[国际新闻] 日本团体计画摄制纪录片否认南京大屠杀

Japanese nationalists to make own Nanjing movie& A, T' n" U/ W- @
; U% G5 U2 m1 l2 f& e5 q; h
TOKYO (AFP) - Japanese nationalists have announced plans to producetheir own film on the Nanjing Massacre to counter a series of movies comingout this year on its 70th anniversary.
, n! s# E! S2 U  e; m) l
, ~7 u. O, T: c7 E* K The project is certain to infuriate many Chinese, for whom Japanesetroops' December 1937 massacre of the captive city remains a source of deepbitterness.9 `6 ~: V$ \7 L1 \) W0 I. z

1 _( ~- z- T9 Z( m The film, tentatively called "The Truth of Nanjing", will be directedby Satoru Mizushima, the head of a nationalist television satellite channel.
3 m$ o1 \- Q- o4 g
- [8 T7 n; Z2 U% |0 G8 P7 N' u人在德国 社区 "If we remain silent, anti-Japanese propaganda will spread across theworld," Mizushima told a news conference Wednesday flanked by dozens of supporters,including members of the Japanese parliament.rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de" @' S7 X: l( M4 q
% c2 Z- t/ y# l6 B) `
"What is important is to correct the historical record and send right messages," he said.
( f  ?# @# u0 y4 J; m* _+ M) \+ F6 I' \/ w2 d, E; t# R: |% H
He announced a committee of conservative scholars and politicians tosolicit public donations to make the movie, which they hope to finish bythe year's end.+ N6 R% O, v4 N4 X7 A. C- o$ g6 Q

4 J' a& e' @$ g% n Chinese historians say some 300,000 civilians were slaughtered in anorgy of murder, rape and destruction by Japanese troops in the eastern city.
  Z7 ?: s2 o8 \; Ars238848.rs.hosteurope.de
) D4 C3 l' a( J" |9 Q4 z Allied trials of Japanese war criminals documented 140,000 dead. SomeJapanese historians say the toll was less or deny the massacre altogether,alleging that victims were soldiers and not civilians.% h; ?% g: ~2 ~6 {7 ]: P" o% I

5 a7 @: e. c0 [$ E7 I+ u人在德国 社区Mizushima said a total of seven films on the massacre were slated for release this year.% m* n- X7 X- K. C" Z+ [  s  Q" L2 H
rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de5 ^6 B# {# X$ i, B* R) ~% l
A US production entitled "Nanking", after the city's old name, is currentlybeing screened at the Sundance Film Festival. It features actors, includingWoody Harrelson, who read accounts of the massacre interspersed with footageand interviews with survivors.9 \0 n$ Y# H7 |6 ?7 V" V

8 P) @5 g/ U. z! s3 n' ?* zrs238848.rs.hosteurope.de Chinese state media have also announced a movie based on the best-sellingbook "The Rape of Nanking" by late American author Iris Chang, which Xinhuanews agency last year called China's "Schindler's List", referring to StevenSpielberg's Oscar-winning 1993 Holocaust film.
( p" D2 Z* ~! r3 K9 W3 Hrs238848.rs.hosteurope.de
/ P- l1 j: F* w5 l% B  c( {* h& Trs238848.rs.hosteurope.deFriction over history continues to haunt relations between Japan and China.
2 y* o3 [% Y, h- J China saw rare street protests in 2005 after Japan approved an avowedly nationalisthistory textbook that made only a passing reference to Nanjing.1 K9 e+ t" ^& z) q/ \# D7 v3 T3 @

