[国际新闻] 德国一小偷贪恋啤酒竟把警察引进门

1 m2 v& O  y+ s/ d, E人在德国 社区
2 q* b2 y# Y. ~7 S" `2 K. C1 P8 d  事情发生在诺伊施特累利茨(Neustrelitz)镇,这个小偷盗窃了一部手机,有警员在抓捕过程中突发奇想,决定直接拨打失窃手机,和小偷进行通话,然后下“诱饵”将其捉拿。 3 R3 L# n' B9 i

0 C" n+ v& ~7 S- }9 S( T人在德国 社区  这个“诱饵”就是啤酒,“一时糊涂”的小偷还真中了警察的“圈套”。警员在拨通失窃电话后告诉小偷:“您赢得了一箱啤酒。请告诉我们您的住址,我们将把啤酒给您送去。”
% W( ~$ [7 g, ?- `) f/ o- D5 R人在德国 社区
, I: _! p2 @( \9 V0 U9 t  小偷听到这个“中奖信息”很高兴,随即将自己的住址告诉电话那头儿“送啤酒的人”。不过不久之后,他没“迎接”到啤酒,却收到了警察的抓捕令。
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Saturday, April 28, 2007. 5:50pm (AEST)8 y9 F( i: h, G
German thief betrays himself for free beer
: r2 N3 V2 ]/ sA German phone thief led police right to his front door when they called the stolen mobile to say he had won some free beer and he willingly gave his address.& z3 y$ ]2 Y7 f3 i; P/ C
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"An officer called and said, 'You've won a crate of beer'," said a spokesman for police in the eastern town of Neustrelitz.rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de' X8 l6 P% E' N' }& g; B& ?2 f
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"Then he asked where he lived so he could drop the beer off, and the guy told him. I think the man was drunk."
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, n. v& [% @0 |+ g8 X; m0 t2 j# F-Reuters