[国际新闻] 英国市长寂寞难耐酒吧找乐 大打出手为红颜

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  l- q* \! h. K9 s1 _$ @1 n市长酒吧泡妞和“情敌”斗殴人在德国 社区: V4 j5 @* m5 `+ K# z

5 p% \) v3 e2 p" }/ j+ {4 ?' b, i+ m  《新快报》17日报道,迈克尔·弗里耶斯是英国利奇菲尔德市的新任市长,身为保守党市议员的他在今年5月才刚刚当选。弗里耶斯以前曾经当过屠夫,他和妻子马里恩已经分居五年,两人育有一对已经成年的儿子。
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1 l4 q$ T4 S/ i; M) N  新任市长弗里耶斯日前来到当地一家名叫“国王脑袋”的小酒吧中喝酒,并和一个40多岁的女性苏珊娜聊起了天,两人的神情看起来相当亲热。
0 C6 E( x) y1 V3 ?( z% w, b
: e$ h" ~6 `" Z% hrs238848.rs.hosteurope.de  可弗里耶斯没想到的是,苏珊娜的前伴侣正好也在酒吧中,他看到弗里耶斯和苏珊娜亲热暧昧的模样后,肺都快气炸了。这名54岁的吃醋男子冲到弗里耶斯面前,要求他离苏珊娜远一点。可弗里耶斯也不是省油的灯,身材魁梧的他立即站了起来,和这名男子展开了对峙,结果没说几句话,两人就打了起来,陷入了斗殴之中。弗里耶斯一名64岁的朋友上去劝架,结果也加入了斗殴中。人在德国 社区. n: T! \7 _7 m# e

+ O. g: ~3 g* S3 W3 b' ?" e市长被警方逮捕
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* r/ Z, G1 j/ E7 srs238848.rs.hosteurope.de  酒吧服务员见势不妙,立即打电话报了警。警方在凌晨时分赶到现场后,将面红耳赤的市长弗里耶斯和他64岁的帮手一起逮捕,押进了一辆警车中带往警察局。一名警方发言人称,调查仍在进行当中。( b! V" R# r/ Y/ K$ [

, Y) d$ P, `. J- H& T8 `1 n  据悉,弗里耶斯在警方牢房中被关了一夜,第二天获得了保释。
  c* E4 }8 n0 u4 w人在德国 社区
/ \, g" Q( Z$ F( ~- h0 F; c6 o1 g/ U# _  酒吧老板斯图亚特·格林说:“这些年来,这个市长经常到这儿来喝酒,他从来没有引起过麻烦。但上周五,他和一名40岁左右的女士聊天,她偶然会来喝酒,他们看起来非常谈得来,但这名女士的前伴侣却显然无法忍受市长和这名女子这么亲热,于是两人发生了冲突。”& f3 T5 Q) x# |. H% u( j% ?

# G9 A7 H1 m# @! O3 d6 e# Z! J  另一名目击者说:“市长当时只是寻找乐趣而已,就像他以前经常来这儿一样。他和这个女人太亲热了一点,这个女性的前伴侣显然对此非常嫉妒。”
  B$ R/ \: Y6 i( J* s6 T6 Hrs238848.rs.hosteurope.de
  w! @& m0 \/ `- B5 D* T0 g: Z前市长吁“丑闻市长”辞职
" N- K: ?6 K6 ]4 p  k人在德国 社区
6 Y4 C  |7 ]$ \. W$ B3 a& {  这起市长在酒吧泡妞斗殴事件发生后,利奇菲尔德市保守党议员和前市长巴里·迪格说:“当我听说这件事后,我彻底惊呆了,我相信他现在除了立即辞职外,没有任何其他选择。”不过,当地保守党议员迈克尔·法布里肯特却说:“在利奇菲尔德市,以及英格兰其他地方,在证明有罪之前每人都是无辜的。我认为迈克是一个优秀的市议员。”
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: K0 R, \3 g9 n% I" F. Yrs238848.rs.hosteurope.deMayor spends night in the cells after pub fight over brunette人在德国 社区$ s  J6 \- B; a# L

' T3 ]& H; ]$ j! v8 G/ \  vA mayor spent a night behind bars after apparently getting into a pub fight over a woman.
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Witnesses said Michael Fryers, mayor of Lichfield in Staffordshire, had been chatting up an attractive brunette when her former partner took exception. / ^. W) Z6 A) [( E; }
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7 |9 r7 d# W) y7 v: ABoth men squared up to each other and started grappling in the packed bar. A friend of the mayor then stepped in and fists started flying.
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+ M5 ~1 x: ~$ ?% b8 oTown brawl: Mayor Michael Fryers
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Police were called and Conservative councillor Mr Fryers, who was elected mayor in May, was led out into a squad car to spend a night in custody. One dismayed fellow councillor, John Walker, joked: 'He always thought he looked like John Prescott. Now he's acting like him. 'I've had a few political tussles with him over the years and he can be very aggressive in an argument. But I can't ever have imagined it leading to blows.' The brawl broke out late on Friday night in the King's Head pub in the centre of the historic cathedral city. Mr Fryers was arrested along with another man in the early hours of Saturday for assaulting a 54-year-old man who suffered minor injuries.人在德国 社区0 }- _5 Z. G( d( C( Z/ z
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Object of affection: Susanna. Estranged: Wife Marion (right)
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King's Head landlord Stuart Green said: 'The mayor has been coming here for years and he's never caused any trouble before. 'But on Friday he was chatting to a brunette lady in her forties who drinks here occasionally. 'They appeared to be getting along well and were enjoying each others' company. There was another man in the bar who used to be in a relationship with this woman and he took exception to the mayor's advances 'He told him to back off, words were said and they began pushing and shoving each other. 'A friend of the mayor's got involved and there may have been a few punches but I couldn't quite see. 'Both of them did not look as if they had suffered any serious injuries. 'Fighting is something I come down hard on. 'I will speak to the mayor about his behaviour and decide whether or not to bar him.' The brunette, known only as Susanna, said: 'We were out on Friday having a few drinks and a laugh and it all went wrong. 'In the pushing and shoving I was knocked to the floor. The funny thing is I was the one that ended up injured out of all this.' Police are still investigating but father-of-two Mr Fryers, who is separated, said: 'At this moment in time I am under advice not to say anything. 'Therefore I am not going to be making any comment.' His estranged wife Marion said: 'I saw him and Susanna earlier that evening in one of the pubs. 'They have known each other for a while. 'Knowing Mike, he'd probably got too cosy with her because he was drunk.' There have been calls for Mr Fryers to consider resigning. Fellow councillor Mr Walker, an independent, said: 'If these allegations are true than his behaviour cannot be condoned and he'll have to resign from his post - he may have no option.'