[国际新闻] 欧洲首辆环保火车英上路

采用低污染生质柴油作燃料的第一辆欧洲环保火车周四在英国首次上路,英国首相指定接班人布朗也坐上这列从伦敦尤斯顿车站驶往北威尔斯兰都诺的“维京航行者”火车作见证。rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de1 t; V2 r* I- @+ w& c) n- i: ~8 ]0 F7 e  x

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这列火车已作了一些修改,以适合使用含20%生质柴油的混合燃料,这种燃料来自可以生生不息的生物,包括油菜籽、黄豆与棕榈油等,排出的二氧化碳废气比普通柴油车少很多。人在德国 社区, G0 w  T( }1 z% N  [/ s
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- w4 C$ ]' C% F  N7 ZRichard Branson's Virgin Trains sets the first vegetable-fueled service in motion.
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All aboard Branson's bio train
- \/ R+ Z% ~. a$ {% y1 X: p- h7 OEurope's first vegetable-fueled train begins service as part of billionaire's bid to fight global warming. * H8 W. z9 S+ _  h- K7 Q

4 A0 p- E1 g& f8 k% @人在德国 社区LONDON, June 7 (Reuters) -- Billionaire Richard Branson's commitment to combat global warming got on track Thursday as Europe's first scheduled passenger train fueled by vegetable oil left London for North Wales.人在德国 社区- T1 X2 T, o7 J# P( ^9 N& \' [1 ?* N

- X! w3 W$ v8 m! e. Crs238848.rs.hosteurope.deBranson's Virgin Trains is running one of its trains on a 20 percent biodiesel blend for a six-month trial, and the British entrepreneur said his whole fleet might eventually be converted to run on biofuels.) H- B- l* h1 q; Q$ ?3 B, J
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Britain's current finance minister and next prime minister, Gordon Brown, attended the send-off at Euston station after facilitating the trial by allowing a special tax dispensation.
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. J3 K) M0 P9 e. U. h- y6 w& s"There is a possibility as the engines get changed we could go up to 100 percent biodiesel," Branson told a news conference, adding the company had been advised its current engines should run on a 20 percent blend.
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% `! f( m1 E, L% p: eBranson has committed to spending all the profits from his airline and rail business to combat global warming.rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de$ h& E8 [8 g7 V; I

* R% [0 w8 j* R人在德国 社区He also plans next year to have a test flight for one of his passenger aircraft using a biofuel.
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4 b8 }/ C# S% Q$ D% j' PVirgin CrossCountry Managing Director Chris Gibb said the biofuel for locomotives would come mainly from the United Kingdom via domestically produced rapeseed oil blended with U.S. soybean oil and palm oil from the Far East.
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