[国际新闻] 好莱坞明星觅真爱高档婚友社代劳

在好莱坞,单身明星要找寻真爱难上加难,特别如果是两个名人交往,那就像是鱼缸里的金鱼,一举一动都逃不了狗仔队的镜头追逐。如今有些明星干脆找上高档婚友社,希望透过专业媒合服务能在演艺圈外找到意中人。2 [3 j/ |, m) q9 m* R' y! e$ C8 n
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1 f) ^2 n. E, T* P' Q; vrs238848.rs.hosteurope.de
- }6 G6 `9 x) R# }因为演艺界有这种需求,有些婚友社开始向好莱坞发展。珊曼莎丹纽斯本来在纽约经营婚友社,后来在洛杉矶也开了一家,她说。影剧圈的人会找上她,因为他们想扩大交友圈。芭比艾德乐的婚友社开在芝加哥,但也有一群演艺圈的顾客。
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0 ], F( J% O/ S, V$ F影剧界的人最讲究隐私,因此他们找上丹纽斯和艾德乐时,都会要求对方签保密协议。据说这些人包括一位一线女明星,一位过气的大明星,一位曾在HBO影集担纲演出的演员,另外有两位经常出现在八卦杂志。但丹纽斯和艾德乐拒绝透露这些人的姓名。
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8 S+ _, d! E9 n2 I8 F* u0 A; ]人在德国 社区
1 c9 d8 F' x0 y5 d/ \/ J+ F: W' f# v不管是男女艺人,往往希望其对象能扮演配角,不要妨碍到他们的光芒。好莱坞制作人塔玛拉女士看过很多圈内婚姻以离婚收场,她说,不管在任何领域,两个大牌的结合都很难成功,何况这些明星都感染了“自大狂病毒”。  o; i5 W, y  M/ C

/ ^$ G$ ?7 e( P& ], ]5 T: R8 {  l话说回来,演艺圈名流如果想多认识对象,不愁没有机会,为何需要婚友社从中介绍?婚友社业者说,这是因为演艺工作者的作息和常人不同,闲的时候很闲,忙起来不分日夜赶工,而且说老实话,演艺圈的人难免比较跩,本来就比一般人难遇到合适对象。(
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7 Q& ^* c' d/ u/ K人在德国 社区Matchmakers Know Superstars Need Love, Too
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AS any casual glance at the tabloids will tell you, the romantic life of an unmarried celebrity can be hell.
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: M9 h" }( p( R  ~: aThere’s the tyranny of the paparazzi, always pushing. The scrutiny of the fan base, ever-needy. And sometimes the choices seem stultifyingly narrow: Vince Vaughn, Jennifer Aniston, Reese Witherspoon, Kevin Federline, Jessica Simpson, Paris Hilton. They pair off, break up, then go in search of another boldface name. At times they seem caught in some endless celebrity relationship round-robin. . d- [! J, S; o0 R/ W

. ~( q9 {, Q$ `4 G5 u7 gBut it turns out that not all celebrities crave that kind of familiarity. Perhaps in reaction to Hollywood’s love-life-in-a-fishbowl, a small number of movie stars are turning to high-end professional matchmakers to introduce them to civilians with no connection to the entertainment world, then spreading the word among their friends.- D& u) Y) n6 T! c$ |
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“If they wanted to meet someone in Hollywood, they would have done that. They’ve gone down that path, and it hasn’t been successful,” said Barbie Adler, a Chicago-based matchmaker who has built a small but steady business of setting up celebrities, along with her other well-heeled clients. “I’ve had clients say to me, ‘My publicist fixed me up, I just met him in the limo, I had to pose for pictures and spend all night with him and he was a dud.’ ” rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de, K( |0 A4 H% N" P2 F
人在德国 社区0 B+ G5 s$ j! O4 O

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( I* m0 ^- Q$ D[ 本帖最后由 日月光 于 2007-5-7 16:45 编辑 ]

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