[国际新闻] 波士顿管弦音乐会观众打架闹事

美国波士顿大众管弦乐团,9日在当地进行演出的时候,观众席竟然有人公然打起来。 两名男子扭打成一团,难分难解,旁人还得费尽九牛二虎之力,把这两个大男人拉开,中间还尖叫声不断。其中一人打完已经衣衫不整,立刻被警卫带出场外。 原本来听音乐的观众,则是在一旁看了一场好戏,也窃笑成一团。 这个打架花絮让演出被迫中断几分钟。/ Z6 I$ `6 I2 u3 W
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Fight Breaks Out at Boston Pops
' d2 X5 U2 l* G  w8 Q8 bBOSTON -- Concert-goers, and even Boston Pops conductor Keith Lockhart, were caught off-guard on Thursday night when a fight broke out on opening night at usually sedate Symphony Hall.
% j) e9 [. `0 O" }+ ^" GTelevision video of the fight showed two men struggling in the balcony _ one having his shirt pulled off _ as several people stood around them.
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Lockhart briefly halted the performance, which featured Ben Folds, while the men were escorted out.人在德国 社区, U1 O: M4 Z3 o: B  B( ^
Boston police spokesman David Estrada said police officers on security detail at the hall escorted the men off the property, and no charges were filed. No injuries were reported in the 7 p.m. incident, he said.
  V, z2 A" @) b0 u# g( Z+ }A Boston Symphony spokeswoman did not immediately return a call for comment.
2 z' n" ~: g$ }; U* ]2 rrs238848.rs.hosteurope.deWitnesses said they heard a scream from the balcony, and the sound of chairs falling, then a second scream as the fight escalated.& j  L- W( _* [( H6 t) D

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In this video frame grab provided by WHDH-TV7, a fight breaks out in the balcony at Symphony Hall on Opening Night of the Boston Pops in Boston, Wednesday, May 9, 2007. The performance was briefly halted when two men were escorted from the hall. rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de8 w6 R+ B" A) P
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