[国际新闻] 英男子驾滑翔伞飞越珠峰穆朗玛峰

 1998年,年仅23岁的英国探险家拜尔·格利尔斯成为征服珠穆朗玛峰的最年轻的英国人。时隔9年之后,5月14日,格利尔斯驾滑翔伞成功飞越珠峰,并且创造了8992米的动力滑翔伞最新世界纪录,比前世界纪录提升了将近3048米。rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de: K* Z- g( H6 `3 ^% ^

" U6 s8 e) \' \3 r! V/ [  23岁带伤登上珠峰4 d% K0 o) ~8 D3 a: h& P9 z, Y
  现年32岁的拜尔是一名探险家,早年曾在驻南非的英国空军特勤队服役,在一次降落伞事故中,他不幸坠地受伤,脊椎3处骨折。然而3年后的1998年,年仅23岁的拜尔凭着顽强的毅力,登上了珠穆朗玛峰,成为迄今为止征服这一世界最高峰的最年轻的英国人。- W9 o' B# l1 _  A) `, c- Q  i1 T. b

* _+ Y$ n( F  ]. x' M+ Q4 b  从此,拜尔的身影活跃在世界各地的艰险地带。2003年,他与同伴驾驶一艘敞篷船,从加拿大东部的海力法克斯港出发,经格陵兰及冰岛至苏格兰,横跨北大西洋的北极圈,经历了严酷天气的考验,顺利完成了这次艰难探险。1 {2 F% N& j. A! T# ~! ]" L

: g3 c8 u! f- A4 ]  备战18个月再闯珠峰
* x& P( O5 O& w$ z) j  一直以来,拜尔怀着一个梦想,那便是驾驶动力滑翔伞飞越珠穆朗玛峰。为了这次常人看来不可能完成的探险,拜尔与他的副驾驶吉洛·卡多佐曾经进行了18个月的长期准备。8 ~9 g( P) U# Q
9 N. \! Y$ O* L# Q1 x
  5月13日,拜尔与吉洛从尼泊尔东部、海拔约3536米的营地出发,各自驾驶一个动力滑翔伞起飞。在他们的背带上,各自绑着一台四冲程、以无铅汽油为燃料的动力推进器。rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de/ R5 }6 x, }; d4 m0 M# v
% S5 z, y6 ~: F0 a/ T- L- x

3 {. S: z+ T  ^9 i* {rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de
9 Q# e4 t) j4 w6 u, N: zBear Grylls拜尔·格利尔斯
6 }$ P, L/ \4 O5 E/ n4 O3 g& l1 v  a0 C

  a+ K0 o' F0 x4 j人在德国 社区  经过长达4小时的飞行,空气中的氧气含量已经不足以支撑人体的正常需求。无奈之下,拜尔只得与同伴双双返回营地,等待机会。
; U; A9 ?3 _' T1 F9 u人在德国 社区rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de$ Y6 u0 V2 E" H( }' s; `2 n- x
3 N4 ?4 t& e1 z9 ~& A  5月14日凌晨4时45分,拜尔和吉洛背负约54公斤的求生背包和氧气瓶再度起飞,然后以121公里的时速飞入冰冷的大气层。人在德国 社区( D4 X, p% z5 q

4 _- `4 D! D8 {1 l, |% v5 T& ors238848.rs.hosteurope.de
4 \. w; j) ^2 T8 a, L6 _3 f9 Prs238848.rs.hosteurope.deBear Grylls and his co-pilot Gilo Cardozo first practised flying in the Alps
9 n& h, u: S5 q0 t( ]人在德国 社区图为拜尔·格利尔斯和同伴卡多佐在阿尔卑斯山練習( \  X+ H1 [. b  ^
rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de6 d4 [+ ^+ g1 R/ u: s

0 h6 R7 F- v' r' U5 @2 ~  升至约8534米高度时,吉洛背负的动力推进器突然熄火,他不得不放弃攀升,开始下滑。此时,气温低至零下60摄氏度,空气中的氧气稀薄得让人窒息。最终,孤身飞行的拜尔继续上飞,成功飞越了珠穆朗玛峰。说起今生第二次与这世界第一峰“重逢”,他回忆道:“再次见到顶峰的感觉让我倍感自豪。我早已忘却它有多么可怕。”rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de* G6 V8 a' I7 e/ P

# m, B. G& _* ?# J; v5 l5 B, m$ ]4 v- j$ m9 N) w6 m
) T/ x3 V1 e! D: V6 _" D# \人在德国 社区探险家拜尔·格利尔斯和同伴驾滑翔伞在喜马拉雅山脉飞行。左上角小图为拜尔。
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9 I4 ~4 O4 u9 F$ p1 q$ y, K+ D9 j' Z* D2 l  [4 W0 v* w
Explorer hits heights with Himalayan record
$ V3 f" a8 F! w/ C4 W! e  Irs238848.rs.hosteurope.deHe has never lacked towering ambition, pushing body and mind to their limit in pursuit of improbable feats of endurance.
- v; S) G) W9 c9 |
4 P1 i% }) n+ c% KSo it was, perhaps, inevitable that Bear Grylls would be reunited with Everest when he soared into the record books yesterday with a petrol-powered paraglider flight over the Himalayas.3 d2 [; I3 J( |1 n

' c" ^4 |+ @' d0 F( B, Q人在德国 社区The explorer, whose first encounter with Everest was when he reached the summit only three years after breaking his back in three places, survived temperatures of -76F (-60C) and dangerously low oxygen levels to reach 29,500ft. His achievement is almost 10,000ft higher than the previous powered paraglide record, although the record is yet to be independently verified.
6 V3 P  n: Q: |( T; O人在德国 社区+ c* W6 q6 R6 [+ S/ s; k
The 32-year-old had planned to fly over the summit of the 29,035ft mountain but the former SAS soldier, for once opting for discretion ahead of valour, decided the risk of being jailed by the Chinese was too great if he illegally strayed into their airspace.
2 a" P% k$ }. W
8 h4 _" N. Y' v0 v' Drs238848.rs.hosteurope.deThe expedition saw Grylls and his co-pilot, Gilo Cardozo, take off at 11,600ft from their base camp in eastern Nepal under a parachute propelled by a four-stroke, unleaded petrol engine that was strapped to his back. After a four-hour journey, during which the pair entered the death zone - where the amount of oxygen cannot sustain human life - Grylls returned to base camp and vowed that his days of daredevil stunts were over.
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# H/ @, r1 ~, B$ ?; Q' O! T8 h[ 本帖最后由 日月光 于 2007-5-15 22:17 编辑 ]