Dear Guests,

Some of you may remember our carnival parties of the last several years and
maybe also the older tradition of watching the parade (Waescherinnenzug) in
This year we are planning to go there again.
The plan is to meet on thursday, February 19, at 10 o'clock at the
reception desk and to walk to the old Max-Planck-Institute,
Gottfried-Claren-Strasse 26.
There, in front of the buildung, we should be in a good position to enjoy
the parade and to catch a lot of candies.
This can be especially fun for your children.

http://www.bonn.de/tourismus_kul ... /index.html?lang=en
Beuel, the district on the right bank of the Rhine, boasts a particular
Carnival event: the traditional "Weiberfastnacht” (Women’s Carnival) was
first celebrated here over 180 years ago - offspring of an early feminist

The washer-women of Beuel stood up against the patriarchate and its
exploitation of women. They founded the first Ladies’ Carnival Committee
and decided to come together henceforth once a year - on the Thursday prior
to Carnival - to rebel against their husbands.

Consequently, the supreme representative of the Beuel women bears the title
"Washer-Women Princess” to this day. She leads the storm of the Beuel Town
Hall and is always the first one to seize power from the men for one day.
By the way: gentlemen are well-advised not to wear their best tie on that
day as the ladies prey upon this fashion accessory with scissors in hand -
a symbol of disempowerment as it were.

If you have never seen this before don’t miss the chance this year to join
in on the Carnival action! Allow yourself to be carried away by the
atmosphere of cheerfulness and fun and to be part of the merry craze of the
"mad days” of Rhenish Carnival.
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