  l  V8 N6 H8 v1 V1 j1 u6 n  i# \日本团体计画摄制纪录片否认南京大屠杀. V. j5 u0 ^4 T- |3 R; H

/ F: }1 {; C3 U7 O+ o7 n# w5 m! Y  ars238848.rs.hosteurope.de路透东京电---一日本团体计画拍摄一部纪录片否认日本士兵于1937年在南京屠杀中国平民与战俘。该片的导演周三表示。
. Z5 z1 {# q# B# i/ d- e6 L% `# X5 R& z
该团体称,这部影片暂时订名为「南京的真相」,受到包括东京都知事石原慎太郎等民族主义分子所支持。" B0 k  `/ X& p
' @5 d; g' E* M. M
" a  V; j# j1 h
5 @4 n. P" \4 t% h2 H) q人在德国 社区导演水島総(Satoru Mizushima)在电话访问中说,「我们希望能尽一己之力为历史事实做见证。」人在德国 社区6 \7 e* v6 Q4 D' C* j: B) d. _
, u) H% C6 ^& [% x6 q7 @
他并说,已开始为这部受到公众献金及其制片公司支持的影片收集资料。而因为出书指称南京大屠杀是捏造出来的,而在去年被告上中国法院的日本大学教授东中野修道(Shudo Higashinakano)也将大量参与该片的摄制。  O7 i9 o5 D+ c- T, |

4 F0 ~9 J2 g  {( w: ors238848.rs.hosteurope.de 根据媒体报导,去年8月中国宣布计画根据作家张纯如的畅销书改拍「南京大屠杀」一片,预计将在本月开拍。今年适逢南京大屠杀届满70周年。这个日本团体在其网站上的声明中说,这些片子将是今年内筹拍的七部相关南京事件电影里的一部分。这些根据误解历史所拍成的反日宣传片,可能会让世人相信捏造的南京大屠杀是真的。

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Satoru Mizushima1.jpg
$ T; K0 v" G, q/ g( N* u- B Film director Satoru Mizushima speaks during a news conference at aTokyo hotel Wednesday, Jan. 24, 2007. When Japanese troops conquered thethen-capital of China in 1937, historians agree they slaughtered tens ofthousands of civilians in an orgy of violence known since then as the Rapeof Nanking. Mizushima, president of a rightwing Internet broadcaster 'ChannelSakura, announced he is working on a documentary with a very different message:the massacre never happened. The film, to be called 'The Truth about Nanking'and completed in August, will be based on testimony from Japanese veterans,archival footage and documents that proponents say prove accounts of thekilling are nothing more than Chinese propaganda. (AP Photo/Itsuo Inouye)8 H( |7 X1 Z; F. k. w2 T( m4 `

4 y" A* K, o. x: D: N1 v* rrs238848.rs.hosteurope.de
& h7 h# U: }- [5 b/ [ Satoru Mizushima2.jpg
8 ?. w) z. c8 R5 H/ s2 L! S* Grs238848.rs.hosteurope.de Japanese nationalist film director Satoru Mizushima, front row left,and Japanese historian Shudo Higashinakano, front row right, applaud duringa news conference on Mizushima's new film, based on Higashinakano's work,to be called 'The Truth of Nanking,'at a Tokyo hotel Wednesday, Jan. 24,2007. When Japanese troops conquered the then-capital of China in 1937, historiansagree they slaughtered tens of thousands of civilians in an orgy of violenceknown since then as the Rape of Nanking. Mizushima, president of a rightwingInternet broadcaster 'Channel Sakura, announced he is working on the documentarywith a very different message: the massacre never happened. (AP Photo/ItsuoInouye)8 Y/ H* S5 ?2 H1 Q: g9 N5 Q

# B( u3 [  n+ `; e( M人在德国 社区[ 本帖最后由 日月光 于 2007-1-24 18:04 编辑 ]




黯,幻 暗语
尘归尘,土归土 安于
有序的随机 混沌
轮回 无始无终



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) k# I) P" R+ W人在德国 社区3 R2 v' p4 i8 M/ A
rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de1 L5 r" k1 X" a; T3 H% M0 f1 O0 c4 I
1 p$ Q0 C) M. R1 N
China angered by Nanjing massacre film9 F7 e. g* I8 W& ~# \! n( L

9 h) ?% i! g, F' R  v3 _Thursday January 25, 2007
$ T% e  @2 D' y1 D1 T9 ~) Y5 Zrs238848.rs.hosteurope.de8 y# q# I# m6 z( P6 a! W. O' t
China has reacted angrily to plans by Japanese nationalists to make a documentary describing as a myth the massacre of tens of thousands of Chinese civilians by Japanese troops in 1937.# B7 E  G9 _/ N9 a4 u7 W# ^

