[国际新闻] 泰晤士河惊现中国女学生无头尸

英国警方已经查明伦敦泰晤士河中无头女尸的身份为23岁的中国留学生解星星(音译)。解星星过去5年一直居住在伦敦南部的Lambeth区。4月19日早上有路人在伦敦东南部的Rotherhithe的South Dock Marina的河面上发现一个漂浮的大口袋,立即报警。
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据BBC报道,在当地居住的一名男子被警方逮捕,获得假释后,将在5月到警察局接受盘问。警方在打捞上来的口袋里发现一具无头女尸,尸体的双手也被砍掉了。警方表示,尸体在被发现前,已经至少在河里漂浮了一天以上。这个口袋0.91米宽,0.61米深,有红白蓝三色方格图案。 验尸报告得出结论,这名女子因颈部受利器伤害而死亡。Southwark区死因裁判法庭开始立案调查。  
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Headless body evidence lost [/table][table]Apr 27 2007
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VITAL evidence which could help solve the headless body in the bag mystery has been lost.

A turquoise party top worn by the young woman found floating in a Thames marina went missing after her body was recovered.

Cops hunting the killer believe it may still be somewhere near the spot in South Dock Marina, Rotherhithe.

Police are now trying to track down the family of the woman who was the victim of a horrific murder.

Detective Chief Inspector Carl Mehta said: "We have put a name to the body but that will not be released until the next of kin have been informed."

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