[中国新闻] 举世关注,毛骨悚然:中国鬼新娘血案

& H5 l, `  R' I  X! \7 X1 q7 A8 M7 Zrs238848.rs.hosteurope.de
% V# N: G( w1 V) z2007年1月26日一系列国际媒体报道了发生在中国大陆陕西省的“鬼新娘血案”。据信,大陆过去数十年间曾经销声匿迹了的许多风俗习惯近年又卷土重来,其中“鬼新娘(the ghost bride)”的死灰复燃已经引起中国政府和警方的注意。
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据美联社驻北京记者1月26日报道,中国陕西警方日前拘捕了三名男子,有消息指他们涉嫌谋杀,将两名青年妇女害死后出售。购买尸体的人将她们与已经死去的单身男人并葬,为其“来生”建立“家庭”。 警方披露,此案并非偶然,它很可能与一两年前在陕西其他一些地方发生过的类似谋杀案件有所关联。
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嫌犯之一名叫杨东岩(Yang Dongyan)今年三十五岁,陕西农民。在警察闯入他家的时候,他正在和别人打扑克。, H1 i$ Q1 G# a5 ?# }, W  W
人在德国 社区0 k$ M/ Q$ J& u/ x
现已查明,杨去年曾花一万二千元人民币“买了”一个年轻女孩并准备娶其为妻。事后却发现女孩似有智障,几乎无法生活自理。杨后来邂逅刘胜海(Liu Shenghai)并被告知“其实有办法让这个姑娘更值钱”----让她去当“鬼新娘”。“鬼新娘出嫁”是中国民间的一种旧风俗,又称“冥婚”或“来世婚姻”,现在在黄土高原再次变得十分流行。但通常是将正常死亡的妇女与已经被掩埋了的单身男子合葬一处,使该男子“不再孤独”。当地的人们相信,男子单身去世并不吉利,但如果有女人与其相伴,或许他的来世才能圆满。
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7 [/ A7 {. g" H8 z* r) g杨东岩听信不疑,竟然在一座沟渠中溺毙了那个可怜的女孩,用袋子装好以一万六千元人民币卖给了一个李姓掮客。据中国媒体说,杨东岩将所获款项的“一部分”给了为他出谋划策的刘胜海。
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此后不久,尝到了甜头的杨东岩又联络刘胜海共同前往延安市嫖娼,在与一名妓女发生性关系后把她杀害并将尸体转手出售,“要价是八千元人民币”--- -他们解释说,售价偏低是因为这个妓女的长相比杨东岩杀害了的第一个女孩差。“我就 是想捞点‘快钱’”,杨东岩大言不惭地说,“如果没被发现,我还会接着再干掉几个女人”。rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de1 K; ^' T' t" w8 U; ~

0 N* S! r% d7 B. [- w据路透社同日报道,被杨东岩在水渠中杀害了的女孩开始并不知道厄运临头,还以为自己只不过是又一次被出卖而已。延安警方承认,在陕西一带,妇女遭谋杀其尸骨被当作“鬼新娘”买卖的案件远不止这一起。路透社的报道还评论说,破落而肮脏的陕西一隅延安是“毛泽东当年孕育中国共产主义革命的故地”,现在类似“鬼新娘”这样的地下交易如此猖獗,实在令人难以相信。
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! v. U+ ^0 A% g, T4 ]泰晤士报评论说,此案从一个侧面反映出中国民俗的根深蒂固。在大陆,对死去的“先人”的祭拜“几乎贯穿了民间生活的各个细节”----最显著的一个例子就是一年一度的清明节。中国人由于坚信“灵魂不死”,所以在扫墓的过程中,失去亲人的家庭或其密友都要焚烧“纸钱、纸房子、纸车以及其他代表富贵的纸物”----他们希望死者在天之灵因不缺乏幸福生活所需而能够安息。
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: x, U0 N: |# n9 s- W( qrs238848.rs.hosteurope.de路透社和澳大利亚新闻网(http://www.news.com.au) 的报道进一步分析说,杨东岩杀害女友的手段颇为奇特。之所以冒被人目击之险在野外采用“溺毙”而不使用利刃在家中行凶,大约是由于尸体的买家希望得到“全尸”----带有伤残的尸体将被视为“不吉利”因而卖不出“好价格”。这一点同时也符合中国民间的信条。据警方透露,为将女尸转手,凶手叫来出租车运走包裹了的尸体,但出租车司机并没有就可疑的情况报警。
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  v7 y, |5 a$ i4 H/ w2 n这一桩令人毛骨悚然的“鬼新娘血案”充分暴露出凶手的残忍和愚昧;而在这种残忍和愚昧的背后则是道德的全面沦陷----“万能的”金钱在支配着许多人的头脑。延安警方一位高级警官说,“幸亏及时逮捕了凶嫌,不然还不知道会有多少妇女遭到毒手暗算”。“他们竟然以为这是‘致富的捷径’,结果却是面临死刑”。
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Ghost brides are murdered to give dead bachelors a wife in the afterlife 2 Z+ g7 p8 n% H8 Y& Y+ ?
Gang preyed on rural superstition
$ ~! Z8 R6 b- `% u2 F* _Undertaker was link with families
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  A ring of gangsters who traded in the bodies of women they murdered, selling them as brides to keep dead bachelors happy in the afterlife, has been arrested in China. : c- b8 @5 a- |$ X  a