& {1 o1 s" l, sThe film, entitled The Truth About Nanjing, will insist that the massacre never took place, despite evidence presented at the postwar Tokyo war crimes tribunals that Japanese troops slaughtered at least 142,000 people when they invaded Nanjing, then the capital of nationalist China.
3 r9 T( M6 q  n: g& I7 w4 `  _. G) s) l
$ e" D6 C" s4 t) Z* ?4 S7 S) `rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de Chinese historians have put the death toll at 300,000 men, women and children.4 d) l$ n1 F8 y
人在德国 社区* Z3 s% ^( ^4 Q; R1 T4 m$ e
"We have seen the reports," said Jiang Yu, a Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman.; W" ~7 m3 P" [* C0 w, L" W, Y8 h; E

! ]# k' g1 q: N/ Z9 Q& J"I think that there is irrefutable evidence for the Nanjing massacre, and international society has long ago come to a conclusion about it.rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de# J' F5 O' V$ o4 ~- o" Y
人在德国 社区8 L+ f, e/ [5 h
"Japan's taking of a correct and responsible attitude to properly deal with historical problems helps it truly win the trust of Asian neighbours and the global community."
5 s) b# y, s/ x$ j! n, x0 J3 _  E% ^# o. m4 y, l: f( S, z+ O
Mr Jiang added, however, that the controversy would not derail the latest bilateral talks aimed at improving ties due to end at the weekend.  E  S* z. d3 ~( O9 F- W
& G! t' t3 Z% f7 Y$ \4 {, s7 M
"China and Japan have both attached great importance to the dialogue, and the two sides will exchange views on mutual relations and issues both sides are concerned about," she said.
8 S; P8 _6 n/ z9 A9 |7 u; ^人在德国 社区
4 }; ~2 M* k) z- T4 B  ?: P"The strategic dialogue is an important channel for the two sides to discuss face to face on how to improve and develop mutual relations."人在德国 社区* J9 G* P$ p7 \1 _% r3 N1 j; o% c
) m' F# P! l: C2 O
Tokyo's rightwing governor, Shintaro Ishihara, is one of several leading politicians to have come out in support of the film, directed by Satoru Mizushima, who heads a nationalist satellite TV channel.
) y6 A1 e* m$ e; f5 b7 T$ N! Z. r7 I0 I- V, [- [* q) ~' r
"If we remain silent, anti-Japanese propaganda will spread across the world," Mr Mizushima said at a press conference, flanked by about 40 supporters. "What is important is to correct the historical record and send the right message."人在德国 社区9 ?" @' e! P: W7 O7 j0 n; V

% S% J( ]) P0 [3 G6 f! }+ Z& {The film will be funded by public donations and should appear before the end of this year, the 70th anniversary of what many historians have described as an orgy of rape, pillage and murder by Japanese imperial army troops.
5 }- [$ \. K5 V, V# z, I9 @' T7 R* e& ]( U* r
It is one of several films about the Nanjing massacre set for release this year. Nanking, a US production featuring Woody Harrelson, won critical acclaim earlier this month at the Sundance film festival for its first-person accounts of the massacre.
3 a1 I6 O: }3 S" m2 X" b6 Q人在德国 社区
0 K' u7 d' b. H4 g( `. k+ vIn addition, Chinese authorities reportedly plan to make their own version based on Iris Chang's bestselling book, The Rape of Nanking.
7 l- r6 V# X( G5 _# B* e& xrs238848.rs.hosteurope.de人在德国 社区& [' k6 T  Q; P. A2 d0 g- S. `
The row comes as the Japanese prime minister, Shinzo Abe, is seeking to improve relations with Beijing after years of friction under his predecessor, Junichiro Koizumi, who angered Japan's neighbours with his annual visits to a war shrine in Tokyo that honors 14 class A war criminals.rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de4 Y, f& v1 }; E3 a1 v9 b

# o) e4 n3 x  X+ f& zFigures released today suggest that many Japanese share Mizushima's patriotic fervour. According to the poll, by the Asahi Shimbun newspaper, almost 80% described themselves as staunchly or mildly patriotic, although 85% agreed that Japan should "reflect" on its wartime conduct.
, Q1 K/ |# X+ l; I% {# [8 k( N) s6 U+ ]7 \9 F0 ?4 R
About half agreed with recent changes to the 1947 education law that make the teaching of patriotism compulsory in state schools.

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Nanjing survivor Xia Shuqin (l) lays flowers in memory of the victims of the massacre. Photogra ...

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