[国际新闻] 英国女教师一天给男生发131条暧昧短信

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  这名名叫詹妮·萨维尔·金的29岁女教师在法庭上称,她所发送的都是关于她们的个人生活、学校和课程方面的短信。詹妮在法庭上坚决否认她曾经发送过关于性方面的表白短信。不过詹妮承认,她可能对这名男学生说过自己要为这名学生而离开她的丈夫。4 C1 w9 }5 |; w6 o, j: ?
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人在德国 社区! G+ c1 ^  m" c" D% i: M
  检查官安·埃文斯称,在这131条短信中有一条上写道“我爱你超过了爱任何人。我们彼此渴望做夫妇已经很久了。我们将一起远走高飞,做一对正常的夫妻。” 人在德国 社区; Q6 @7 r+ F/ K5 |3 D' ^

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2 f9 u  b4 j% U( s- B5 urs238848.rs.hosteurope.de  对于这些短信,检查官埃文斯指责詹妮称“你已经深深的沉迷在性关系中。这些短信已经真实的说明了一点。”詹妮反驳称,她只是喜欢这个男生,并爱和他聊天而已。但是在后来的审理当中,詹妮也承认她或许误导了这名男学生,并使他认为自己为他要离开自己的丈夫。
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5 d6 s: }! B4 M& v  英国圣奥尔本刑事法庭称,当这名男学生在15岁时就读沃特福德的一所学校时,詹妮成为这他的老师。做为詹妮的丈夫,保罗称他不相信自己的妻子会背着他与在校学生发生这种事情。詹妮也否认了法庭对其与儿童发生性关系和滥用信任的指控。rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de3 U9 S+ i# m% V2 H$ B2 N$ B
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人在德国 社区5 ]; I/ A8 r9 O! g
  目前此案还正在审理当中。2 D; s) o1 X7 x
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Teacher sent boy 131 texts in one day3 B4 x# h" g9 y' C* Y
人在德国 社区1 t) R8 X; W) y, p. s6 E" K( c2 B
A married woman teacher alleged to have had an affair with a schoolboy sent him 131 text messages in one day, a court heard today.# [% c4 s; n3 P8 Z4 C, {. {
Jenine Saville-King, who taught at a Wayford school, said texts were about their personal lives, school and course work, but there was never ever any talk of sex.rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de& |. m- s0 U: N5 _/ j5 B( y
Hundreds of text messages are alleged to have passed between Mrs Saville-King and the schoolboy during their affair which is said to have begun when he was just 15 years old.rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de5 x' g/ u" F; M' ?' e0 A/ f
Barrister Ann Evans prosecuting put in to the teacher: "You were deep in a sexual relationship with this young man and these texts show the true nature of your relationship."1 f3 J5 n1 ~9 ]
Mrs Saville-King replied: "No, I was very fond of him by this time and enjoyed talking to him."
1 _1 ?) \6 t5 ~8 b8 Mrs238848.rs.hosteurope.deThe 29 year old mother-of-two was giving evidence on day 10 of her trial at St Albans crown court in which she denies seven counts of sexual activity with a child and one charge of abuse of trust.
* a- P! S: j3 _1 x人在德国 社区Earlier this week she rejected claims that she had intercourse with the teenager at his mother's house three days before giving her birth to her son on July 27 2005.# Z& g9 ]# }9 M" A7 l9 _! G
Mrs Saville-King said from the witness box: "I say it's not true."% H2 r* ^; c1 V6 N$ |
She said she had gone to his home on July 25, but that was to collect him and drive him to a printers in Watford to get some leaflets printed up about his family's villa in Cyprus.1 U, q% y7 h% R/ B1 |
Mrs Saville-King said they would often tell one another in MSN messages that they no longer wanted to see one another.9 m$ m8 y( b: X4 [- X' Q
There would be times when he would not respond to her messages and she said that was why she had written things like "I miss you" and "I dream of being away with you and the baby and starting again".
, A4 [& \7 Y( u$ F5 A3 SShe told the jury: "It wasn't true. It's what he wanted to hear."7 q* L( U, F7 l, F! G
Mrs Saville-King said she would write the messages to try and get him to respond to her.! V8 E0 }1 i4 M# b% x6 Z
Asked what it was that was so important about his communications with her, she replied "I had become dependant on it."rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de% n/ Q; j0 p2 _% C! k5 Y
The trial continues.
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