[国际新闻] 称损坏形象 意大利北部城市禁华人挂灯笼

意大利北部城市特里维索近日出台规定,要求当地中国旅馆和餐厅摘下窗口的红灯笼,声称这些灯笼看起来太“东方化”,损坏了小城形象。; U1 x! z, s0 k" V* e0 Z: E( Y* i

% L8 m9 {# i5 M人在德国 社区  特里维索城市规划部部长塞吉奥·马丹称,“这些灯笼损坏了城市的形象,中国人挂出了各种各样材质和形状的灯笼,有龙有狮子,一家公司甚至把整个门面设计成东方式样。”副市长吉安卡洛·甘蒂里尼则称,“特里维索是意大利城市,而不是一个东方城市”。3 v8 b! i: ~5 a0 V" |, G3 K
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Lanterns to come down
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Monday, May 07, 2007rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de6 f1 t2 x& N$ n" _! I

+ u1 ?/ B; {5 e0 YA city government in northern Italy has ordered Chinese restaurants to remove red lanterns from their windows because they look too "oriental."
% E& b1 j, N% G1 W"It's spoiling the appearance of the city," the head of Treviso council's town planning department, Sergio Marton, told Corriere della Sera daily. "The Chinese put up all sorts of stuff: lanterns, lions, dragons, there's even one [establishment] that did its whole front in oriental style." Treviso, just outside Venice in the northeastern Veneto region, is run by the populist, anti-immigrant Northern League. Last month tensions between the police and the Chinese community in the city of Milan flared into street clashes over a traffic dispute in the city's Chinatown district where wholesale clothing stores are located. The tensions come amid fears by many Italian businesses over what they see as unfair competition from low-priced Chinese products. But calls by Italy for duties to be imposed on Chinese exports have died down in recent months as the country's economy has recovered. "Treviso is a city of Veneto and Padania, it's certainly not an oriental city," deputy mayor Giancarlo Gentilini said, justifying the order to take down the lanterns. The order states that the three restaurants had made no formal request to put up lanterns.