August 2, 2001 (2 weeks old): Shen-shen sleeps inside an incubator at the Chengdu Research Base. Its mother was impregnated by artificial insemination


August 20, 2001: A newborn panda is held by a staff member at the Chengdu Research Base. It's one of a pair of twins.


March 1, 2002 (2 months, 12 days): People at Japan's Adventure World Zoo in Shirahama get their first look at Yuhin, who was born on December 17, and its watchful mother Meimei. Yuhin weighs 12.8 pounds and is 24 inches long.


August 28, 2002 (1 day old): Twelve year old Ya Ya carries one of her new babies in her mouth after giving to twins. So far, these are the sixth and seventh baby pandas to be born this year at the Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Center.


September 6, 2002 (16 days old): "Little Bing" - named after its mother, Bing Bing - drinks milk at the Chengdu Panda Breeding Research Base in Sichuan, China. After feeding, the researcher helps it to burp. "Little Bing" won't be given a real name until it is 100 days old.


September 6, 2002 (Less than 1 day old): "Little Jiao" - named after its mother, Jiao Jiao - weighs 6.4 ounces and is the fifth panda to be born at the Chengdu Panda Breeding Research Base so far this year. Twelve pandas were born in China during 2002. 110 pandas live in captivity throughout the world, and less than 1000 live in the wild. Chinese scientists are trying to use cloning technology to help save these highly endangered animals.


September 7, 2002: A baby panda cuddles with its momma at the Wolong Panda research center in Sichuan, China. A panda pregnancy can last 70-180 days. The destruction of their environment, hunting by humans, and their low birth rate make things look bleak for the future of pandas.


September 7, 2002: A veterinarian carefully cleans a baby panda at the Wolong Nature Reserve Panda Base. Saving the pandas also makes good economic sense because they bring a lot of money to the region by attracting tourists.