5 ~- i7 }) ]$ k4 w! z7 U  N" [rs238848.rs.hosteurope.deThe arrests have exposed a trade that places a higher value on women when they are dead than when they are alive.  人在德国 社区4 t# b9 r6 w, d+ v
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Yang Dongyan, 35, was arrested on January 4 in Sha’anxi province as he played cards with his children. In his prison cell, Mr Yang showed little remorse for committing two murders. He told the Legal Daily: “I just wanted to make money. It’s a quick way to make money. I was arrested too soon otherwise I had planned to do this business a few more times.”
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Two accomplices, Liu Shengbao and Hui Haibao, were also arrested, as was Li Longsheng, a self-styled undertaker who traded the bodies to bereaved families.
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Zhang Yanjun, chief of police in Yanchuan county, said: “It’s lucky that the case was cleared up in time or we don’t know how many women would have been killed by them. These people thought they had found a short cut to wealth.” Instead, they face the death penalty. 2 v) F, Q( H2 V8 y3 N0 V6 n
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The men preyed on the superstitions of ill-educated farmers eager to ensure that a dead son was happy in the afterlife. It is not uncommon in rural parts of China for a family to seek out the body of a woman who has died to be buried alongside their son after the performance of a marriage ceremony for the deceased pair. ( P# O2 h) A. X/ {

: w! H: y. d9 ^Ancestor worship is a tradition that runs through many aspects of Chinese life. One of the main Chinese festivals is Tomb Sweeping Day, when families visit graves of their forebears to clean them and burn incense. The spirit is believed to live on in the afterlife and at funerals families burn offerings of paper money and models of houses, cars and other little luxuries that the dead may need. ( {8 `6 t8 ?1 I5 E' e$ I

5 D$ J2 u9 s% v" X) V8 j" JMr Yang chanced upon the trade in dead bodies when he paid 12,000 yuan (£800) for a mentally handicapped woman whose family hoped to marry her off for a price. The trade in women as wives is a common practice in rural China and a woman may be sold several times by intermediaries before meeting her eventual husband.   q) `6 I1 a4 Z" F' `) S) `
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Mr Yang arranged for the woman to stay in a guesthouse in Yanchuan county where Mr Liu offered him £666 for her. Mr Yang refused, until Mr Liu told him that the woman would be worth much more dead than alive. The next morning the two men set out across the Yellow River to meet “Old Li” in Xixian County, Shanxi province. Old Li agreed to buy the woman’s body for £1,050 and to complete the deal late at night on the Yanshuiguan bridge.
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The next day Mr Yang killed the woman and took her body by taxi to the bridge where Mr Li was waiting and handed over £1,000 for her. For his part in the deal, Mr Liu received £300 and Mr Yang came away with a loss of £200 after his expenses.
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3 z8 I- P3 v4 M0 s人在德国 社区Back at the guesthouse, Mr Yang told an old acquaintance, Mr Hui, that he had found an easy way to make money. The two men agreed to go into the body business together. Last November they sought out a prostitute they knew in nearby Yan’an — the city where Chairman Mao began his Communist revolution — but she threw them out after they said that they could not afford to pay her £20. They returned the next morning and killed her. rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de( w9 D( W5 r0 Q& \
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On December 3 they completed a similar body handover with Mr Li on the bridge. This time they made only £530 because the buyer was unhappy with the quality of the body and, after costs, Mr Yang and his two friends each earned £100 on that deal. / o$ `1 E* [! R. O, z8 g

+ d& Q  f: Y/ U- o3 n, [) e2 q! _6 Trs238848.rs.hosteurope.deOld Li had made a name for himself in Xixian county by selling clothes to outfit the dead and by handing out cards that offered to help families in need of a spirit marriage. They want young and good-looking dead brides for their sons and regard the family of the girl as “in-laws”. Police discovered that Mr Li paid between £530 and £660 for a body and sold it on for as much as £2,300.
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5 E9 p# l" x- _( Y人在德国 社区rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de; e( m3 _3 N5 |- u; h  O: d
Actors as ghost bride and bridegroom: parents who make a spirit marriage for sons regard the dead bride's family as in-laws (Bobby Yipby/Reuters)) H4 y2 i) p, K
rs238848.rs.hosteurope.de) g: y, q' a; V8 \' P( r3 Z

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[ 本帖最后由 日月光 于 2007-1-28 11:28 编辑 ]

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Actors as ghost bride and bridegroom

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