本帖最后由 科隆中国学生会 于 2010-11-17 16:04 编辑

Marketing & Sales Assistant

The main tasks:
Research market information, assist in developing new services and preparing sales plans, assist in acquiring further international accreditations, and participate in international and national projects.
1.        Make research on the market situation of
a.        lighting products,
b.        lighting products testing,
2.        Market requirements for lighting testing and technical services so as to provide support for the division’s establishment and implementation of the development strategies and plans towards internationalization.
a.        Track and research the development of lighting technology and standards
3.        Promote NLTC’s accreditation of testing lighting products for more foreign institutions and keep track with the existing customers.
4.        Acquire more information about market promotion regarding
5.        Lighting fields in order to develop international projects.
6.        Other work to assist the team

1.        Master’s degree or above, preferably in technology/engineering or natural sciences
2.        At least one year professional experience in product and standard promotion, project cooperation, and/or lighting product sales and marketing
3.        Experience or solid knowledge in energy conservation and environment protection
4.        Good ability in information investigation and analysis
5.        Good knowledge of MS Office, CRM software, and data analysis software
6.        Good organizational capability
7.        Team worker, responsible, honest, hard working, pro-active, flexible, open minded and easy-going, persuasive
8.        English: fluent in speaking, writing, listening and reading; German: basic, Chinese: native language

Please send your application in English and Mandarin (including a CV, cover letter, copies of diplomas and certificates and earliest availability) via email to: Ms Nadine Schneider (return@cimonline.de) and 'cc' to Ms Min Zhou (min.zhou@gtz.de)
Project Assistant
The main tasks:
Assist in developing and performing projects and in performing product testing and research.
1. Support Project Managers and Project Engineers
2. Help writing proposals & reports
3. Assist in performing product testing and other work
4. Make translations
5. Search and report information about lighting products, testing standards and equipment, etc.
6. Related office and other work to assist the team

1.        Master’s degree or above in technology/engineering or natural sciences.
2.        Experience in product and standard promotion, project cooperation, lighting technology or product testing would be an asset.
3.        Experience or solid knowledge in energy conservation and environment protection would be an asset
4.        Good knowledge of MS Office and data analysis
5.        Good organizational capability
6.        Team worker, responsible, honest, hard working, flexible, pro-active, open minded and easy-going
7.        English: fluent in speaking, writing, listening and reading, Chinese: native language

Please send your application in English and Mandarin (including a CV, cover letter, copies of diplomas and certificates and earliest availability) via email to: Ms Nadine Schneider (return@cimonline.de) and 'cc' to Ms Min Zhou (min.zhou@gtz.de)
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本帖最后由 科隆中国学生会 于 2010-11-17 17:35 编辑

1 Stelle  von der Firma KINGSOUND & PARTNERS(Beijing)

German/English Patent Agent

The main tasks:
1. Translating/proofreading patent application documents and official communications from Chinese into German/English and German/English into Chinese.
2.  Responding to examination opinions issued from the Patent Office.
3.  Communicating with clients and patent examiners.
1. Master’s Degree in electromechanical engineering.
2. Proficient in both the German and English (CET 6 or above) languages.
3. Solid overseas working experience preferred.
Please send your application in English and Mandarin (including a CV, cover letter, copies of diplomas and certificates and earliest availability) via email to: Ms Nadine Schneider (return@cimonline.de) and 'cc' to Ms Min Zhou (min.zhou@gtz.de)


本帖最后由 科隆中国学生会 于 2010-11-17 16:05 编辑

3 Stellen  von NPI (Shenzhen)

Non-Profit Incubator (NPI) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization established in January 2006 in Shanghai. NPI Shenzhen is a branch of NPI and registered in January 2010 in Shenzhen. NPI Shenzhen works for the NPI mission “Advancing Social Innovation, Cultivating Social entrepreneur in China” locally by providing crucial and integrated supports for start-up NGOs and social enterprises. In August 2009, NPI held the first China NGO Fair in Beijing, displaying 128 NGO projects nationwide.
NPI Shenzhen offers internship positions (2) to support fundraising for the 2011 China NGO Fair Programme
The main tasks:
Our China NGO Fair Programme offers a Project Assistant internship position supporting fundraising. The Programme is funded by the Shenzhen Home Affairs Bureau and Narada Foundation. It builds a comprehensive platform for innovative NGO projects in China and induces cooperation and deeper communication among NGOs and potential donors.
The main responsibilities will be to support the planning and implementation of fundraising activities for the Programme and exhibiting NGOs
1.        support in planning, implementing and coordinating of fundraising activities facing SMEs;
2.        support documentation on fundraising, i.e. assist in writing pledges, feedbacks, progress reports and other project documents relating to fundraising;
3.        support in capacity building events such as in trainings, conferences, volunteer activities, etc.;
4.        join cross sector working groups on requirement, to communicate the project results.

