[中国新闻] 中国军队展示实力

“我们的队伍向太阳”中国军队成就展7月17日正式对公众开放,允许观众驾驶坦克模拟器,观看毛泽东打过的沙袋,或查看一枚氢弹模型,甚至还可以仔细端详解放军新式军装。rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de" l  g6 n# z& y
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英国媒体7月18日的文章指出,今年的8月1日,是世界最庞大的军队――中国人民解放军建军80周年纪念日,中国正在用一个动人的展览来庆祝这个节日。展览的第一天,中国人民革命军事博物馆便被观众挤得水泄不通,孩子们抓住高射炮不放,数十人排队等着试射一把军舰上的机关枪。rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de, i+ h  b) N, o

+ R- {3 Z0 }  u英国独立报说,中国人民解放军拥有230万士兵,80万预备役军人,还有150万人民武装警察。自建军之日起,解放军已从当初的一支游击队转变成一个强大的军事机器。
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& `6 g2 V% E5 G在广场展区摆放着各式武器装备和后勤装备,歼击轰炸机、第一代中近程地地核导弹、越野指挥车、远程医疗会诊车、野外淋浴车、面包加工方舱等应有尽有。展厅大屏幕上,还播放着中国核潜艇的图像。一位特地赶来观看的广州游客对中国媒体说:“这么庞大的军事成就展还是第一次见到,我为我们国家的强大感到自豪。”  h" s# \" @9 d3 k6 X! y6 B

8 l- s( e; J1 M解放军成就展还展出了不少中国自己研发的新型武器装备,如歼系列战斗机、新型主战坦克等。包括新一代5.8毫米枪族、35毫米自动榴弹发射器和120毫米反坦克火箭在内的一批中国国产新式轻武器在展会上公开亮相。- K1 i0 a( b$ ~; T
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  V" s8 H, H- c  m+ y2 [展览不仅展出了中国第一颗原子弹、氢弹,1964年大比武时毛主席察看过的步枪、抗美援朝时邱少云牺牲时紧握的冲锋枪,而且展出了5.8mm枪族等新型轻武器和新型主战坦克、新型步兵战车、新型自行高炮、新型地地导弹、中程地空导弹、歼击轰炸机等大型武器装备。rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de; b6 d( d* l+ @, o1 i
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此外,中国自行研制的北斗卫星导航定位系统揭开了它的神秘面纱。观众在现场看到,通过北斗卫星导航定位系统,可以在大屏幕上清晰地看到远在千里之外的边防巡逻车、水面舰艇的运行轨迹,指挥员还可以与定位目标进行双向的文字、数据交流。在一张分辨率达到0.5米的大分辨率地图上,观众用手指选定目标后,屏幕上立即显示出该目标的精确地理坐标。 解放军总参谋部的一位军官介绍说:“卫星导航定位是指利用卫星导航定位系统提供位置、速度及时间等信息,由此完成对各种目标的定位、导航、监测和管理。通俗地讲,就是在外太空设置一个‘无线电导航台’。”
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独立报的文章指出,此次军展展出的海滩登陆画面,实际上是针对台湾。台湾已成为北京军事发展的一个聚焦点,中国不断重申称,如果这个自治的岛屿试图宣布独立,就会对其动用武力武力。人在德国 社区" a( O" r! E. P9 I

, F; w/ r* V$ R) x2 u8 S( |% Lrs238848.rs.hosteurope.de此次展览还指出,中国军队“为世界和平作出了宝贵的贡献”。不过,这种观点与五角大楼早前所强调的,中国军事力量的崛起可能会增加亚洲的紧张。尽管美国估计中国的军费开支可能已达到63亿英镑,但在今年3月召开的人大会议上,中国宣布仅表示,会把其国防预算提高至17.8%,达到220亿英镑。- r9 h. h" r# E+ o
人在德国 社区* S! l8 o5 Y/ P
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& @2 a* s1 o% ~' |6 o# W人在德国 社区在坦克训练模拟器前,围了一层层的观众,3名解放军官兵正在给大家演示操作方法。为了激发观众的兴趣,增强与观众的互动,展览设置了一些观众参与项目,如海军多功能舰艇模拟训练器、坦克训练模拟器,可让观众体验驾驶军舰、坦克的感受。rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de+ K0 L6 C/ U8 v2 R+ W; @( m* L( M
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英国独立报指出,此次中国军事成就展令感到惊奇的是,中国前国防部长、前军委副主席林彪的照片也出现在了十大“开国元帅”展览橱窗里。林彪曾在抗日战争时帮助击败日本侵略者,在解放战争时期又率兵击败了国民党,并在朝鲜战争中指挥中国军队与美军作战。( w4 J, X0 @. j# Z- L$ U
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8 j, i# j& G5 v2 d& t人在德国 社区Show of strength as China marks anniversary of world's biggest army
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Our Troops toward the Sun, an exhibition which opened yesterday, allows visitors to drive a tank, see Chairman Mao Zedong's punch-bag or check out a model of a hydrogen bomb. They can even examine in detail the new uniforms of the People's Liberation Army (PLA).
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This year is the 80th anniversary of the foundation of the PLA, the world's biggest military force, and China is celebrating the occasion with a stirring exhibition. Day one was packed with visitors, including children getting to grips with anti-aircraft guns and dozens of people queuing to fire a warship's gun.
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The PLA has 2.3 million soldiers, 800,000 reservists and a People's Armed Police of 1.5 million. Since its foundation, it has been transformed from a group of guerrillas into a powerful military machine.
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A surprise inclusion in the exhibition is Lin Biao, a defence minister who helped defeat Japanese invaders, routed Nationalist troops in China's civil war during the 1930s and 1940s and commanded Chinese forces in the Korean War. He is honoured as one of the "Ten Marshals" who founded the PLA, although he died a traitor in a mysterious plane crash after apparently plotting to assassinate Mao Zedong, the Communist leader.
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; d0 B' v  u$ Q$ A% |1 a9 c"With objective thinking, we decided to put the picture of Lin Biao together with the other nine marshals," said Jiang Tingyu, a researcher. "We have to show history as it was."rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de" z; i4 V" Q' T( w2 w' `) W* b9 i

, E: q8 U9 p: i- W6 m) ^A prominent diorama showed a beach invasion, with Taiwan in mind. The island is the focus of Beijing's military development, which mainland China has said it would attack if the self-ruled island state tried tried to declare independence. The exhibition says China's armed forces "make a valuable contribution to world peace", a view at variance with a Pentagon reportthis year which said the growth of the Chinese military could increase tension in Asia.4 a! l5 r# b$ C, ]: J" {0 E
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At the National People's Congress in March, China said it would boost defence spending by 17.8 per cent, to £22bn, this year, though the US says the figure could reach £63bn. Washington spends £244bn a year on its military, not including Iraq and Afghanistan.
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% l4 S. z& V& m" [6 A$ R* C6 EThe green hats in the new PLA uniform no longer incorporate a red band. Critics say it should have remained as a symbol of the Communist Party.

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