[国际新闻] 80多岁英国女王追赶潮流 开始使用电子邮件

& n0 s# j& B; k! C人在德国 社区
7 Y' Q4 e. t$ P& @1 X据英国《每日电讯报》6月16日报道,女王本周一(11日)在白金汉宫举行的一个授奖仪式上与著名女记者伊丽莎白·萨尔茨曼闲聊了几句。女王当时在和萨尔茨曼结束愉快的谈话时说道:“听着,我们一定要保持联系……哦,对了,我可以把电子邮箱地址留给你。”
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' G. `# M1 i* c# i2 W2 \8 P% B7 E人在德国 社区看着萨尔茨曼一脸的吃惊表情,女王笑着说道:“不要怀疑,我真的有电子邮箱,不过,当然,我并不会真的自己写邮件,而是我口述,由专人代写。”其实,也不能怪萨尔茨曼有些惊讶过头,毕竟几百年来,英国皇室秉承的传统之一就是使用钢笔,亲手书写信件。# t% P! e! J- l5 ~0 b: V# z% ^! {

& v) Q/ ?) L5 I) t! T人在德国 社区无怪乎英国媒体一致惊呼道,女王的各个方面都足以表明,她是一位21世纪的女王。一些英国人甚至猜测起女王的电子邮箱地址,是oneself@palace.gov.uk还是lizzy_2@hotmail.com呢?恐怕除了皇室成员,没人能给出正确的答案。/ i0 y% e$ W: X' E
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于是就有人提出这样的疑问,开始使用电子邮件的女王接下来还会有什么惊人之举呢,是开个人博客么?(万艳)人在德国 社区! e* H1 m0 D# Q$ b- f' f' V6 P7 ?. U+ A
rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de; m( D. Z( Q$ m5 |0 u) i

5 z$ @6 |7 Q; a( F
- E: D, D- e0 w) a) hBelying her age, the Queen also has an iPod and a mobile phone
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Queen goes online with first email address
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The Queen’s latest foray into the world of modern technology has led her to setting up her own email account, it has emerged.
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But, in true majesterial fashion, she does not actually type her emails herself - rather she dictates them.* b% y) X* u' H) m
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The 81-year-old monarch, already the proud owner of a mobile phone and an iPod mini, revealed her aquisition of an email address at a recent Buckingham Palace garden party.
" K1 t; W+ {) ^/ |! |) j# S
& |3 I/ X8 z: f' Qrs238848.rs.hosteurope.deThe 81-year-old monarch, already the proud owner of a mobile phone and an iPod mini, revealed her aquisition of an email address at a recent party for the Household Cavalry. 1 K- N% o% s' Q

& N. k, y8 I. B$ oAt the end of an animated conversation between the Queen and Elizabeth Saltzman, editor of Vanity Fair, the journalist said: "Look, we must keep in touch”".
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"Absolutely!" agreed the monarch. "Here, let me give you my email address." " E. V: W1 C( ]( h( r8 z
" I; p, t/ y+ d" d
"Good lord, you use email?" replied a stunned Saltzman. "Oh yes," continued the Queen. "But I don’t actually write them - I dictate them all, of course."
1 c# Z. a, C3 T9 |! P
2 H4 ~. |5 k; i% M. A. A3 p: qBuckingham Palace refused to comment on whether the Queen had her own account. But, sources said that the Queen is in regular email contact with her grandchildren, though she does still apparently rely on her aides to show her how exactly to send them.rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de1 x3 W6 a# n" n* e

% D$ q: K, w: u/ W/ T. z人在德国 社区In June 2005 it was reported that the Queen had been bought a six-gigabyte mini iPod. Amongst some of the music stored on it is said to be The Last Night of the Proms. 9 R0 c3 K# R2 ?* w
$ t8 b. u) _5 B2 x1 Z$ W' O
And she seems keen to let the world know of just exactly how technologically aware she is. 1 F/ Q6 D7 }% X* q- M

  x! H4 a* e  ]1 E9 [% crs238848.rs.hosteurope.deLast year she made her Christmas Day message available for the first time as an podcast. She is also said to use her mobile to send text messages to Princes William and Harry. rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de3 a4 Q, K, T5 u$ g* ]  K6 P
; U1 `7 C* [! [/ k, z; R
The Queen’s adoption of an email address leaves a dwindling number of famous people relying largely on pen and ink. + `' w6 {. Q' I! I3 L, \! R

  R- f# E# J+ E7 C# @7 F. yTerry Eagleton, the Marxist academic, is proud to play the role of a Luddite. He said recently: "I have an aversion to email and mobile phones, and I’ve never felt I’ve missed out by not having either." 4 F# d( L0 n1 v. s+ T
rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de0 r- K( n" p3 z9 i3 n3 x
Benjamin Zephaniah, the poet, musician, actor, playwright and novelist, is also thought to be an internet refusenik. The position of the Pope on the subject remains unclear. 人在德国 社区# }6 i1 ]# M; X5 F* j  j: I, H

. C! H( x0 {, }( }; M# BHowever, Dalai Lama, the Tibetan spiritual leader, is indisputably bereft of all things internet. "He doesn’t even use a computer," said his spokesman, Tenzin Taklha.
8 }0 t, R" a6 u7 U/ v+ H' j
9 i7 ?% k* I: _& o+ Ars238848.rs.hosteurope.deSpy can only speculate as to what the royal email address might be - our current favourites are 'oneself@palace.gov.uk’ and 'lizzy_2@hotmail.com’ - but please send us your suggestions. 人在德国 社区+ Z$ [% `5 B* T( W
Whatever next - a royal blog?人在德国 社区0 p! P/ r. U4 z. ]# M6 M
: D6 Z" Q( i) L$ q
[ 本帖最后由 日月光 于 2007-6-17 13:00 编辑 ]
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