us your house Nr.
dont worry, we will not break into your home and hunt you as a victim for our easter cult.

We only bring you your favourite peanuts , come on, give us the address    :girlshy: