[国际新闻] 马跑得比人快? 人跑得比马快 ?

美式足球外接员强森九日在辛辛那提举办的一项人马二百米慈善赛跑中,轻松击败对手,领先距离长达一百米。人在德国 社区) r7 Z, s0 J+ [* f) f; S$ N8 ]! o
人在德国 社区1 O; W6 i3 C3 f

3 L5 Z9 \6 z' [8 C1 s: h/ a& d. d& D' f9 U3 d
Schneller als ein Pferdrs238848.rs.hosteurope.de8 ]( Q5 U+ T: Q7 ~- L3 }

6 V' _9 [3 x4 p0 u人在德国 社区Für einen guten Zweck lief NFL-Star Chad Johnsen ein Rennen gegen ein Pferd. Er gewann locker. "Ich will die besten jeder Sportart bezwingen!" ) u+ o' z7 Q  U; l& W# |; a% C+ I0 l5 Z
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) p5 U( z0 B+ E  A& r) Q; t; VDas war der forsche Vorsatz von Cincinnati Bengals - Wide Reciever Chad Johnson für die Sommerpause. Der erste Teil seines Vorhabens war ein Wohltätigkeitsrennen über eine Achtelmeile gegen das Rennpferd "Restore the Roar".
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100 Meter Vorsprung
+ q8 m( ~4 w" Q* t2 J( ^Da Johnson zu Fuß unterwegs war, bekam er 100 Meter Vorsprung. Dieser Vorsprung genügte ihm aber, um zum Schluß sogar locker ins Ziel zu joggen. "Als sie mir sagten, ich bekäme Vorsprung, war klar, dass das Pferd keine Chance hat", meinte der selbstbewußte Johnson.

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6 _: c4 N+ ]1 R6 t$ R「人马对抗马拉松」今年共吸引了二百五人和四五匹马参加,全长五点四公里的赛程穿越沼泽、高山等不同地形。德国代表霍金格以二小时廿分跑完,捧走三千英镑奖金。 主办单位表示,由于天气炎热,马儿表现大受影响,为了保护马匹的安全,每隔一段时间就由兽医检测,让体力不继的马匹停止比赛,所以许多马并未跑完全程。 第一位跑赢马的人是伦敦马拉松选手罗柏,他在二○○四年技压群马。9 \5 c$ E! n8 }

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1 @3 D/ `4 n* R) d7 |6 I/ sTwo men beat horses in marathon" z. \" e( I  u  F  R& N

- d. u; ]% g( n" C! a! |& [rs238848.rs.hosteurope.deFor only the second time in its history the Man versus Horse marathon has been won by a runner - in fact, two. Another man also beat the first horse home in the race held every June at Llanwrtyd Wells in Powys. German participant Florian Holginger came in 11 minutes before the first horse while John Parkinson from the UK was a minute behind the winner. Organisers said Saturday's hot weather meant many of the 45 horses taking part were withdrawn from the marathon. The 22-mile race now in its 28th years attracts competitors from all over the world and this year a total of 250 runners took part. Throughout the race the runners try to out run the horses over marsh, mountain and bog.
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0 E4 P' `3 C( Z; t: K* R! NOrganiser Gareth Davies said the paramount concern this year had been for the safety of the horses taking part. "Forty five horses started the race but there were regular checks and vets were stopping those which got too tired," said Mr Davies. The first man home on Saturday completed the course in two hours and 20 minutes. In 2004 a London marathon runner became the first human to triumph in the annual dual with horse and scooped a £25,000 prize. This year's winner will take home a £3,000 prize.