[国际新闻] 时速550公里超级跑车你敢开吗?

瑞士Acabion公司推出的新概念超级跑车。外形更像摩托车,启动到时速360公里只需要20秒,90升油可行驶2400公里7 z; c8 |. t6 F" b0 g

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, |/ D/ a5 _9 I- W, X) ]( o( L  最高时速550公里
$ |2 B6 Q& `' W5 `5 {' T
- b# n0 _1 O4 }0 k; R* p1 H5 ^- Z  这款新概念超级跑车由瑞士Acabion公司推出。从启动加速到时速每小时360公里,超级跑车只需要不到20秒时间。这一纪录足以让任何一款法拉利跑车相形见绌。( @4 X1 s7 r# u0 V
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  虽然超级跑车曾经在测试中达到每小时550公里的惊人速度,为了安全起见,设计师将它的最大驾驶时速限定在每小时470公里。即便如此,这一速度还是远远超越了“布加提威龙”跑车创造的每小时407公里的公路最快速度世界纪录。rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de6 W" t/ D( ]  K( N" i, D
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  相比“布加提威龙”巨大的16.4升引擎而言,超级跑车使用的引擎明显小巧许多,容量只有1.4升,耗油量也要小得多。超级跑车使用一个容量90升的油箱,在每小时100公里的时速下,跑车能够行驶至少2400公里。人在德国 社区6 @0 q  m. U! p
人在德国 社区# T' E$ a4 j' k% e4 j  Q! e
  超级跑车设有一对辅助轮。跑车全速行驶时辅助轮被挂起,当跑车慢速行驶时,液压臂会将两只辅助轮放下,以维持车体平衡。超级跑车还拥有一部2千瓦的电动引擎,以便在低速行驶时替代柴油引擎,从而达到进一步节省燃料的目的。3 w" _4 o. [  u) u
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. U& `) z6 w+ o5 f  马斯库斯博士告诉记者,“传统跑车的设计起源于四轮马车,它们宽大笨重,并不适合高速行驶。一辆臃肿不堪的跑车显然不符合物理学原理。”马斯库斯还指出,在大自然里,一切以高速著称的生物都拥有苗条的外形,比如印度豹。超级跑车的设计引入了仿生学的概念。邢晔(新华社供本报特稿)
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A sleek and speedy debut
! \  c! A) u: n3 m1 W6 [  [人在德国 社区It's made of carbon fibre, powered by a 700bhp turbocharged Suzuki Hayabusa engine and an electric motor and its makers claim it will eventually be capable of 0-258mph acceleration in 19 seconds and a maximum of 450mph, at which speed it will deliver 17.6mpg. "It is a perfect engine, I love it," says Acabion's chief research officer, Peter Maskus.
& j8 }- q; x( _5 e1 U+ n% @When it goes on sale in 2009, the Acabion GTBO 70 will only be capable of 150mph, but its maker claims the 300kg vehicle is the world's most exclusive; production from 2007 to 2011 is limited to 26 examples.
( T" B) H# S5 X+ J"As an engineer I worked for Porsche, Mercedes and BMW," says Maskus. "All those cars are inefficient; they originate from the horse-drawn carriage with their four big wheels and rectangular shape. The Acabion is the new ideal of sporting and responsible mobility." The Acabion resembles another enclosed, tandem seating, feet-forward motorcycle, the Ecomobile, although that was bulkier and powered by a BMW motorcycle engine, with a top speed of 161mph, 0-62mph in 5.7sec and a steady 56mph fuel consumption of 68mpg.
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[ 本帖最后由 日月光 于 2007-6-13 22:08 编辑 ]