[国际新闻] 母亲节是纽约黑帮全年最重要的一个日子

纽约「路奇斯」黑帮老大柏克还没有坐牢时,每年母亲节都会订购几打玫瑰,亲自送到入狱属下的家里,向他们的母亲献上鲜花和亲吻,从来没有错过任何一年或任何一位母亲。 ! l7 m2 f+ k8 [9 g5 D' ^6 W* W

  t7 F, s- ]/ H! Z$ O* X帮派份子分子对这种做法毫不感到惊讶,因为母亲节是帮派份子全年最重要的一个日子。在每年五月的第二个星期天,黑帮停止杀人火并,一边享受母亲的拿手好菜,一边回味家庭的温馨。
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皮斯东说,一名帮派分子曾经告诉他,为了向母亲表示敬意,每年五月母亲节来临,黑手党就暂时休兵,停止仇杀械斗,上场的改为礼篮和糖果盒。母亲节一过又恢复杀戮。 5 z( u5 F# n* h

1 D/ O5 y& b# [- b9 s9 U# f7 n0 c: G这种深爱母亲又冷酷嗜血的个性并不少见。吉诺维斯集团首脑吉甘特一九八○和九○年代主持美国最大犯罪组织之时,仍在曼哈坦格林威治村的集资楼亲自侍奉年逾九的老母。
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8 d6 o  y: c4 T4 z新英格兰黑帮头目费拉拉坐牢六年,出狱第一件事就是去看望九岁的母亲。 . L/ M, E( }" t; x, c
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. L: u6 x5 Q0 Z( n有个星期五,他带着客人上门,与母亲一起用餐。饭后他的母亲去看电影,等电影散场时,芮尔斯已经把这个客人干掉,若无其事的等母亲回来一起享用茶点。   _9 B' y# l# \- Z7 K& }3 A

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Victoria Gotti, mother of John Gotti Jr., appeared at three of her son's trials in two years and offered her $715,000 home for her son's bail.
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Even the toughest mobster has a soft spot for Mom
$ c8 \- L/ L) }7 {- oNEW YORK (AP) -- Each and every Mother's Day until he landed behind bars, mobster Jimmy "The Gent" Burke performed a sacrosanct ritual.rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de" M7 s8 h: \3 N  v6 q

6 X6 x( ^5 S1 M: sBurke, the mastermind behind the $5.8 million Lufthansa heist immortalized in "Goodfellas," dropped a few C-notes on dozens of red roses from a Rockaway Boulevard florist. He then toured the homes of his jailed Luchese crime family pals, providing their mothers with a bouquet and a kiss.
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5 m7 z' D: _" gHe never missed a year, or a mom.
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Burke's gesture was no surprise to his fellow hoodlums: Mother's Day was the most important Sunday on the organized crime calendar, when homicide took a holiday and racketeering gave way to reminiscing -- often over a plate of mom's pasta and gravy.
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! ^- P0 d" n8 v3 V3 s"These guys, they do have a love for their mothers," said Joe Pistone, the FBI undercover agent who spent six Mother's Days inside the Bonanno family as jewel thief Donnie Brasco. "They thought nothing of killing. But the respect for their mothers? It was amazing."
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7 o9 t* _! I' _* M& NSo amazing, Pistone recalled, that Bonanno member Benjamin "Lefty Guns" Ruggiero once told him that the Mafia -- like a suburban Jersey mall shuttered by blue laws -- closed for business when Mother's Day arrived each May.
; N" [3 z4 z) u; D0 \6 YNo vendettas or broken bones. Just gift baskets and boxes of candy.
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# m. S% O) O+ P"Absolutely," said mob informant Henry Hill, who described his old friend Burke's annual rite. "It's Mother's Day, you know?"* }: N# B  e% p  L! i

# I7 N) s" f2 t; B/ Q& K3 |The bond between gangsters and their mothers is more sacred than the oath of omerta and more complex than anything imagined by Oedipus. Pistone watched stone murderers suddenly grow misty when discussing their moms -- or her meals.3 ^2 Z6 E7 J! \+ Q

6 v5 |9 P2 ~9 y7 R  S/ H( a人在德国 社区"They're not embarrassed to say how much they love their mother," said Pistone, author of the new mob memoir "Unfinished Business."
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* a* h( a: Z. J3 f& ~6 n+ V"I can remember guys talking about cooking: 'My mom made the best braciole.' Or 'my mother taught me how to make this sauce."'rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de$ X6 g! a8 ^) z$ \! T2 J! M

: t0 ?' ?2 ~) o4 K; W3 }rs238848.rs.hosteurope.deNo surprise there: The way to a man's heart was often through his stomach, as many mob moms knew long before their sons moved from finger paints to fingerprints.
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7 [' _/ x2 z2 s0 E2 ?2 s* i1 AMob heavyweight Al Capone -- a man who never needed a restaurant reservation during his Roaring '20s reign atop the Chicago underworld -- preferred his mother's spaghetti with meat sauce, heavy on the cheese.rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de" O6 K% ~1 }' S% ^, b

' ?7 t( J; a! D3 o(Capone's sentimentality didn't extend to other holidays. On Feb. 14, 1929, he orchestrated the submachine-gun slayings of seven rival bootleggers in the St. Valentine's Day Massacre.)
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! j9 x8 ~- U& {9 Y( v[ 本帖最后由 日月光 于 2007-5-13 20:34 编辑 ]
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