1.        You have a high recognition to the mission of NPI and passion for NGOs;
2.        You should have outstanding communication skills;
3.        You have a university degree;
4.        You must be a Chinese native speaker;
5.        Knowledge in MS Office (Word, Outlook, PPT and Excel) is a must.


本帖最后由 科隆中国学生会 于 2010-11-17 16:05 编辑

NPI Shenzhen Programm Officer (Shenzhen)-CN

1. 负责相关项目的设计、执行、协调及评估工作;
2. 协助项目团队进行项目调研、完成项目报告;
3. 协助项目团队控制项目成本;

Please send your application in English and Mandarin (including a CV, cover letter, copies of diplomas and certificates and earliest availability) via email to: Ms Nadine Schneider (return@cimonline.de) and 'cc' to Ms Min Zhou (min.zhou@gtz.de)


本帖最后由 科隆中国学生会 于 2010-11-17 16:05 编辑

2 Stellen von dem Yinengyixing Institute(Beijing)-CN




目前,机构正在开展的项目有“残障人士权利教育项目”、“无障碍休闲项目”、“残障青年成长陪伴计划”、“残障人士经济环境改进项目”。 其中,“残障人士权利教育项目”得到了美国Tides基金会全球发展基金的资助,“无障碍休闲项目”得到了德国米索尔基金会的支持。





本帖最后由 科隆中国学生会 于 2010-11-17 16:05 编辑

Assistant/in des Institute Leiters

Please send your application in English and Mandarin (including a CV, cover letter, copies of diplomas and certificates and earliest availability) via email to: Ms Nadine Schneider (return@cimonline.de) and 'cc' to Ms Min Zhou (min.zhou@gtz.de)


本帖最后由 科隆中国学生会 于 2010-11-17 21:47 编辑


学其他领域学科的同学,在参加讲座时,可以在CIM的注册表上留下您的具体信息。 当CIM有合适您的工作位置信息时,会直接从Datenbank里调出您的联系方式,将及时把具体的职位信息传递给您。



Management Assistent/in, Sekretär/in in Beijing

Für das Repräsentanzbüro Beijing/ China suchen wir, im erteilten Auftrag eines international
agierenden Unternehmens, einen Management Assistent/in, Sekretär/in.
Ihre Aufgaben
• Terminvereinbarungen und Organisation von Veranstaltungen, Mitorganisation von
Geschäftsreisen sowie allgemeine Bürokommunikation
• Erstellung der internen Buchführung, Quittungen für Kunden, Zahlungen an das
Headquarter und monatlichen Büroabrechnung
• Recherche und Kommunikation mit Kunden
• Verantwortlich für Büroreinigungskraft, Büromaterialien und Räumlichkeiten
• Vorbereitung von Dokumenten und Berichten
• Betreuung des Archivs, der Datenbank und des Bürokalenders
• Unterstützung bei Bedarf bei Recherche und Erstellung von Powerpoint-
Ihr Profil
• Bachelorabschluss, Arbeitserfahrung erforderlich
• Sehr gute Sprachkenntnisse in Deutsch und Englisch
• Erfahrung mit Büroarbeit und fundierte MS Office-Kenntnisse
• Gute Kommunikative, soziale und interkulturelle Kompetenz (Kommunikation mit
ausländischen Gästen und deren Betreuung)
• Grundkenntnisse der Buchführung
Beschäftigung: längerfristige Festanstellung
Eintrittsdatum: ab sofort
Bitte senden Sie Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen (Anschreiben, Lebenslauf und Zeugnisse) mit
Angabe des frühsten Eintrittstermins bis 15. Dec. 2010 umgehend an beratung@agef.de.
Für weitere Informationen, kontaktieren Sie bitte:
Frau Zhang, 030 50108517
Das Unternehmen präsentiert sich:
Unserer Auftraggeber ist ein internationales Beratungsunternehmen vor dem Hintergrund
psychologischer und kommunikationswissenschaftlicher Forschung. Was Sie als
Management 2.0 kennen, ist Kern der Arbeit unseres Auftraggebers. Denn: Reine
Profitorientierung garantiert weder langfristigen Erfolg, noch motiviert es Mitarbeiter und
Manager. Sie fördert nicht das Potential menschlicher Kreativität.
Es ist mehr nötig, um wirklich zufrieden und erfolgreich zu sein. Unserer Auftraggeber hilft
Unternehmen, herauszufinden, wie sie Ihre Mitarbeiter, das Management und nicht zuletzt
ihre Kunden zufriedenstellen.


28# 栀子花的微笑

当然可以. 讲座会介绍一些在德国和中国各种职位信息. 对于各种专业都会有一些指导性的信息。