[中国新闻] “英格兰伯明翰足球队我买下来了!”

香港富商杨嘉诚上月买下英超伯明翰俱乐部29.9%的股份,成为伯明罕队最大股东,也成为英超历史上的第一位华人老板。杨嘉诚二十三日在香港举行记者招待会。- }: Q; a0 w; x# a$ }* X

7 c( W! ~! {& i" {[ 本帖最后由 日月光 于 2007-7-23 16:14 编辑 ]

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港商为何青睐英超球队? 杨嘉诚收购伯明翰的幕后

/ [  [  Y2 @* [5 n, crs238848.rs.hosteurope.de
' X0 t3 f; J* L  杨嘉诚早先做过发型师,后涉足房地产,掘得第一桶金。2004年,杨嘉诚参股澳门赌场“希腊神话娱乐场”,成为亿万富豪。杨嘉诚在香港以“球迷”著称,2005年担任澎马流浪队主席,曾请来范志毅。
' D; p6 N: s5 D  }rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de
6 H8 B8 P& M$ h. [+ m8 a人在德国 社区  收购一支英超俱乐部一直是杨嘉诚的心愿,此前他曾接触过雷丁队和谢菲尔德星期三队,但最终还是把目标锁定在有132年历史的伯明翰俱乐部身上。杨嘉诚的报价比伯明翰俱乐部目前的市值高出1000万英镑,终于战胜了竞争对手、印度“钢铁大王”米塔尔。" t1 I8 q7 N; p% A
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. `: s6 u# B: z3 D2 R. d另一方面,英超在东南亚地区拥有大量拥趸,利用球队使自己的其他生意打开亚洲市场也是一大目的。杨嘉诚已公开表示,不排除引进中国香港球员的可能。伯明翰能否成为郑智、董方卓等中国海外球员的“避风港”,值得期待。
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. O* A" I; D/ ]Monday 23 July 2007
% V4 Z8 J' F4 Z6 B1 E; B) ]( ~8 m% t
$ g- D9 b& ]# q! bChinese players eyed for Birmingham
, P( E$ ~! [1 f, {* p5 H: a9 y人在德国 社区HONG KONG (AFP) - Hong Kong businessman Carson Yeung, the new main shareholder of English Premier League side Birmingham City, said Monday he planned to bring Hong Kong and mainland Chinese players to the club.; L7 t9 S8 d* H& n

  G: k( V! `/ E6 x1 ZYeung, who completed the purchase of 29.9 percent of the team last week, said he hoped to promote the club in China by recruiting one player from Hong Kong and two from mainland China.
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The 47-year-old, who had said he bought the club for the love of football as well as the enormous market potential in China, said he was currently looking out for suitable players.
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- l4 X, P7 V3 ?/ s8 k& \Yeung, a former hairdresser who reportedly made his fortune by investing in penny stocks, said he hoped to be able to report on new developments in the next three months.人在德国 社区% G% h# }5 T* M9 `" I

. Y& L( M3 |6 N  C9 nHe also plans to open Birmingham-themed cafes and restaurants in Hong Kong, China and possibly elsewhere in Asia, as well as football training schools.
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Yeung bought his stake in a deal worth about 15 million pounds (31 million US dollars). It would allow Yeung to trigger a bid to assume full control.  B; S$ [8 o1 |9 k& D

( _' s' k2 G5 ^* b& ?7 r, OOn Monday, Yeung, who purchased the club's shares through his clothing company Grandtop International Holdings, confirmed that he was considering buying out the remaining shares in the club.
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  h3 Q5 w1 }4 |. ?0 l: N' M0 p8 DIf he is successful in a full takeover, Birmingham City would become the ninth English Premier League side to be owned by foreign investors.

