[国际新闻] 招聘女特务 保证不必色诱目标人物

英国军情六处为了招聘更多的女特务,不仅标榜重视员工的家庭生活,更保证女特务不必色诱目标人物。 人在德国 社区7 j7 H0 M, l' s! r6 v5 n# C

; r2 d0 @9 {$ m6 V. u7 U  军情六处的网页写道:“我们是重视家庭的组织……在军情六处工作满12个月的女士可以享有六个月有薪产假,而配偶和孩子大多可以陪同特务派驻外地。” 4 ?3 s6 A  n' E; D3 s9 {& _
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  而在最常问的问题有此一条:“我会否要色诱目标人物?”军情六处如是回答:“绝对不必,我们不会用此等或类似的策略。” rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de4 F4 n6 F/ {/ a0 I1 h* V7 i

' ?; R5 Z6 Q7 y& M5 f人在德国 社区  此前,英国军情五处也曾一反传统,打算招聘喜欢疯狂购买化妆品、爱哭哭啼啼地看电视、养宠物猫、喜欢意大利食品并且爱整天躺在沙发上看电视的“邻家女孩”加入情报机关。
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( v4 |0 _. H) f. c: r2 m/ {" p  分析人士说,为了应对新形势及新威胁,军情五处急于吸纳新血液协助渗入伊斯兰教恐怖组织,尤其是那些普通平凡的年轻女性。
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, U. e5 N1 F* Z  V; }1 a  一名前军情五处女特工认为,女特工并不就比男性出色,但“一般人都认为特务是男性,因此当特务套取情报时,人们面对女士总是比面对男士更畅所欲言”。rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de7 Q& f) |. i1 |! j2 c
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MI6 woos 'Jane Bonds' with offers of family-friendly employment
" U" u& }! p6 s5 L2 c6 ?James Bond would surely raise an eyebrow. MI6 has decided that, if it wants to recruit more female spies, it must move with the times.
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And that means family-friendly hours, childcare vouchers, a maternity package - and absolutely no seducing of the enemy.
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While the fictional 007, currently played by Daniel Craig, might use the art of seduction to break down the defences of exotic foreign agents, that could put off potential recruits with a husband at home.
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' V  M3 q* m7 b: c5 v人在德国 社区So MI6, also known as the Secret Intelligence Service, says that - as a "family organisation" - female agents will "absolutely not" be used as a "honey-trap". ) C' D+ e  K9 z5 d3 i

$ v  J! a% s. Y( R4 }! t, Nrs238848.rs.hosteurope.de"The Service does not use this or similar tactics," a website recruitment campaign says.6 R! m) P( {' ]. p0 [3 I' l/ L; Z! m
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MI6, like its domestic counterpart MI5, is desperate for more women officers so part-time spying, childcare vouchers and "generous maternity pay" are on offer.
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$ q* r' u5 h/ D5 W( @And women who are single when they join up are promised they will not have to leave should they marry, and have children.
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The website says: "We're a family-friendly organisation. Women who've been in SIS for more than 12 months may be given six months' maternity leave on full pay. With few exceptions, partners and children can accompany officers on postings."
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) I; B# E" ?& p3 Z1 ?$ z1 OAfter stating plainly that "we want women to apply", the website gives profiles of two fictional operational officers who can expect to undertake covert missions and represent the service in Whitehall. rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de9 k. y; ^& |1 ^: G3 R2 ]8 Z7 F

. o' A1 }  n: N8 T& {
2 s- N9 v. O/ z: {- {$ yMaster spy: Daniel Craig as James Bond
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One, 'Isobel', was married with children when she joined MI6 ten years ago. In her profile, she says: "I had a posting in Asia. We all moved out there - me, my husband and our children. 8 g8 x$ L2 m7 q2 v/ \

+ o8 a( {4 O! ^* h"Since we got back to the UK, I've moved into our Middle East department, and I'm working a four- day week so as to have a bit of flexibility with the kids' timetables."0 b( `3 ]2 m; Y+ w/ G. v

' y8 }2 {- }/ ^( j" Y, _) E7 lHannah, who has a masters degree in Middle Eastern history, tells how she has been allowed to go part-time because her partner's job has been moved out of London. 人在德国 社区, E/ u# s7 Q+ L' @6 I3 b

  }7 c" O% F9 Q: Z4 HShe says: "I chose to take a parttime position to allow me to spend a bit more time with him. I plan to return to full-time work when my partner returns to work in London."
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# b3 Q4 m8 Z8 b* Q- _. C: j& [MI5 is also busy scouring the land for female recruits, and will begin a targeted campaign this week. - I) @% K( y$ a
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Despite having two recent female leaders, women account for only 38 per cent of new applicants. A security source said: "We need to get that increased so we're not going to have a problem further down the line. We have to reflect the diversity of the UK to do our job properly."人在德国 社区; s1 O: v1 E$ @' H" n& r

9 p3 P9 x/ W) m# WThis week's campaign will include adverts on London buses and Tube trains as MI5 seeks to fill a range of jobs from caterers to drivers, intelligence officers, linguists, surveillance officers and technology experts.
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9 x+ Z4 O% n% F( a8 IApplicants for the security services are screened by a recruitment agency to weed out dreamers and no-hopers.
" l5 j/ t1 i! D) V( m) u' brs238848.rs.hosteurope.deThen they must pass an initial assessment, an interview with a recruiter, a day of tests at agency headquarters and a final selection board.
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  e1 }+ b9 b0 h4 c1 }人在德国 社区In parallel with the final stages, they are subjected to six to eight months of security vetting.
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